Sunday, July 24, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS F 2 I am, therefore I think, I am full of it. It's been a month since last "RANDOM THOUGHTS", I'll post a link if I can find. "Choice is an illusion", we don't make choices, we are predictable, and anyway, when you are driving , and paying attention, hopefully, do you always think about when to hit the brake or you just do it, automatically? No you don't make a choice. You don't, now if you wish to hit that car in front of you do have to choose, but that decision was already made, long ago, you made that choice for other reasons. Future is fluid, it is not set in stone, you and I decide on what it will look like. (Barring the unknown consequences, or sometimes ignoring the known outcomes). The universe knows, however, "it is written", it knows what you will choose. There is no free will. Everything happens "now", the universe does not recognize our concept of time. And if one believes in a Supreme being, then that Supreme being again is not restricted by time, Everything is happening right now, there is no past, there is no future. Quantum mechanics is not restricted by space, every thing is everywhere. What future have you choosen? What does it look like, what are you doing there, are you happy with what you have done? What does "your" world look like? Can you live with it? I don't have heros, idols, I am not a fan of anyone. Typically if you have a "hero", you try to emulate them, if you think you like "John Wick", pretty sure you fantasize about being "him". If it is Rambo, you want to be like Rambo. But what if you claim to have a Saint for a hero? A prophet maybe? What qualities of him/her do you like? How much you behave or act like them? Do you? By the time you realize that your foot is on the brake, the car is already braking, the car computer acts faster than your brain. Nothing is easier than feeling "morally superior" than by telling others to act morally. There are 613 commandments. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 24 JULY 2022

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