Thursday, October 03, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE DEJA VU, AGAIN A5 I feel philosophical, I philosophical means depressed or down. But I am not depressed or down, I am numb, like that Pink Floyd song, "Comfortably Numb". Just that though, comfortable, don't know really what that song is about. "Like a distant ship"! I decided that I would be detached, not like a hermit though, just detached, "Watching the wheels", but watching the wheels is not really "detachment" one is still involved "in watching", it is difficult to be a true "Stoic" even, much as one would hope. I thought about how people really think, how do we become "something", as in something "definable", ofcourse we only want to be defined as someone accepted by those around us, so we end up emulating those we keep company with. We don't choose to, but maybe we do exactly that. We do have choices, we say, but what if we, ourselves, limit our choices? There is a tray full of beads of many colors and you wish to make a necklace per se, and you wish to make a necklace of red beads, so regardless of how colors are available, you only choose the red beads for your necklace, disregarding all others. Same is true of our knowledge, we only choose what we like. There was a study of what people order at a restaurant, it was discovered that most people, often, ordered the same items, regardless of all the many other choices available. We are like that. It is said that America is almost equally divided, I don't believe it to be true atall, the fact is that we are only GIVEN two choices, take it or leave it. There is no way that exactly half the population has exactly the same preferences as all others in that group. We are not choosing, we are told what we must choose, take it or leave it, this is not how a "democracy" should work. M. N. R. 03 OCTOBER 2024

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