Thursday, September 15, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS J 2 Should we really think about many things, yes, but that will also require us learn about many things. It is said that while we sleep, our brain connects various things together and tries to make sense of the "jumble", but, then again we must allow "many things to enter our brain, and "making sense" will depend upon what we do allow our brains to gather. Otherwise as the old computer adage goes, "GIGO", garbage in garbage out, we must control what gets in our heads. And if that input is not monitored we could end up in serious trouble. The thought occurred to me, if we take a box and place two marbles inside, there are two things that we will discover, 1st there is only one possible connection between the two marbles , and 2nd that if we shake the box we can make a lot of noise. Now if we were to place say a hundred marbles in same box, the box will actually make less noise if shaken, and there will be a million possible ways to go from one marble to another, going thru the other marbles. More information making it possible not only to see the connections between "items", but seeing how the information relates. If we do not know this and understand that the price of Tucker Carlson's Sara Lee chicken dinner is affected both by the number of illegal aliens and the war in Ukraine we shouldn't be talking about the economy and the money. And the cost of diesel will go higher (possibly) this winter because the Russians have cut the supply of natural gas to Europe. But we do like to talk, and we do have "are own" "pinions" . I am not making light of anyone in particular, we generally talk about things with little understanding. We have professional "therapists", that know little about life, and lawyers and judges and the police, that don't know the laws. And it is the same in many professions. We have Yale and Harvard graduates that don't know the Constitution and members of Congress that could care less about what their job is. Well , I got badly distracted I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 15 SEPTEMBER 2022

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