
Wednesday, August 31, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE 23 It is not new, for over fifteen years I have blogged about society's ill, I have offered solutions (suggestions) simple and without extra costs. Not that anyone cares. The politicians, the media, the preachers and the sociologists don't want to solve problems, there is no money it. Having problems creates jobs and makes all these hustlers look like they are doing something when they are not, while we look at the looters and the arsonists, we need to also look at the politicians, the bankers and corporations and their cohorts. While we are looking at BLM we need to look at ALEC, the "Citizens United" and the Supreme Court and their role in the destruction of society and social order. For over fifteen some odd years, I have provided suggestions, but both sides want to take all and give nothing. Each side bribing the hapless poor with promises of riches while the rob they country blind. Why not, liberals and conservatives depend on their base to keep them in power, the base of either side is poor, uneducated and beyond stupid. Yes, poor under educated dopes that have no idea what they are rooting for, but they are happy that their side will be able to give them more free money. If blacks kill more balcks ,then whites kill more whites, if blacks are on assistance, many more whites are on assistance, if blacks are crack heads, whites are meth heads, if whites are racists there are blacks that are even more so. Stupidity is a competition both sides don't want to lose. What political party, political leader, what religious leader has ever campaigned for people to mind their ways, to educate themselves, to create their own after school programs, to learn more, to take care of their families, what media promotes personal responsibility, what church. To stop stealing, to give up booze and drugs. It is all about money. I posted first time about police militarization and increase in police abuse back in 2006. I said giving military equipment to police makes them feel like an occupation force, I said hiring veterans for police work is dangerous, the have a war like mindset, with disastrous results. But the government and the politicians didn't want to see it that way. It was jobs for the veterans, no matter the price that the communities paid. I said sexualizing young people will take them away from getting an education, I was deemed old fashioned and backwards. But we see the results. If the poor whites had anything in else life to brag about , they would be a little less racist. And the poor black, what do they have, nothing but empty pride and an attitude. Both whites and blacks ( and others) walk around with their heads in the air, dressed up like fools in any country. No jobs, no money, no education, what did you expect. It is a vicious cycle, poverty, teen sex, teen pregnancy, white or black, you cant get a job because you have no qualifications, you can't get a job if you have a record, bit who is smart enough to see that. No one told you that education could get you out of poverty, so you sell drugs, do petty crimes, do time, you can't get a job. And racism is real, an unqualified white has a better chance of getting a job then an underqualified white, this is how it is. A white felon can get iob, a bank loan, a black felon, what are the chances. Why arr not the leaders telling them to get it right instead beg for mana from heaven, or Washington DC. It is not just racism, look at uneducated blacks and their treatment of otherwise well meaning whites that are allowing themselves to be humiliated for no reason, creating scenes that only reinforce the fears of the racists. Both sides ar playing a game blindly, no one knows the rules, there are no rules, everyone loses. Can we do without the police, heck no, should we allow the police to commit abuses, including rape, murder and torture, heck no. Should the police be allowed to act like the mafia enforcers heck no. There has to be a higher standard. We have seen that the police can not be trusted with the big boy toys, not to disarm or dismantle the police, we need to get there feet back on the ground, #America is not a war zone, our streets and neighborhoods are not kill boxes. The police have shown repeatedly that human lifes don't matter to them, white or black, and that torture of civilians is not acceptable. I have been talking about our national sense of unearned privilege, it is on all sides, black, white, rich, poor, educated and the illiterate everyone thinks the need to be respected, they need to be paid attention to, they are number one, we all are losers. When we talk about the corrupt politicians we forget that we elected them to promote our own corrupt agendas. Follow along on my page if you will, there is a lot more to follow. I am against reparations, but I am for creating jobs, bringing industry and trade to all poor and minority areas, I am for giving money to after school trades or training programs, but I am against giving money to people just for making babies , I am for social responsibility, for parents to be involved in education of their children, but I am against giving social security and disability money to people that self destruct with drug and alcohol abuse. I am for higher wages and for lower welfare payments. There is much more , the problem of police abuse will not go away overnight, but saying that police will reform themselves without laws that hold them accountable and city, state and county commissioners will reform the police that are being used to generate funds for the government is foolish. Police and the DA and the judges are all together responsible for the police over reach. We have seen that with Kamla Harris, and Amy Klobuchar. M. N. R. 13 JUNE 2020

Tuesday, August 30, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 189 A I am old man, I know, my doctor told me that when he did my prostate biopsy 2 weeks ago. I used to be younger! Back in the 1990s and 2000s, I used to listen to talk radio, Rush, Hannity, Savage, all of them, most of the day was in talk radio, then I did switch back between NPR and talk radio, I love rock and roll, but also classical music, take my mind off. All three of my kids are fans of NPR, even though two of three are pretty much conservative. I never tell them where they get their views from. I am two thirds conservative myself, but I do place the #Constitution and the Country above my politics. We all MUST. I am against welfare as it is being done today, I am against housing vouchers, I am against lack education standards, and I am against using teachers as counselors and baby sitters. Pre-K is BS, pay the workers better wages to hire baby sitters or provide childcare as part of employment benefits. Three months before I turned 60 I had a minor stroke, then three months after I turned 60 I had a second, another minor one, I am fine, thank you, they have affected me but you wouldn't notice, my speech is slightly slurred, but totally understandable, I have minor paralysis on my face but you wouldn't notice, I have a slight limp on the right side. I turned off the radio in my truck and in my car, no more talk radio, NPR occasionally for classical music, , but generally no, I don't listen to or watch the news, I do keep up with the headlines, all the time. Does a puppet know that it is a puppet? You know it acts according to the masters whims, or should I say reacts. It is happy, it is angry, it is sad, it fights as the master commands. May be the puppet does think it is free. How though? The puppeteer knows how to make the puppet react, just a slight nudge, just a wave of the hand, and the word that come out of the puppet's mouth are actually the words of the puppeteer. I will leave it here for you to think about it, please let me hear from you also, your comments and criticism are appreciated. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 30 AUGUST 2022

Sunday, August 28, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 188 B I never say that I am right in what I say, I only present my points of view, what I believe, what I think, it is not set in stone. I started as a mechanic in the Army, I was "Honor Graduate" in my class, I took the Virgina GED exam, I was in 93 percentile, from there I worked in Armor, then in engineers, the I went to Air Traffic control school and was selected to be turn around instructor, which means that I was good enough the day I graduated to actually start teaching the same subject without any field experience. When I received my Master's in Psychology and started working in the field, I saw how some clients had learned a few words (some definitions) and tried to use those phrases as a way to express themselves and to impress the "counselors". They would use the words as if they knew what they really meant. I always say that most everything in life is connected to something (everything) else. I have even said that the murder rate is connected to the so called sexual freedom, and child abuse and neglect also. But we are not going there. As I said the last time, we seem to think that we know everything there is to know, and that we understand the nuances, but that is improbable at best. We don't know everything, but we still have "opinions" that for us are set in stone, we are infallible! Right! Left or right, we have the same attitude, about everything, could be that we are wrong? Could it be that we are misled, on purpose? Do we ever doubt ourselves? We live in an age (era) of choices, and sadly we have been told that having too many choices is actually worse than having fewer choices, there is always that doubt that maybe we have made a wrong choice (even in relationships) there always that "buyer's remorse", that we could have done better. We have choices, so we doctor shop, ask for second opinions, there are ten thousand "diets", 50,000 self help books, there are different versions of history, heck there are different versions of the Bible even, you can choose a different church, or you can replace the "preacher" if you don't like what he says. Our politics is not about what is good for the country or the society or even democracy, we are just self involved, selfish, if I don't like it I can burn the place down, and so on, it is all about me, it is always about me. And our politicians know this. They don't want to save the country, just their seat, just their power. What you want to hear? Yes I am talking about student loan forgiveness. I WILL WRITE MORE M. N. R. 28 AUGUST 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 188 A Like I said already, writing about "student loan forgiveness" and worse being in support of it was gonna cause a headache, I wasn't disappointed, and thank you to all that commented, both for and against. Nothing new, if you have been reading my writings for a few weeks or a few years, you know I take a jaundiced view of reality, of truth. My writings wander, not because I can't think straight but because I try to see how things are connected in life. When we talk about student loans, we are not just talking about higher education for some unqualified student for some lousy subject. We are talking about the class warfare, talking about personal responsibility, talking about the big money involvement in higher education and scams that banks and the universities and colleges are involved in. How the system enslaves the young, how low wages keep the graduates in bandage, even for life and more. (And that is just for starters). Another thing we must understand is this, as I posted, this one time "relief" is a bandaid for the "sucking chest wound" that is the "system of higher education, the scam perpetrated on the young Americans continues, there is a brand new crop of victims starting a new year in collage as we speak, they will all be in the same boat, spending their futures tied to debts they cannot pay, cannot discharge and many will die still owing more than they originally borrowed. Biden has dome nothing to change this reality, no one is doing anything, " there is no help for the poor student" that may wish to advance in life. Getting a degree is just half the struggle, if one doesn't have good connections, good family friends, good contacts getting a job that pays fair for person of "poor family" background is difficult. If there were no darkness, you wouldn't need a light, you wouldn't even know that light even existed. Suddenly, we see all that is wrong with student loan forgiveness, actually there is nothing right, since it doesn't address the root cause of the problem. I posted, a short while ago, articles about the high cost of medical care, (insured people's inability to pay medical debt) of course the solution is to take out a home equity loan, problem solved, actually it exposes a major problem, that people are unable to pay their medical bills even when they are insured. Welcome. We are smart people, if you are following this page , I assume that you are actually knowledgeable, and involved in the future and the welfare and well-being of this country, and not just that you are also concerned about the future of the globe and humanity. We are all in the same boat, if we are not careful we could lose our freedom, we could also lose our humanity. I am not a religious person, I am not a pious person, I don't even claim to be a moral person, I do study "ancient texts", and learn things, I try to follow what I learn. But do we know everything? We believe that there is a Supreme being that knows all, I am not that, I am sure you are not also, if you were you would not be on the internet, you would have better things to do. Yes we are still on the topic of Biden forgiving 10,000 for students, mind you not the rich ones, not the doctors and the lawyers and the Wallstreet bankers, but some average Joe (pun intended), working at a bar or at McDonald's drive thru with his Bachelor's in philosophy. I put myself through college with my military service, I also put my three children through college on my own, my kids are not getting "free money", their college is paid. I WILL WRITE MORE. I PROMISE M. N. R. 28 AUGUST 2022

Wednesday, August 24, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 187 B Earlier today I posted "IT IS THE HARDEST THING FOR US TO ADMIT THAT WE ALL LIVE IN OUR OWN FANTASY WORLD." M. N. R. It is the truth, like it or not, we build up our fantasy world for a myriad of reasons, survival usually being the first. But survival is not the only reason. Now many will argue that I am wrong, and I will say, no, and I have shown this time and time again that "a reality" as such doesn't exist, you can never prove to anyone that your "reality" exists. There are theories, in physics and psychology and some "philosophies" as to what we may consider to be real, but is it? Physics, psychology and philosophies all break down to randomness at some point, which means that reality also is "random" at best, your reality is as made up as mine is, as anyone else's is. (This page keeps losing followers, I am sure many do not like some of my posts, just because these do not live up to their fantasies, but it is what it is not many of us can handle the truth, not even in the #scriptures). One can think of a food and literally "taste" it, think of mother's touch and actually "feel", we always imagine someone being in love with us, and most of us have had " wet dreams" that were "real", so what is "real", it's a good question. We know and understand the laws of "nature" (as in physics) that don't apply at the quantum level, so are the "laws of physics" real? What is "reality", really? The philosophies too, we can deny any thought, no matter how valid, we turn the truth on its head to fit our purpose, mistranslate any idea. And still believe that we are being "real", we insist that our "lies" are the only truth. Think about it! Two days ago I made a post where "turning point USA" (a conservative site of an election denier, that mischaracterises the video evidence of certain incident) actually used a quote from Ricky Gervais about "feelings overruling the facts". Talk about living in your own fantasy. I am sure this will upset many to know that "feelings overuling the facts" is actually neccessary for our survival. Just as a fish cannot survive in the freshest air, most of us are only comfortable in our own reality. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, FOLLOW THE PAGE M. N. R. 24 AUGUST 2022

Friday, August 19, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS H3 No I didn't forget to write, I didn't stop thinking either, what to say next? Where to? What time is it? Or do you care? We waste our lives in pursuit of fantasies, isn't that what the "commercials" tell us. You can always "be yourself" but only by being like everyone else. We are independent but we want to be liked by everyone also. We don't care what everyone else thinks, since we must think like everyone else "to fit in", to be accepted". And all we have is "now", the past is changeable, the future is unpredictable, there are no guarantees. But we search keep searching for our own personal "holy grail". Oh yes, we have plans, how we get there, we have it all mapped out, yet we don't want to leave the road that we are on already, we can't, can we? We are doomed? May be. We are doomed because of our own foolishness, our own greed. Our own "needs", the commercials tell us what we really need, always, the "must haves" so we can be socially accepted. BTW, Opinions included. One more thing for tonight, the people that are the most worried about "population decline" also would like to kill everyone else. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 19 AUGUST 2022

Tuesday, August 16, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS H2 ALL TRUTHS ARE BUT HALF TRUTHS ! I get tired of listening to people about genders. Is that all we humans are about? What defines us a human being really? Why all this focus on "identity" , so much so that we forget what we are here for. We forget their are things more important in life, and you think we are not being conned, not be sidetracked and waylaid by these distractions you need to reevaluate your priorities in life. Who are we, we used t be defined by our personal qualities, honor, honesty, judgement, knowledge, righteousness, our love of others, care for our community, our neighbors and so on. Even the mobsters took care of families, fed the hungry, and supported their communities. Times have changed. Our standards have changed. There are no boundaries, except those that we wish to impose on others. I, personally, don't care if you are a racist or a bigot at heart, keep it yourself, don't flaunt it as a badge of honor, nor should you flaunt your straightness or gayness, it makes you useless only. Most of us "know" (I use the term "know" loosely) , what is an apple as opposed to what is a banana. If one were tasked to make a list of what defines an apple or a banana, one could make a list, as comprehensive as one wished, if ten or a hundred people were tasked with the same, I sure their list will be more than just similar. But life is not that simple is it? And is not really about gender confusion or about "personal identity". We all think we know what we are talking about, we know the differences, or do we? Really! Let's get away from gender, or even apples and bananas, are we sure we always "know the difference"? We don't, even in the best of circumstances our own thoughts on things are fuzzy and confused, most of the time, we have opinions that we have no idea about. Let's say I asked to make a list of qualities that make a person a good person, or what is a crime and what is not, (do it, please, I won't ask you for your answers). Can you do it, can you make such a list and say this is my list and it is good and true in all and every situation. Is lying okay? When and how? Is it wrong in all situations? Is it okay to cheat on your partner? Is it wrong in all situations, are there exceptions? How about stealing, bribery, political corruption? It is not simple now, or is it? We pretend to be moral when it is convenient, we lie when it serves our purpose, and our so called "leaders" know that . You and I can complain about those that can not tell the difference between a "male" and a "female", but do we, ourselves, know the difference between right and wrong? If the genders are absolute, then what about morals and crimes, and guilt and honor. Don't answer this, it is just a thought exercise, we need some practice. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 17 AUGUST 2022

Sunday, August 14, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS H1 This is probably out of my usual sequence, I don't have a particular sequence. I said earlier, that I had been sick, actually I had a "prostate biopsy" at 70 they just give you one, I guess, I will know the results first of the week. At the same time this platform decided that I am too naughty and "suspended" me. In other words I was in jail. I didn't much feel like writing lengthy articles anyway. It was a funny meme a friend hadposted, sitting among pile of dollars, with a caption "if I had a dollar for everytime I cussed", I made a comment back, something to do with I'll still beat your #$$", of course the AI considered my comment to be "promoting violence and my protest was rejected. American English is so hard to follow for someone working faraway for $200 a month in a foriegn country, but that is how we get things done, right! Surely this essay could meet the same fate. Just in case my two backup sites are And 1TOMBSTONE2.WORDPRESS.COM Nothing personal. We are who we are, longtime ago Shakespeare said, " 'All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players' ", . I have discussed this phrase before too. Here is a little different twist. I had said that we actually write our own part in the drama, I was so wrong, really and absolutely. Writing our own part means that we make our own choices, we really don't. Today so many of us, in our own culture and even worldwide, believe that we are free, we make our own choices, and yet we do not, think about it, we are not "free" , we do not make "most" of our choices, we are flailing and failing, trying to make the best of any given situation that is thrown our way. "Freedom" is phrase that gets thrown around, mostly by those that want to do whatever they want, so long that "those others" don't do whatever it is that they would like. In the long run though, taking away freedoms from others requires that we give up some of our own rights and freedoms also. It really does. We should think about it. This phenomenon is worldwide today. Everyone is more interested in imposing their own "priorities" in others. Just look at the vegans that want to ban animal products. Have you seriously thought about any of it though? Let me get back, for now, to who we are? We didn't chose the family, the country, the economic status, the race, religion, the intelligence level (yes we can modify this only somewhat) so there is nothing there to be proud of. We do not get to chose if and when we want to work or not, heck we don't even get to chose (mostly) as to what we wear to work, or what road we must take to go to work, school or a restaurant, so not that free after all. We don't get to choose where we sleep, try sleeping in a park someday just for kicks, or use the bathroom in public. Just quit your school, or job, or cancel your insurance. We are FREE aren't we, or are we? Let's talk. M. N. R. 14 AUGUST 2022

Friday, August 05, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOW AMERICANS ARE PLAYED 13d I know, I am pretty bad about myself. So maybe someone here will explain things to me and show me where I am going wrong. We become so impressed with our opinions that facts no longer matter to us, and we reject any facts or evidence that mat show us to be wrong, so I myself may be guilty of the same. Earlier, I posted a quote form the show "Dr. Who about some people not being willing to change their opinions. Yesterday, I posted a quote from the movie "Inception" about planting and idea and letting it grow. Ironically, it is the people that will talk about M K Ultra and the Kennedy assassination conspiracy that also reject any idea that thoughts and ideologies can and are being manipulated. It is the people, on either side that believe that only the "other side" that are manipulated while the truth is that both sides are. Whether you believe that "George Soros" is the Lucifer incarnate, or that the world is being run by the aliens, the Lizard people and the Illuminati, we are all subject to suggestions. And when the "think tanks" are being paid by the billionaires to promote their particular brand of "thoughts" we are all subject to be used. The "think tanks" by definition are there to come up with a particular type of idea, their reason to exist is to spread a particular "thought". We all know that the "money" is not real, yet we want to fight over money. And no matter what you profess to be your ultimate goal, you in your heart already know that it is about money. And the money is not real. I have a few acres of land, Bill Gates owns 240,000 acres, China owns 190,000 acres in the US. I am using these numbers just for fun, what you and can say or do is almost immaterial, but we can play along. If you and I have the same ideology or we are on the opposing sides is also immaterial anymore. The Lizard people are playing to win I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 05 AUGUST 2022

Thursday, August 04, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOW AMERICANS ARE PLAYED 13c If you are actually reading this, I hope you read the whole article, thank you. If you read any of any of my earlier writings also, I hope you found them interesting. If you are new here, I hope you will give it a shot and stick around, you may or may not even like what I say, may not even agree, let's talk. Recently, once again, I have been talking about how we are being manipulated and how we allow ourselves to be manipulated, we choose what and whom we want "listen to" but no matter, we get fooled. There was a recent "experiment", some painted white circles around self driving car and confused the program so much that the car wouldn't exit the circle. So what if we programmed a chip do certain tasks, does the chip "itself" actually understand that it has been programmed, and recently that it had no "memory" just a few seconds ago? And if the chip is programmed do a few tasks, can it do something it is not programmed to do. What if there is a brain in a jar, and s we install certain memories in that brain, let's say even a "whole past", will the brain "know" that it actually did not "have a past". It is complicated. Sometimes I know I keep repeating myself, for over twenty years I have been trying to explain how the game is being played, but it seems that we as a people have already gone too far. Two days ago I posted about a murder case, just down the road from me, it was about a 25 year old girl being murdered by her abusive boyfriend, maybe there were drugs involved, but is a moot point also. The man had a lengthy history of abuse, especially in his relationships, he had been in prison for domestic violence before. I said that the girl should have never been involved with that guy. I was "attacked" by my "liberal" friends for "blaming" the victim, and more. So I said, if the guy had broken into a house and had been shot and killed by the homeowner, you would have blamed the homeowner for killing the guy because the guy had grown up in an abusive household himself and was abused as a child, so. Well, it didn't go well. We think in narrow lanes, in predictable ways, no matter the issue we always have the same answers, we cam not think on our own. We choose who brainwashes us, we do. And the people are paid good money to make sure that we stay in a rut, stay in our lane, keep the blinders on. And we oblige. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 04 AUGUST 2022

Tuesday, August 02, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOW AMERICANS ARE PLAYED 13b I don't know how I got here. With every breath that I take, everyday, every minute, I know I am closer to death, not self pity here, we all are, we have been dying from the moment we're born. We just know not to focus on it. But we should. How we waste time, waiting for the time to get off work. Waiting for the weekend, waiting for the "markets" to open, waiting to buy, waiting to sell. Waiting to get married, waiting get that divorce. What is the meaning of life, we don't have time to think about it. Most of us anyway, we wait to get to work so we can wait to get off work, wait to get paid so we can pay the bills, and spend that pay check on some stuff that some working stiff, just like us made, as they waited to get to work, to wait to get off work so they can wait to get paid so they can pay their bills and so on. Cycle of life. They warned us, they showed us how life is, how life will be, but we were too busy to to care. A cog in the wheel doesn't have time to stop and contemplate the nuances. We make money, however we can, lie, cheat steal, rob, bribe, corrupt, beat up someone, legally or illegally, torture, murder, use abuse, legally or illegally, definitions don't matter, we define our own reality. When offered a choice, most of us choose "the Blue pill". The dream continues. Why all this? We humans no longer exist as "humans", write down what you honestly think a human "would be" and no compare yourself to that list. Surprise! Just be honest, I know, it is impossible. May be we need a different matrix to justify ourselves. We have that our economic model is subject to fail, you didn't know? How can we "consume" ourselves into prosperity. But we took the "blue pill" and believed it anyway. We ignored the basic facts. We can pollute the land and the oceans and the fresh water and also live longer and healthier lives. We believed it. We can have bigger cars, bigger homes, air conditioning and air travel without any harm. Oh yes. And we can also have an environment full of radiation and be healthier for it. We can sit or lie down and play video games or binge watch "reality shows", and have happier families. And we bought into all of it. And when we didn't Ike what happened, we called it a conspiracy. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 02 AUGUST 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOW AMERICANS ARE PLAYED 13a I didn't write the past couple of nights. It is so easy for me to sit down and start writing on just about any topic you can imagine, probably even about something I know very little about. I read. I research, I think, I connect the dots, how things are related. How things are intertwined. You and I. Both if us have seen this, take a hand full of paper clips and put then in a bowl, leave them there for a bit then start taking them out one by one , you will notice that those clips are tangled, you can try the same with lengths of yarn for the same result. We may be different people, in our town, state, country and the world. Our lives are intertwined, our futures and our fortunes are co-mingled, whether we like it or not. Recently there was a headline, as the Euro drops and the European epoxies slow down, the profits of the American corporations will take hit. And as the war in Ukraine has shown, we are having food shortages, we will have fewer animals to raise for meat. Simple enough. For the past sixty years or more US has also influenced the culture around the globe, the movies, the video games, the TV shows, and music, we set the pace. Heck there are Arab and Afghan rappers, there are Korean soap operas and Pakistani game shows. Christmas in Japan and Christmas I'm Arab countries, Valentines day in Kuwait and Iraq. It is not just the culture, it is also the economy, the food, the cars, pick an item, the real estate price go up and down in unison almost. We rule. We also can not separate ourselves. Our navies and air forces reach around the globe. We can not build a wall big enough, and what will we do with all our military might if we turned inwards, if we left the UN, if we disbanded NATO, what will happen to the Military Industrial complex, and the related jobs, the contracts, the factories, think! Before I go further, let me explain a few things, maybe you are new to my page. Stay with me. This article will be a long one, it may take me a few days yet to finish, please stay and follow, even if you get angry, please share. Nothing that is going on in world today, or in our country (The USA) is news, it was always designed and planned and the plan continues. The outcome is known and predictable, it is already predicted. No matter what side you are on, what road you take, what plan you follow, we end up in the same place, regardless. There have been "warnings" , we have been told what the plan is and how it is being implemented, we just "didn't see it coming", but we did and ignored it, I will explain. I started calling into talk radio shows around 27, 28 years ago, and questioning, I wrote to congressmen and the presidents, I wrote in the local newspapers, asking questions, I questioned the DA, the police chiefs, then I blogged, and the I started a "page" that was barred, I started another page. I questioned. I wanted to know the truth, the truth was always there. The media and the books have been hinting at what is happening, how we are being manipulated, how we are fed lies, we knew, we didn't want to know,, I will give evidence. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 02 AUGUST 2022