
Friday, August 05, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOW AMERICANS ARE PLAYED 13d I know, I am pretty bad about myself. So maybe someone here will explain things to me and show me where I am going wrong. We become so impressed with our opinions that facts no longer matter to us, and we reject any facts or evidence that mat show us to be wrong, so I myself may be guilty of the same. Earlier, I posted a quote form the show "Dr. Who about some people not being willing to change their opinions. Yesterday, I posted a quote from the movie "Inception" about planting and idea and letting it grow. Ironically, it is the people that will talk about M K Ultra and the Kennedy assassination conspiracy that also reject any idea that thoughts and ideologies can and are being manipulated. It is the people, on either side that believe that only the "other side" that are manipulated while the truth is that both sides are. Whether you believe that "George Soros" is the Lucifer incarnate, or that the world is being run by the aliens, the Lizard people and the Illuminati, we are all subject to suggestions. And when the "think tanks" are being paid by the billionaires to promote their particular brand of "thoughts" we are all subject to be used. The "think tanks" by definition are there to come up with a particular type of idea, their reason to exist is to spread a particular "thought". We all know that the "money" is not real, yet we want to fight over money. And no matter what you profess to be your ultimate goal, you in your heart already know that it is about money. And the money is not real. I have a few acres of land, Bill Gates owns 240,000 acres, China owns 190,000 acres in the US. I am using these numbers just for fun, what you and can say or do is almost immaterial, but we can play along. If you and I have the same ideology or we are on the opposing sides is also immaterial anymore. The Lizard people are playing to win I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 05 AUGUST 2022

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