Wednesday, September 14, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS J1 I have had an interesting life, no, I am not going to bore you, or brag to you, I am just that. I have always been busy, mostly, but my mind has a mind of its own, usually thinking on twenty different things that I have come across, per chance or by study, I have had days and weeks of being busy without practically doing nothing at all. It gives you time to "contemplate". Contemplate is a big word, and contemplating is harder than you think. You try to focus, you try hard and the harder to try the less focused everything becomes. Think about it. Now if you dare go back to my writings over the last four, five years, you will find out more. Obviously you and I are not here to talk about that. I posted and article about the economy below, and I posted a link to my blog page from ten years ago, read both, read the two and see what has changed, actually nothing. We are deeper in debt and thus we have further to fall, you are welcome. We always congratulate ourselves as to how we are the richest country, we are this and we are that. I sorta let you know that I am not too bad off financially, unless the proverbial "excrement meet the rotating blades". ( I am more careful about my language now than I used to be). A Many today think they are well off, they have saved, they have assets, blah blah, still hard the people have no savings at all, I was reading an article, how to sell your "assets" to finance your retirement, of course you can get a reverse mortgage on your house, move to an apartment and such so when you die you leave nothing ( but you better vote against the estate tax if you want to go to heaven because the #Republicans are against the estate tax, you have zero assets but you are against the "carried interest tax", and such other taxes that will only apply to multi millionaires. But that is not news, we are accustomed to believing in lies, we are in a habit of agreeing with things we have no clue about, we are simple, we are easily fooled. Don't we belive that sending kids to school gets them educated, without parents being involved, even in their kids life when at home, let alone at school. Don't we also believe that having kids is more important than making sure that the kid will have food, and love and a home. Don't we believe that everything good is our work and everything wrong is the government's fault. We could go on though. BTW the government is trillions in debt, how much of that money is in your pocket? We should really be thinking about many things. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 14 SEPTEMBER 2022

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