Monday, July 11, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 184 A It is almost midnight, again, I always (there is no such thing as always, or never, trust me), write close to midnight, so the date at the bottom is either the present date or the tomorrow's date. I write into the future, you see, even you the reader are in the future from where you started reading this post. We always live in the "future" the past over with each word that you read. Every word you read is in the past as you read it. I am seventy years in to future from my birth. We reminisce about the past, and we don't know anything about the future. What did you know about today thirty years ago, what you had predicted, you are living it now right? We don't know what the future will be, even when we think what it will be like is a mere wishful thinking. Then we talk about how great the things were in the days of yore. Really, what was so good about the days of yore that you want to go back to, how many days of the past were so great? Before you were married, before you had the kids, a bigger house, a boat may be, before you had a newer car, back when you had a time paying the bills, how many days were really great? I listen to the stories of the people of my age, it is always the same ten, fifteen or thirty stories, over fifty or even seventy years, rest of the days were either mundane or days of struggles. Are you an exception? Probably not, think! We have two lives, most of us do, one about a real day to day life, and the other that is a pure fantasy where all the bad is excluded and all the good is illuminated, extra bright. If only our lives were so perfect. So you want to change the world? So what is keeping you? Man has tried for eons, may be this is your turn, it is your time. Did you read the last post? I will put the link in the comments. Our problem is that we want to change the world in our own image, we want the things only the way that we like, no room for anyone else, no other ideas. That also is not new, over time all systems fail, over time, all ideas show their flaws, we search for perfection in an imperfect world, because we are imperfect ourselves. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 11 JUNE 2022

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