Saturday, September 24, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS K 4 My comments or writings are never meant to be personal attacks on anyone's feelings or preferences. But we do live in a society (among other people), "no man is an island" was never more applicable. Yes we do have choices, we have preferences, and most of us still live however we like. Yet we are also not immune to criticism and judgment of others, there are norms and there are exceptions, we cannot escape the judgment of others or the consequences of our choices. There are laws that allow people not to dispense morning after pills and there laws that state that one cannot be forced to pray, or recite the pledge of allegiance, and there are laws that allow establishments to refuse employment on basis of faith. Just because I am smart and good looking ( i am actually neither) to the point that people faint doesn't mean that everyone should faint at the presence of anyone that would like the people to faint at their presence. Just because I like something doesn't mean everyone else must. Similarly if I don't like something the world is not obligated to follow. We are grown ups, and we will have differences of opinions, nothing personal. There are differences of opinions, on all topics, there are differences of opinion on who had the right of way at a given time, if we take a stance of "stand your ground" in every instance, we fail at being a decent human being. No one hates a Narcissist more than another Narcissist. Just an idea. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 24 SEPTEMBER 2022

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