
Sunday, August 14, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS H1 This is probably out of my usual sequence, I don't have a particular sequence. I said earlier, that I had been sick, actually I had a "prostate biopsy" at 70 they just give you one, I guess, I will know the results first of the week. At the same time this platform decided that I am too naughty and "suspended" me. In other words I was in jail. I didn't much feel like writing lengthy articles anyway. It was a funny meme a friend hadposted, sitting among pile of dollars, with a caption "if I had a dollar for everytime I cussed", I made a comment back, something to do with I'll still beat your #$$", of course the AI considered my comment to be "promoting violence and my protest was rejected. American English is so hard to follow for someone working faraway for $200 a month in a foriegn country, but that is how we get things done, right! Surely this essay could meet the same fate. Just in case my two backup sites are And 1TOMBSTONE2.WORDPRESS.COM Nothing personal. We are who we are, longtime ago Shakespeare said, " 'All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players' ", . I have discussed this phrase before too. Here is a little different twist. I had said that we actually write our own part in the drama, I was so wrong, really and absolutely. Writing our own part means that we make our own choices, we really don't. Today so many of us, in our own culture and even worldwide, believe that we are free, we make our own choices, and yet we do not, think about it, we are not "free" , we do not make "most" of our choices, we are flailing and failing, trying to make the best of any given situation that is thrown our way. "Freedom" is phrase that gets thrown around, mostly by those that want to do whatever they want, so long that "those others" don't do whatever it is that they would like. In the long run though, taking away freedoms from others requires that we give up some of our own rights and freedoms also. It really does. We should think about it. This phenomenon is worldwide today. Everyone is more interested in imposing their own "priorities" in others. Just look at the vegans that want to ban animal products. Have you seriously thought about any of it though? Let me get back, for now, to who we are? We didn't chose the family, the country, the economic status, the race, religion, the intelligence level (yes we can modify this only somewhat) so there is nothing there to be proud of. We do not get to chose if and when we want to work or not, heck we don't even get to chose (mostly) as to what we wear to work, or what road we must take to go to work, school or a restaurant, so not that free after all. We don't get to choose where we sleep, try sleeping in a park someday just for kicks, or use the bathroom in public. Just quit your school, or job, or cancel your insurance. We are FREE aren't we, or are we? Let's talk. M. N. R. 14 AUGUST 2022

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