Monday, July 11, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 184 B I was talking to Rick today, is younger than I, not much but. I finally figured out why I am always tired. I need 8 hours of sleep but I usually get up after 6 or 6 and half hours to go to bathroom and can't go back to sleep. So I need a nap or I am tired. I used to go days, weeks even in two to three hours of sleep, back then we didn't have energy drinks either. I have been married for 36 years, my eldest daughter has been married for five. I am a bit over 7 years older than my wife, John's parents are younger, his father is just under 65 and his mom much younger, both my wife and I and John's parents were married on the same day in 1986. (We didn't know eachother till the kids were married. Today, I seldom see a couple in their fifties, and sometimes in their forties that has not been married three times, has not had kids with more than one partner, I am not judging, it is just how it is, no one bats an eye. What effect it has on the kids, on the family family finances, who cares, go see a therapist. Half of the nation has a therapist the other half needs one still. We have learned to make excuses to justify our bad behavior, and no one is guilty. I am not saying that I hadn't been a bad boy, always single , GI, good career, young, whatever, I had a good time, I also learned a few things, from watching, experimenting. We could always talk about the costs of such "freedoms", I even wrote an essay about it years ago, how much such "freedom" costs in dollars and cents. You should read it, ask me for that link. But we are Americans, and we set the trends that the world follows. We establish the culture of the world. But since we are Americans, we know how to calculate the GDP. Everything we do adds to our GDP, someone gets killed, someone goes to jail, someone has an STD, doesn't matter, it counts, it adds to the gross domestic product of the country. Remember the cost of a funeral, cost of treating a bullet wound, help for the disabled, overtime for the police, the pay of a nurse, the cost of paying a judge, a coroner, the settlement of a lawsuit against police misconduct, the profits of drug company, they all count in the GDP, we have created an economic miracle, everyone can be a millionaire, or die trying. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 11 JULY 2022

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