
Thursday, April 10, 2008


What this beating tells us about us? For thirty years or more, I have advocated licensing for parents, not everyone in a country or a society or a world should be allowed to have children. Most "grown ups" today are not adults, just because you can have sex, a basic animal act that even monkies or dogs also indulge in the same as the humans do does not make a human being a capable parent. Humans may have at one time possessed an innate capability to raise a child as the other animals do but some how we have lost that as we "progressed". The idea of doing your thing, letting the children experiment, to let the kids have their freedom is all against the peace and even existence of a society, it is not normal.
That the girls doing the beating are somehow involved in cheer leading? What a shock, but first let me say one thing, i bet when you first heard about the beating, not watched it on TV or such, you had a mental image of some black chicks in a ghetto , did you not, I bet you did. The cheer leaders are a special bunch, they are the best cock suckers and slut in any school, a parent allowing their daughter to be in cheer leading might as well be pimping her pussy to the ball team on the side and make money cause that is what she will do anyway. The society is creating a special and privileged class called cheer leaders, and their bad behavior is accepted, expected, promoted and high lighted by the schools, the parents and the media in movies and the TV shows, like the "Mean Girls" and the "Bring it On" series and others.
Sadly though this beating is not extra ordinary in any way at all, it is more like par for the course.
If we were to see this beating in the light of what else is going in our country and the world only then you will see why I have proposed a licensing of parents.

Take a look around, when a kid is murdered, especially in gang violence, it is his mother, it always is the mother since most of them are without a father in residence, that is crying how her baby was so sweet and innocent, hey bitch I want to shout out, where the hell were you when he was joining the gang and not going to school and not doing his home work etc. Then you see the other teen being tried for the murder of the first and his mother is saying that he was always a sweet child and loved animals and such crap and I am shouting the same. More than likely both of the kids grew up watching mom going thru “boyfriends” and was drinking or doing drugs, and of course creating jobs for the people in “helping professions”.

Then we have grown ups in custody battles, or too poor and they are killing their own kids, just like they did in the old days, to get even or to have fewer mouths to feed, but also now because the kids interfere in their life style. Can you see the crap with the Brittney, why did that bitch need to have kids? Why? Or Paris Hilton having kids next? Why were the parents of Paris ever allowed to have a kid they did not want or did not know how to raise, can’t we just get the world court to have Paris spayed may be. It is not just the poor trash I am talking about.

Then we have the case of the twelve year old stripper ( why was not the whole bunch in that place arrested on the spot), and the school principle in a motel with two girls fifteen and sixteen, the guy even looked like a pig, but where were the parents of these girls, and how were they raising them. Hey look I am not being a preacher here, I don’t think God is coming to fix the crap, we are over populated anyway, stop letting people breed. These girls should have never been born. Their parents should have been spayed or neutered. I have as much faith in the psychologists and sociologists as I do in preachers and the police.

There is actually no amount of psychologists, sociologists, preachers or the police that could control the mindless freaks that are being produced. When the Cadillac advertises its car as a mechanism not to be driven, not to take you from point A to point B but to turn you “on”, then you are a stupid moron if you buy the car for twenty five grand instead of investing about fifteen dollars and just buy a dilldo. May be the girls did get so turned on by the beating that they had to go on cock sucking frenzy, are you listening daddy?

Time after time I have stated that things in life do not happen in a vacuum. Each is related to the other, the girls beating the other, the gang activity, and the Cadillac assuming you to be a brain dead moron, the suicides in the military, the pollution of the environment, the banking crisis, the divorce rate, the foreclosures, the budget deficits, they are all related, this how this world works, this why the god and the religion were invented, this why Stalin was Stalin, this is how I predict the future.

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