
Saturday, September 27, 2008


Why is the United States congress and the president so desperately trying to give away the country to the bankers? Do we not know that there is six trillion dollars in cash on the sidelines, held by the same entities that we are trying to bail out?

The reason that the scam is working because the American populace is brain dead to say the least, they don't know the facts and they don't know any better, the stupid [people are being told that the sky will fall if the bankers are not bribed with another seven hundred billion dollars of American tax payers money, that businesses will not be able to meet the payrolls and other stupid crap.

The fact is that there is money, only that you have to have a solid business plan and solid credit, I have personally borrowed fifty thousand dollars within last six months, and bought two vehicles in last two months.

On the other hand we are past due for a recession and a recession is needed to wake people up to the reality of capitalism, to ups and downs of the markets, the more we manage to have one the worse it will be when it arrives.

The rich are not worried about your welfare and mine. This a scam, now they are talking about credit markets freezing up and a need for anew cycle of tax cuts, show me what the last three tax cuts have accomplished. All we have done is to move the industries over seas and opened more McDonalds and Star Bucks, worth less jobs where you can spend the money uncle Sam has borrowed on your behalf, may be more malls, more oppertunities for you to get deeper in debt.

America is about to be reamed again, why Mr Bush, why Nancy Pelosi, why are we turning The USA in to another Bengla Desh run by the money, for the money, with politicians and their honors for sale.

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