
Friday, April 18, 2008




So what, they are Mormons, and we don’t like them because they are weird. Is that it? For once in a longtime I find myself agreeing with Mike Savage, almost totally. Why did the Texas authorities raid the compound of the polygamist, are we not the nation with the religious liberties, if not then who has the authority to set the religious standards of acceptability.

Personally I have always been, and I do mean “always”, because I Am like that, against the polygamy, I was sickened by the rare practice and the abuse of it in Pakistan, and then totally disgusted by how it was practiced in Saudi Arabia where one of the kings reportedly had one hundred and fifty one wives, Idi Amin’s wives were supposedly counted into thousands. Polygamy, as it is practiced world wide is usually demeaning and disrespectful and even abusive of the women and the girls. Yet I have not seen a big uproar by the US state department against it, and many of our political leaders are over there in gulf sucking the Arab “faces” to make more money.

Mike is right, where is the department of human resources when the girl of fourteen and younger are having sex all over the place today, why are the girls as young as twelve being taught in our class how they can properly avail their bodies for use by the boys, parents are telling their daughters how sexy they can get. The same SOBs that are decrying the Mormon practice of older men marrying girls of fifteen, are the defenders of taking girls of eleven and twelve, even across state lines, for and abortion no questions asked, mind you I am in favor of abortion if that be the choice of a girl.

What bothers me here the most that how the government, and the stupid media, are desensitizing us against the governmental abuse of power. If they can run over the Zion compound without any reason, and yes the call from the girl there is a farce folks, can’t you see thru the government crap, then what, like mike said, the home schoolers?

We have seen that the Americans no longer love freedom, their own or those of anyone else’s, Our government’s agents killed a baby and a boy of twelve at Ruby Ridge on a charge that the man had a shot gun with a barrel seventeen and three quarter inches long instead of eighteen, but that is not so bad as when an irate citizen complains loudly in court room and is arrested for terrorism, slapping a teacher, not obeying an air hostess defacing a fire station are all acts of terrorism , in the land of the free, and when tomorrow the DHR comes to pick up your kids and you ask their escort officer as to why, you too could be arrested for being a terrorist, this the new world order.

I, personally, do not believe in an organized religion, at least for me, all religions are based on brain washing and indoctrinating unsuspecting minds in to superstitions of various kinds, thus Scientology is a religion, and so is Psychology both defy common sense and so do other religions and belief systems.

We are a nation of laws, but we used be, also a nation of personal freedoms. Today we have a “justice system” that is run amok. The “police” and the “protections services” are no longer involved on only to protect and to serve but they believe they have the right to tell you how to live. The proof of this is that laws are not applied equally either, the police, the judges, the district attorney themselves decide as to how they want apply a law to each individual, mostly based on the status o the person and their skin color too. It is just as scary to be pulled over or your house searched by police as it is to be held up by a thug, you never know what might happen next. Not to say all police or the judges or the people in protection service are bad, it is just the matter of the percentages, is it not. An over zealous co worker or neighbor or a school teacher can ruin your life on a whim and you have no recourse, not even a prayer. I used to live in Saudi Arabia, welcome to my night mare.

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