
Friday, September 26, 2008




Who says that Mr. Bush is the only highly functioning moron in Washington DC. ( Paul Bagala did). But apparently there is no shortage of highly functioning idiots in this nation of ours.

First take the investors on the Wall Street, all those highly functioning idiots have been making money for years , so they got so cocky they started to buy pure horse manure in the hope of making money. Well have we not all seen the movies where some crook is paid off in sacks of news paper clippings? But now we have the US Government stepping in to buy up these. And who comes out at the head of the line to put the money of the United States in the hands of the Wall Street in exchange for the proverbial horse manure but those highly functioning idiots of the other party the Democrats.

If the goal of a con game is to urge or to trick someone in to doing something really stupid, this con is working like a charm. Eight years of Wall Street greed and fiscal mismanagement of the Bush administration and who is ready to sell her virginity to save them but the Democrat Party, what a deal. I knew selling ones virginity was about to become the new vogue but did not know that the Democrat party would be the next in line to carry on the new tradition.

I believe that Obama and Reed and Pelosi mean well, they claim they don’t want to see the people getting hurt. But the reality is that the fix is already in, bail out or not the economy will suffer, with the increase of seven hundred billion dollars in the deficit, the dollar will fall, the interest rates will still go up, real estate values will still fall as the air will still be going out of the housing bubble and the securities that the government will be receiving will decline further in value. Housing will remain slow for a while still, so spending this seven hundred billion will only do harm to the United States. Keep the money for the day when it really hits the fan as it still will.

There are solutions for the fix we are in, not easy not nice and not palatable but we have created the mess and we must clean it up, raise taxes, increase capital gains taxes with the only offset allowed for investment in factories and creating of jobs in the United States. Encourage and support public transportation. Reduce spending , mostly in section eight housing payments and payments for children on welfare, people should not be making babies to get the benefits reduce Medicaid. There is yet more on my blog.

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