Friday, September 16, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS K 1 Welcome to all those that have followed my "personal blog", Thank you. If you are new, I post something here on most days, I pin that post, till I write a new one, last few months I have also posted the link to the previous post in the comments. I welcome any and all criticism, comments and questions, and try to answer as many as I can, I am busy, but I have time. There arr two thoughts, and I always have more than one thought, sometimes many, as I tried to explain in the two previous posts. We think that we think for ourselves but we don't. And I can prove it to you all day. But that is not what I wanted to talk about tonight. But I will, sort of. We reject or accept ideas not only in what context they are presented but also by whom, if you don't like someone, for whatever reason, it is more difficult to accept their point of view, no matter how valid. Let's say you go to a car dealer and you see a car that you like, and you are getting a fair deal, it is more than likely that you will at least have some reservations if you don't like the salesman. It is difficult for us to see and evaluate an idea just on its own merits. We have seen this in discussions about "yoga" in schools, and we saw this when some people tried to post banners of " in God we trust" in Arabic. We have also seen people go against using the "Arabic" numerals. An idea should be accepted on its own merits and not the source, if we are honest. But our honesty is so limited that we can not, and we do not. Somethings in life are just simple, plain meaningless, and without reason, accept that. I have a post, a quote from Carl Sagan "nothing disturbs me more than the glorification of stupidity", the idea itself is not that unique, many people have said the same about our culture today, and it is true, yet people have commented about him being an atheist, or pointed out that the party that they oppose is full of idiots, well have fun, is all I can say. Our thought process is manipulated, I posted an item where a Disney employee was among 160 people arrested in a sex trafficking sting, many commented about that single Disney employee and nothing about the other 159, why? Were you really being fair? Then there were headlines about pillow guy having his phone taken at a Hardee's and Hardee's took the center stage, similarly an item about an employee of Chick-fil-A helping a car jacking victim and Chick-fil-A became the center of discussion for many. How do we perceive reality, really? We forget what is real, we ignore what is good, we are side tracked by the source and don't pay attention to the facts. What is of benefit here, what are we gathering? What do we put in our heads? Once again , I am not religious or claim to be pious, I have plenty of faults and shortcomings, but I am careful as to what goes in my head, MATTHEW 7:16 says You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? Should we learn to tell figs from the thistles? Or should we allow our minds to be so easily manipulated? And then the admonishment, Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 16 SEPTEMBER 2022

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