Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rihanna and the Reality of Abuse


Rihanna and the Reality of Abuse

comments on an npr show

A timely show since I had already commented today about the teen suicide , below, we need to learn to connect the dots.

It is ironic, the same psychologists and anthropoligists that call the multiple relations of couples as the normal human behavior and thenature are shocked and surprised that the beating up women is also instinctive and natural, especially if a woman is agressive or independent. When a woman gets out of line she is beaten, be it in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan or an African country or the United States, no matter how we try to sound and be different. Sexual violance is the cost of “sexual freedom”. Obsession, possession, harrassment, stalking, call it what you may is a part and parcel of the sexual freedoms that we want to enjoy. You can not oout law human nature. Ancients tried to cordon the human behavior with establishment of silly little guidelines like, one man one woman, no coveting,no adultery, and damn sure no “dating”, no boy griends and girl friends. But what did they know?

I did not get to hear the whole show today, did any one mention the female teen suicide after her sexted nudie was shared by her ex -bf,

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