
Thursday, December 07, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE MEANINGLESS (A DARK SONG) Don't say! I can't hear anything! These meaningless words The mumbo-jumbo The words are just that Scratches on a paper Or a noise In the wind When We are bound by the same Meaningless or not And pay full price For what could've been had for free Regrets and rewards Choices that we make Make promises With no intention to fulfill A bargain you say At any price I couldn't agree more And that is for sure I've counted the days From that fateful day A bargain was made Choices were made Delivered as promised Life is meaningless After all Or atleast Sometimes M. N. R. 07 DECEMBER 2023

Monday, November 13, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 11C Time flies, or time passes slowly. Life is a very short when we consider how long the earth has been around, the solar system, the universe. Doesn't matter what you believe to be timeline. We still imagine ourselves to be "something". Most of the history is still lost to us, doesn't matter what part of the world we come from. Soon we will also be history. All the empires that we know about and study have passed, no children of the Chinese, the Roman, the Egyptian or others are still known to us. Empires that lasted thousands of years, kings and emperors have disappeared. Tsars of Russia went by just as the children of European dictators did, we also will be lost in time, whether the earth (as we know it) survives or not. I am watching the turmoil, whatever happens, who knows, I am on the sidelines, as John Lennon said, " watching the wheels go round". I can also sit back and watch. What is there to watch though? There are no honest presentations. Every channel, every article, every platform is biased, every thing is censored, everyone trying to feed you their own load of bull. Eat all you want, and we don't search for the "truth" we look for "conformation", whatever our viewpoint. I don't want to be censored or "deplatformed" so I censor myself, about certain topics, why even speak if I can't be honest. What is democracy without freedom of speech, what is a democracy where the MSM is controlled by big money, and on must have their opinions cleared by the government. I don't have to agree with your opinion, but I will defend to death your right to say it, is how Evelyn Beatrice Hall explained the attitude of Voltaire on free speech. But it is not just about a happening in a far away place. We are undermining our own democracy by banning free speech and by allowing the censorship by the media and the government. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 12 NOVEMBER 2023

Friday, November 10, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 11B Time keeps moving right along, thank goodness I am at peace, my world is peaceful. I can sleep easy at night. Here it is 1:36 AM, easy for me to talk. While back I discussed "entropy", not important, life changes. I was talking to my oldest daughter about time today, ( she is 34) about life, I am 71, I said, that is 21 years from 50, it was long time ago when I was 50. I have seen this world change, drastically. We had no idea of the things we have today were even possible back then. History keeps changing also, we keep going back and forth, looking for something that will comfort us, we reminisce about the good old days, overlooking the fact that were really not all that great. I am thankful for the way things are now, what with modern comforts, air-conditioning, cars that easier to operate, airfares are cheaper, and I don't have to pay Ma-Bell ( maybe you never heard of her) long distance charges to call across the street, depending on your phone number. How easily we forget. We remember the dinners at grandma, that was the only time we really had a full meal. Everything changes in time, all has changed, most of it for much better. Nothing lasts forever though. Humans have changed the world for the better, we are also capable of destroying it all too. We have that choice. March of history continues I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 10 NOVEMBER 2023

Thursday, November 09, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 11A It's been a few days since I posted something, a few weeks, a month and a half actually. I am disgusted, distracted, disappointed, blah blah. It is hard to write, to say something when I know that the truth is unacceptable, and balance is unappreciated. Freedom of speech is under assault and we are okay with it because our brains are no longer capable of even looking at a different point of view, let alone consider the basis for it. But who am I to complain, didn't they crucify the "savoir" for saying things they didn't want to hear. Lately my posts are not even being shared to even one percent of the people that like the page. My political thoughts upset the platform apparently. I am under a constant threat of being unpublished. So if you do happen to see this post , please like and share it. If you haven't liked the page, please give it a like also and follow. I promise to start back posting regularly I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 09 NOVEMBER 2023

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 10 D In 25 years I'll be 96 (more than likely, long since dead). My eldest child will 59, my eldest grand child 29, so it is. I've long wondered what will the future be like, no idea, actually no one knows, so it seems. Even 20 years ago I wrote a manifest as to what I saw happening in future, with no date certain, but as to what will/ could happen if humanity's direction were not changed, it hasn't. We are still on the same path, only moving faster, over the cliff. The elite may have a plan, but that plan is simply as unworkable as anything anyone else can produce ( or has). We are fast becoming a planet that is unable to support life as we know, and as many humans) as are alive today. It is not being alarmist, only being realistic and honest. It is easy, and simplistic, to hope that in the future everything will be fixed and all the problems will be solved, with more money. If the rich can keep getting richer the poor and the average person will have to suffer and pay the price. If we are to be honest, a million or ten of networth is no longer a whole lot in the US today when an average 3 bedroom house in a city is over a million. Whether "climate change", viral infections, hurricanes are natural or not their consequences are real. Whether one believes or not we are running out of clean water, arable land the fish stocks and basic minerals. Sooner or later we will be out of oil. Recycling and renewable energy are fools errands, not viable or sustainable and of not much practical use. Living in the US with plenty of open spaces and cheap lands many dream of living "off the grid", it is not realistic that our future generations can like the people did back two hundred years ago. Dream all you want. If one is a billionaire and has a private island or a thousand acres of land, Sooner or later they too will have to face the reality of a world without people, or harsh weather of growing crops and all else. Colonizing an other planet will not save the human race, even we could do such, that is hundreds of years away. This just the start. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 27 SEPTEMBER 2023

Wednesday, September 13, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 10 D There is a difference, whether we like it or not. When we "think" do we also consider the facts or the evidence that does not support our hypothesis? If not, then are we even thinking? We make excuses for our false beliefs, just as we do for our bad behaviors. Often. Let me step back and start over, when I was writing the last time, I had mentioned that we actually do not have a clear definition (or understanding) of the words that we use, such as human or murder, the list is long and not easy to follow even. No wonder we do not understand "truth" or "moral" those are easy, but what about "brain" or "conscious", so we fail, we try to apply words to things and situations where they do not make sense. And thus we misunderstand ourselves and we are misunderstood. Have you thought about what is "murder", or what is our definition of "human", what did you think? I would like to know, and discuss. Maybe you can "set me straight". We use "circular logic" more often than we know. We call immoral people moral when it suits us, we support corruption when it serves our aims, What is "real", what is a "brain"? Let's talk. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 13 SEPTEMBER 2023

Monday, September 11, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 10 C "ALL TRUTHS ARE BUT HALF TRUTHS" Kybalion " TRUTH IS, BUT A LIE WITH SOME PERMANENCE " M. N. R. Not just the"truth" though, we use language to communicate with each other, we also use language to tell lies. Sometimes we "lie" because the truth is not yet known to us, and sometimes we tell the truth, as know it, only to find out the information we had was actually wrong, so what is a lie, and what is the truth, not so easy to discern. But we were talking about " humans" as is what is a " human" when we are talking about "human rights". That makes it difficult, not because it is difficult to tell, but because we lie to ourselves when when we call ourselves "humans" in some sort of a way. Life is not so simple, they say, but again what is life? We really don't know. There is a lot that we don't know, actually, what is life? The language fails, years ago I was in a deep discussion. What is "murder"? No one can answer that, correctly, there are tons of words that we use that are meaningless in reality, And isn't reality itself a meaningless word, it is a concept, ask a hundred people and you get a hundred answers. We use words of which we don't know the meaning, take another phrase that many like to use, "abortion after birth", wouldn't that (shouldn't that) be a murder, but we don't know what murder is, right? I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 11 SEPTEMBER 2023

Sunday, September 10, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 10 B I am not "religious " I am not "pious", I do have certain moral and character boundaries that "normally" choose not to cross. I am not highly educated, I only got my GED at 24, my Bachelors at 32 and a Master's at 38. I have also read/studied many other subjects from economics and finance to psychology and other sciences, I have read considerable amount of books on philosophy, physics and other subjects, history and politics too. I am not an " expert " on anything in particular. But here I am, I am full of opinions. ( mostly with some background). I spent 9 1/2 years on active duty and made E-7 in less than 9, I joined the reserves and finished my 20. I made E-8. I also joined civil service and retired before I was 57 years old. I have done well on my own also. So what am I going to talk about? The question about human rights, and what is a "human" to us. Let me step back and write the intro to the next Page in this series. "All truths are but half truths" I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 10 SEPTEMBER 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 10 A This will probably become a long and drawn out dissertation, or a diatribe, depending upon your perception, understanding, or maybe your reality. Funny how things in life sometimes go around in circles. I have certain ways of doing things, saying things, not always, but most of the time, that may change, one day, or not. I hope you will read, and follow along, for a while atleast, I'll try to keep this conversation stimulating and interesting, depending on how you feel, and also on your own thoughts and concepts. You find my writing desultory , but stay, and comment if you like, it will take a few days or longer even to get to the point, that there is no point after all. That is actually not the point, I had posted earlier that, "Reality is, whatever you imagine it to be" M. N. R. Why did I say that, in a discussion on a previous post, someone had commented about "human rights" while at the same time implying ( not clearly stating though) that some humans are different than others. Who am I to judge? I am keeping this one really short, kind of an intro to further discussion, may be even in a few minutes. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 10 SEPTEMBER 2023

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 18 A And the clock says it is midnight, to the one that doesn't believe that the time is real. So what does it matter. It is just another day, I haven't done much of anything productive or otherwise worthwhile. I "officially" retired a month ago. Atleast for the time being. I will take a few days off, a few months even. No rush. At 71 I don't need much, I make more in my pensions and social security than most Americans make working a day job anyway. Times are changing they say, next generations will not be so lucky, their spending is out of control (but a consumer economy depends on people spending all they have), housing costs are through the roof and the interest rates are too high. Who cares? We ( my age group) have created the problems the our future generations will pay for. And we have raised our children with no solid foundation. And we blame the culture and the society, were we not the culture and the society that created this mess. We here in the small town South ( name of the state), or any conservative area claim that we always held the moral high ground, not true, not atall. Yes the racism, the segregation, the Democrats becoming Republicans if that is what you call holding higher morals, add to that oppression of the working poor, lower wages, anti union sentiments, yes, these were not the dictates of our beloved scriptures. "If Jesus came back, we'll hang him again" , and I said that 40 years ago, only my reasons were a little different back then. I WROTE THIS TWO NIGHTS AGO I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 30 AUGUST 2023 P. S. LOOK FOR PAGE "18 B" SOON

Saturday, August 26, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 17 B I say will write more, more often, days turn into weeks, time passes. Time doesn't change things, things change on there own, time just passes, or sometimes time stands still. We blame time, time doesn't exist. What is time? We have no clue, but it helps to know time, so we invent time, a construct we call it, something imaginary but useful at the same time, sometimes. What is reality, we have no idea. When we are "sleeping" , when we are dreaming, we may travel a thousand miles, we may fly a plane, it is as real as anything, all the feelings, all the sensations are present, until we are awaken that is. One may dream that they are falling the fear is real, the heart rate goes up, one may start to sweat even. One may drink a soda, or coffee, the taste is real, the aroma is real, or one may drink a few drinks and get drunk too, all in a dream. Reality is subjective. Reality is NOT real, not any more than a dream is, how do you know you are not dreaming right now, you didn't know you were dreaming when you were dreaming. We are living a lie, we know, but we like it because it makes us comfortable, and we like it this way, so be it. Same is true of the truth, what makes us comfortable is true, what makes us uncomfortable is a lie. Like I mentioned in my earlier post, " all truths are but half truths" no one has the monopoly on it. It is like if I can afford it, it is cheap, if I can't afford it, it costs too much. And you thought I will talk about "TRUTH", I will, I promise. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 25 AUGUST 2023

Friday, August 11, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 17 A I shouldn't really count my days, but I do. It's been many days since wrote here last, more days pass, more thoughts gather, those thoughts get stale, they gather dust. Then dust devils whirl through my mind, my own thoughts start to smell old and musty. We must think, but we must also study, new ideas and new thoughts keep the mind from getting musty. I think. Who are we?? Who am I, who are you? What makes me or you important? At the end of the movie, "Saving Private Ryan", Captain John Miller, (Tom Hanks) tells Private Ryan (Matt Damon) , SPOILER ALERT, (they have suffered many casualties trying find and bring Ryan back, he is told that he is being shipped out from the combat zone to be returned home), "earn it", two simple words, what did he mean? We are Americans, we are free, we are proud, we have a functioning Democracy, sort of, we have rights, if we want to keep them. We have promises and guarantees if we can save them. Too many have died to save those rights, too many have fought, over the last two and a half centuries to bring us to this point. The struggles have not been simple or easy. Yet many today are willing to give up, nay even disavow and hand back what we have, to a system that we know is inherently corrupt. "EARN IT" I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 11 AUGUST 2023

Sunday, July 23, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE COINCIDENCES What to say, and what to write about, there are stories that we make up, and repeat until they start to sound real, even to ourselves, and stories. They meet at an all night coffee shop, an old habit he had, where he met strangers and friends. He didn't meet any strangers, he had no friends. There is a story, she said, I know it happened, but no one will ever believe it, or believe me if I tell it. He smiled. He told her a story also, she didn't believe a word of what he said. There are so many questions I had when I was a young man, I still haven't found the answers to, I am still looking though, even though I don't know what I am looking for. Good thing too, if we know the answer we are looking for, we always "find" it. Which brings me back to the coin toss scenes in the movie "No Country for Old men", what is the "bet"? The coin has been tossed, and we must call it, we just don't know what for. Win, lose or draw, all in life is a coincidence. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 23 JULY 2023

Thursday, July 20, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 16 B I was going to ask a question, then I decided not to, I am not a religious person, not in a sense that many others claim to be. I am neither pious nor holy, I am just an average person that is trying to make it. The question was, what personal qualities and qualifications you have that make you special? Many of us believe that a personal relationship with a diety does that, there is nowhere it is stated as such. It is always "acts". It states so much. Matthew 7:23. Maybe I am reading it wrong. Doesn't matter what I think. There lessons to be learned. There were times before when people thought they were special, that they were exceptional or they will be spared, but throughout history that has never been true. Ceausescu thought this. People that supported the Nazis, the Communists in the Soviet Union, in China , followers of Mussolini all the same, many of them payed the price for supporting the same. We always believe we are or will be the exception when the chips fall. Matthew 5:45 We will not be the exception I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 20 JULY 2023

Thursday, July 13, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 16 A I realize, it's been a while since I posted one of my, usually, daily rants, 20 days to be exact, got lazy, maybe tired, maybe busy, time flew by. Since I started blogging, 17 years ago, it has almost become a habit, write down something each day. But life has become more complicated, more confusing even, over the years, times have changed, they always did. 71 years of life, you can learn a lot if you are willing to, if you make an honest effort, or you could die without learning anything at all, the world will still go on. A sad thought that many don't pay no mind to. There was a book, and a movie, a few years back, where the sheriff and his friend lament about the "good old days ", maybe you have even seen the movie, "No Country for Old Men". It came out in 2007, you should watch. One of lessons of the movie, if you pay attention is, that world is changing, it is always changing around us, whether we like it or not, whether we go along or not, whether we adapt or we don't. I still love 60s art deco. 70s neon signs. I recently bought a fake "boombox". I like antiques, I have a 1903 set of cast iron skillets, a 1934 pot belly stove, a glass churn. But I also bought my first desk top in 1986. Life moves. There is examples, we are not exceptional, when world changes we all get caught. There are things happening around us that we will be part of and will participate in. We use debit and credit cards, we pay bills on line, we use cellphones no matter our preferences. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 13 JULY 2023

Thursday, June 22, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 15 A May be, I may sat something worthwhile, maybe not, who knows, who cares? I do like to talk, I have opinions, I have opinions on many things, and believe it or not, I do keep things to myself, most of the time. People think I am rude, sometimes, well actually most of the time, people think, I don't care what they think, I don't care what anybody thinks. Still, there are times when I wonder, if I am right in my opinions, most of the time, before I commit my thoughts to paper, or to the electrons on the internet, I double check my "facts", I do. If it is something newsy, I check the background and sources. If it is scientific or economic, I check the basis, the numbers, the background facts, who, when, where. It is an old habit. Whether it was making lesson plans, support plans for the "war effort", technical inspections of equipment, letters of agreement with "other forces", therapy plans for clients, (I have had the good luck of wearing many hats and playing many roles), I always had to be sure, one doesn't want to be caught short, that would be embarrassing. When you are called upon as a "subject matter expert" you don't want to look "silly". Opinions are only of value if they are "correct" and based in facts, based in "actual" knowledge, being sarcastic is easy and simple, especially when you are not planning to offer something of value to the discussion. But, we live in the age of "social media" , stupidity has been "democratized", everyone has an opinion and they demand that their opinion not only must be heard, but also must have equal weight as all other opinions. Corporations and political parties as well as others promote ideas that should and must be considered worthless, but nay, they have "value", no matter the harm done to the society at large, every conceivable nonsense must have equal value and equal regard. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 22 JUNE 2023

Sunday, June 18, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 14 A Earlier today, I made a post about liars and lying. No personal attack intended. We are all mature enough to make our own judgments. Yet we often fool ourselves, most of us anyway, about our abilities, about the possibilities of life. We think we can do things all on our own, because. We don't see what role those "others" play in our lives everyday. I imagine we can actually live like the people did, over two hundred years ago, worse we imagine ourselves surviving as "Swiss Family Robinsons". If you do, sadly, you are not alone, in my previous writings I have stated that those planning to go to Mars, or setting up colonese on the moon, are not talking about saving the human race, they are talking about saving themselves after they have destroyed the earth and made it inhabitable for the most of us. The billionaire class knows, and is preparing itself for climate change, what with bunkers in the mountains and even on islands or far away places. They are not interested in saving the mankind or the earth. It is a wet dream however. For the past twenty plus years, I have studied, researched and written about the end of human race. I am convinced that coming upheavals will not result in the survival of humanity. What it will take is a combined effort, lowered expectations, sacrifice of comfort, preservation of resources and population control. To imagine that I can survive, along with the twenty some odd members of my close family, on a few acres of land and a bunch of guns an ammo for any considerable length of time is improbable. I have seriously considered all possibilities. Without medicine, Without farming equipment, with medical facilities, power, fresh water, soap, clothing how long? Even if I could put away stuff, enough for ten years, then what? If I have tractors. I need fuel, parts, knowledge of equipment, and today's trucks and tractors need computers. Of course I could buy equipment that is already twenty years old but it will need repairs and how much fuel ? And if battery operated and I could have solar power, over time I'll need solar panels and batteries again. Of course, over time the rich will be in the same boat, with same problems and the same questions. Far as money is concerned, money will be useless, gold and silver too, what can you buy with gold if "it" is just not there, food, medicine, parts, what will gold, Bitcoin or dollar buy? I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 18 JUNE 2023 HAPPY FATHER'S DAY

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 13 B Not that we are locked up or not free, yet every step of our lives is monitored, every day our comings and goings are recorded, what we eat, where we sleep, who we have a relationship with, is all controlled, monitored, recorded, and we like it that way, we demand it, we allow it, we have grown comfortable, it provides us a feeling of security. Don't say that you are an exception, there are no exceptions. What you hear, what you see, how you feel, it is all programmed. Because that is how you want it. You come home from work and turn on the TV, you watch a particular program, your cable provider knows what you watch, actually the station you are watching knows you are watching, knows what you like, how old you are, and more. You go on line and buy a ticket to a movie, five minutes later you go on Google, Facebook or Amazon, similar movies are suggested, you don't think, you are told what to think. I'll come back to this. I do somethings differently though, I go to a shopping center where there is a Barnes and Nobles, I leave my phone in the car, I buy my books with cash and don't have a membership. I go to a restaurant, I leave my phone in the truck and pay for food with cash, no one needs to know where I eat and with who. We have gotten used to not caring about privacy. My time in the Army was before cellphones, before GPS, only people that knew about my clearance level were those that I worked with, what I worked with not even my family or even the military friends knew. Still don't. I worked in places where different areas required different badges, those badges were carried in an inner pocket until needed. Just some random thoughts tonight, an old man talking about a life he lived, 40 years ago. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON 14 JUNE 2023 HAPPY FLAG DAY 🇺🇸

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 13 A Luckily I don't need to work real hard. I try to stay busy. Spend some time each day in study also. I read about different things, psychology, society, science, economics and ofcourse politics. I don't sleep 8 hours, I should, but even at 71 now I either sleep 6, 6 1/2 hours, if not, I try a nap sometime during the day, I need to rest my brain. I am not religious or pious, I have said repeatedly, I am not also Republican or a Democrat, a liberal or a conservative, I am what I need to be to be a decent human being. I try to be fair, and sometimes I fair to a fault some may say, it gets me in trouble. Since being fair also means that I may have to get back at those that don't do right. I don't believe in letting people get away with stuff. Maybe my military training. It is not easy being honest in the world today, one must be willing to hurt the feelings of others or "all", I am willing to take that chance, also one must place the truth above all else. Party, group, family, and sadly even the followers on a blog page. Smile. Sometimes I don't point fingers here, I try to keep my comments polite. But later I may post something related, if you are paying attention and can read between the lines. I may quote from the scriptures, from philosophy or I may just make my own comment in a post. My quotes from the scriptures may be a reply to someone's comment. It has been said that at some point your actions must follow the scriptures or your faith is not true. Be it the scriptures, psychology or a political dogma actions mean more that bare lip service, In politics, policy means more than promises, in economics practices do more than theory, in Psychology a change in behavior does more than any therapy, in faith actions do more than just professing. But we are nothing more than full of hot air, we commit ourselves to things that are proven to harm us, but we chase the red dot, you know what I mean? So what was the message of the Psalm 82, or the 8 year olds not believing in Santa, or what about the people of the past being able to survive a harsh life on their own? I want to hear from you too I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 13 JUNE 2023

Thursday, June 08, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 12 b So I gave it some more thought, I also hope that you have been thinking about this. Anyway, first, let me tell you this, I woke up to a notification from this platform that my account was restricted AGAIN for something I had posted, I asked for a second look and the post was republished, but as ot happens, even when they say they had made a mistake the page stays restricted, thus all day my posts have been "shadow banned", out of 8000 plus likes, 4-8 people saw most of posts, a few posts had more than 20. Anyway!!!! I stopped again and the time flew by, I am easily distracted, and two days went by already, what have I been thinking. I want to write so many things, but for that I have to stop my study, learning, for me is also important, and there is so much to learn too. I am not satisfied. It has been shown, proven actually, that we do not "see" what we "SEE", and we do not hear what we think we hear. Two people do not perceive the same sound , or the same color or the picture as one another, how often people go singing the wrong lyrics? It has almost become a joke. So you see, we do not think when we say that we think (as I explained last time), also we do not see or hear alike, no wonder we are confused. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 8 JUNE 2023

Tuesday, June 06, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 12 a Well, I been thinking. I am sure most of us "think", all day long, atleast that is what we think. I have previously written about thinking a few times before. So I'll just rehash some old thoughts and add some more. Do you believe in premonition premonition? Synchronicity? So it happened something like this. I spent Saturday reading a few articles about "thinking", some old writings in philosophy of thought, I had written this before that, " we are limited in our knowledge by what we know". So it was on Sunday I get a call, "so what you believe? Is it "thought, feelings and action, or feelings, thoughts and action". That evening a friend was over for dinner and the same topic came up again. Apparantly, people don't want to be told that we do not actually think. There are things that we do instinctively, others we condition ourselves to do automatically, no actual thought is needed. If we touch something hot, we move our hand (body) even before we feel the burn, yes, that is a fact. If we have been driving for a while, the car turns or stays in lane without our actually thinking about it, we see a red light and apply the brakes automatically, no thinking required. We do not actually "think". WHAT DO YOU THINK? I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 06 JUNE 2023

Thursday, June 01, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 11 d Maybe it is nothing more than sheer laziness on my part. I have been lazing around since 10pm, and it is past midnight, I should have started writing earlier, but, I could have. I am well, moderately, I am well off, moderately, I could do more, have more but why? I just turned 71, I told you, I have lived a lot longer than I, or anyone else expected, I also survived things that would have killed someone. I am blessed in that. We like to talk, I don't like small talk, but I talk. I don't tell stories, people lie when they tell stories. People that make small talk also like to carry on with nonsense arguments. No matter what point you make they will come up with some nonsense counterpoint. I lose my temper easily, so I stop talking. Leave it to the politicians, like prostitutes they tell you what they think what you want to hear, it is like being with a partner that is cheating but doesn't want you to find out, say anything, talk fast. Don't tell the truth, it will hurt feelings. I let people lie, I don't want to discuss, I don't want to argue, save my breath. But I will tell you when you are lying, right to your face. I don't have many friends, probably not any. I see many partisan comments, I don't reply to these, I don't react, let's solve problems instead of pointing fingers. Be honest in your opinion though, everyone can see through BS, facts matter. Really. The world is changing, nothing you or I learned, even 30 years ago, applies. Wishful thinking will not cure our country or the world, it is no time to follow the Pied Piper. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 01 JUNE 2023

Wednesday, May 31, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 11 c Have you ever followed a drop of water as it leaves the leaky faucet and falls into the sink. Seen the funeral touch a guitar string and watched the note fly in the air. Seen a note leave the speaker and bounce off the wall before it enters your ear. Time moves slowly, it is the days and the years that go by so fast. I told you I got up at 11:56 to use the bathroom and as I peed (pardon me), I turned 71, it was funny, when I thought about it, no bells, no sirens no alarms. It only solidified my observation about life, the absurdity of it all. Life is strange, strnger still for the "average", the "ordinary" folk, but we try, we try harder to seem "in control". We know everything. The problem with assuming to know everything is that there is a better chance of failure, if we over estimate ourselves. There is also a better chance of being wrong. Totally wrong. There is saying that "rising waters lift all boats". No wonder that most small business owners are always worried about a recession or a falling economy. They have no idea, no plan on how to manage when the "it" hits the fan. Even a small downturn puts thousands if not millions out of the game. We don't really understand anything, not as much as we claim to. Watching the water fall, watching the music fly in the air, it takes a long time for water drop to fall, 71 years is very long time, where will be in another 20 years, the same place I told you about 20 years ago. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 31 MAY 2023

Tuesday, May 30, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 11 b I thought there will be more excitement, nò, I really didn't. I came home early, ate dinner and rode my stationary bike for 35 minutes, layed down on the couch and fell asleep. It was 6 minutes to midnight when I woke up suddenly, I had to go pee, then stepped out and smoked a cigarette. Time is a funny concept. It exists and it doesn't, both simultaneously. Like Schrodinger's cat, dead and alive. And like a quantum particle, it only exists if and when you look for it. Whether the universe has existed forever, or for ONLY 13.8 billion years, or was created 7,000 years ago. It doesn't matter, we have only been here for a very short time, and will be. What does it matter. It is strange, we want to feel important, somehow, that is if we are smart enough to know, but what do we know? We only know what we are told that we know. And we only know of our own reality, the one that we create. Even the best doctor probably doesn't understand, say philosophy, or doesn't much know about history. One could learn a whole bunch of things, but not "everything". Life goes on. It is 1:30, time to sleep I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 30 MAY 2023

Sunday, May 28, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE CONTRADICTIONS e "Should I stay, or should I go" This is Memorial day weekend! I am glad you are here, glad still that I am here, it has taken a very long time to get this old, but I am blessed. As long as I can get out of bed on my own, dress myself on my own, and as I say, "I can wash my own face and my own (behind). I am okay. I am okay. If you are a frequent visitor, I appreciate having you, if you haven't liked the page yet, please do, thank you. I will not monetize this page, I just want to know that you are interested. I am not a political hack, I don't mind if you don't like what I say, I appreciate that you read something and if you wish, we can discuss something, or may be I can explain why I have a certain point of view. Also, I am always willing to learn more, and different things, you time is never wasted with me. What should we talk about? The war over "debt ceiling" continues, as I've said, when the Democrats and Republicans agree to something, it is always the poor and the middle class getting the shaft. It shouldn't come as a surprise if Biden agrees to to cut social security, medicaid, foodstamps and veterans benefits to get Republicans on board, it was always the plan, who told you to trust Biden, surely wasn't I. Yes we need to cut spending, but aren't the poor already hurting, and the elderly already have paid into social security. Part of fixing a budget, as in your business as well as your household is also looking into increasing income. If we don't want to raise taxes, then increasing the wages will also solve the problem in two ways, 1st the social security and the income taxes will increase, and 2d it will increase the consumer spending, which will not only create jobs and increase the tax base, it will also get people off the welfare rolls, and help people get the jobs that they will be required to have to qualify for assistance. Don't fall for the drama in DC, bothsides are on the take, and colluding to screw the public. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 28 MAY 2023

Friday, May 26, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE CONTRADICTIONS d I was to talk about something else, but this also fits here, so a few words, we can talk more later if you like. I call myself a liberal, even though many may find my ideas "conservative", especially since I often quote the #Scriptures, some may even think. I am religious, think what you want. Personally, I am a liberal because I make my own judgments, I don't have any preferences, I educate myself, I learn about a problem or a situation, I study the topic and then I apply "logic", what makes sense (if any) and how to look at the solution without prejudice, see how practical the solution is. I had shared a post about women in groups taking care of eachother, looking out for eachother when they are out drinking. I have no problem with ladies going out, for whatever reason. The post was about avoiding "unfortunate" consequences. It was sincere I believe. On my personal page someone someone commented that why we just don't teach men not to rape. I believe that the person is totally sincere also. Yes we should bring up boys in a manner where they will not become rapists, may be in a few decades or so. Until then. Yes we should teach boys and men not to rape, we should establish laws against rape, and so on. But, haven't we done that already, we don't teach boys to become rapists. As long as there are men and there are women. By the same logic, we shouldn't have to have locks on our doors, or cars, we should just tell people not to steal. We could just tell the bankers, the judges, the lawmakers to be honest. Tell the police not to abuse citizens. As a liberal and a father of two girls, I had to think long and hard. Can I just tell my girls to go out and get drunk and not worry, could just tell anyone not to lock there doors. Can we trust the lawmakers to make laws that treat every citizen equally, without preferences or prejudices. Yes, we shouldn't have to worry about rapists, or any other criminal minds. World is not there, yet. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 26 MAY 2023

Thursday, May 25, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE CONTRADICTIONS c Here we are, budget talks are failing, DeSantis made an ass of himself, again, but this time with some help from Elon, Ukraine is on life support, with US taxpayer paying the hospital bill, but the biggest story of the day? No not the hurricane in Guam, not the poor about to lose food assistance, not the elderly facing drastic cuts in social security, none of that. Tina Turner died today, bless her soul. What is important for the average American though. I posted a link earlier, someone commented that a certain rich and powerful person should be held accountable, but I argue that we, the American people are against the idea, "you are wrong" you say, prove it, I say. If I were taking care of my grandmother and refused to give her her medication, I would be guilty, tried, and convicted of elderly abuse, but if a corporation sets the price of the said medication so high that she couldn't afford to buy it, well tough luck, she should have been born rich, or worked for higher wages. But in our system, the Congress basically determines what you are paid, setting a minimum wage basically sets the average wage for all workers, as the minimum wage stagnates, so do all the wages above that. Then social security is going broke, but social security is funded through taxes on wages, as wages stay low, the funding pool of the social security also dries up, someone in congress should learn to do the math. Since average voter does not understand this, we are left to point fingers at those that are the victims themselves. WWJD? But we know, we know everything, we understand everything, yeah. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 25 MAY 2023

Tuesday, May 23, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 11a In about 7 days, if should live that long. I will wake up. Actually I'll get up, out of bed, at midnight and take a sip of coffee, go out and sit on the steps and smoke a cigarette. Average five nights a week, I am still awake at midnight and I go out and sit a few minutes, rain or clear, cold or hot and muggy, it is a routine. It is a pattern. Few days back I wrote ( posted a definition) of something called "apophenia", an unmotivated seeing of connections among unrelated phenomenon. Ofcourse I had a motivation, I have told you that I have a Master's in Psychology and I study the comments on this page, it gives me some insight as to how audience feels. Humans have always noticed patterns, the rising and setting of sun and the moon, changing of seasons, this how we invented the calendar. This is how we created traditions. How astrology became a thing. This is how psychology itself became a subject of study. Philosophy itself is a statement of patterns. But in our "individual" lives, searching for, or following patterns can become counterproductive and becomes misleading, leaving us vulnerable to manipulation and victims of abuse. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R 23 MAY 2023

Friday, May 19, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE CONTRADICTIONS b Where to even begin, life isn't fair, it never has been and never will be. There is a reason that we use words such as chance and luck. We also understand the reality of being born of a certain race or color, even place of birth and the family one is born in. We understand the influence of education and upbringing. We know about the influence of drugs and alcohol on a fetus. And so on. But we also deny all of these factors when it suits our purpose, and we are also told to deny all of these when it is convenient to make our point. Once again, it is not about the left or right, or liberal and conservative ideologies. If you pay attention, bothsides use these facts, or deny them, at there convenience. I will try to explain these further as I go along. The same is true about budgets, deficits, taxes, and justice. Everything is right, and everything is wrong with what we know, and what we think. I have said previously, there are no honest brokers, I have spent years pointing out the falsehoods in what we are told, no matter what you think, there is an argument against it it, whatever you believe there is an opposite and equally valid truth. Or as the ancient saying goes, "all truths are but half truths". BTW, this platform is truncating this page's distribution, please do like and share the post or the page, thank you. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 18 MAY 2023

Thursday, May 18, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE CONTRADICTIONS a I posted a story, A billionaire complaining about how people/kids today don't want to work, is anyone surprised? I haven't been writing for the past few weeks, one thing led to another to another, I got lazy, fell behind, got overwhelmed, I need to do better. Also the platform is shadow banning me, most of my posts don't even reach 15, 20 people even though the page has over 8100 followers, so you could blame some of my "laziness on shear disappointment, whatever. Going back to the billionaire complaining about people that don't want to work. I actually noted this phenomenon over twenty years ago. Our problem is that we create a situation and our expectations of the outcome are not in line with the realities of nature, of human nature in particular. From birth on, the modern "consumer society" promises and promotes falsehoods. Basically we are told, and then programmed to expect something for nothing. And it is NOT a liberal or Democrat fantasy, it is society wide, it is promted and pushed by conservative/Republicans as well as it is promoted by psychology and the church. Everyone gets a trophy is the biggest selling point of the church, and Operah too. I am not knocking anyone's faith. The Bible itself talks about acts, and a Christian life, but the church today promises forgiveness and salvation just for professing. Not acts required. Burger King says you can "have it your way", and Nike tells us to "just do it". No wonder Everyone expects to win, and if not the daddy will beat the umpire, or grandma will confront the teacher. Why even make an effort. Left and right, we have unrealistic expectations, the ads for "Doordash" show a kid with a fistful of cash, yeah, try raising a family, try just paying rent with a Doordash income. We are promised a life that is free, while half of us can't pay our expenses. And that is just for starters. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 17 MAY 2023

Sunday, April 23, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 7777 d It's been a few days since I wrote my last post, lazy, days stretched into weeks. It all started when Facebook asked me to reverify my ID, I was in the middle of renewing my license so all I had was a paper copy, not acceptable, my military ID, not acceptable, finally I did get my new license, still I had to answer the "word puzzle, failed, I had to find a notary to confirm that I am who I say I am. It was accepted, but my ad account is still suspended until I log onto a real computer and try to understand what Facebook means by "ad set", no clue. Every computer programmer believes that everyone must understand whatever their personal code is. Isn't it the same as what the politicians believe when they talk "between the lines", it is sometimes called a "dog whistle", which has actually how we have become accustomed to speaking in our everyday conversations, nothing ever means what we think it means. Most of believe that we know, because we follow the news, or watch certain commentaries, but most of us will also agree that the same are propagandists, as are paid to promote certain viewpoints. "Influencers" means that they are influencing to feel a certain way. The only defense we have is to always listen to varying viewpoints and then make up our minds. Since the start of the war in Ukraine, I had stated that we created the war and that we were more deeply involved than we let on. I was against the war in Iraq and claimed that Colin Powell lied at the UN and that there were no WMDs. I also predicted the consequences of the recent disease that killed over a million. It is what you study, and what you actually learn, not propaganda, not listening to those that are paid to misinform us. Please do like the page, share the page, share my posts, I will work on getting this page going again. Thank you I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 23 APRIL 2023

Wednesday, April 05, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS "7777"! b "Curb your enthusiasm" Still 4 April 2023 for a just a few more minutes. It is not that charges are unfair, there hasn't been a "crime", as defined in law. But it still exposes the hypocrisy of of our justice system, it shows how unfair the system is, it also exposes the corruption of congress, the justice system, and the tax codes and enforcement. What the indictments are about is what goes on everyday, all over the country and at all levels. That is how we do things, there isn't a developer or bank that does not lie, appraisal are falsified, bothsides know, and the IRS doesn't bat an eye, the ultra rich are never caught, if you know of any billionaires going to jail, let me know. The super rich only get caught when they cheat (rob) their own. The Congress has made laws that allow the rich (their sponsors) to do whatever they please, and why not, remember Trump himself bragged about giving money to both state and federal officials. The justice system is broken, the IRS is broken, the Congress is broken, while we worry about the petty crime and hapless thugs, the real robbing and stealing goes on in the broad daylight on Wall Street and the Capitol Hill. Whether you are happy or you are upset, calm down, nothing will happen, nothing of any real consequence. We will not lock up any billionaire crooks, or bankers, no one will be tried for evading taxes or lying to a bank, it is charade, a circus, a sideshow. No one is being persecuted. They are all part of the game. 20 years from now no one will remember, nothing would've been learned. We fought and lost in Vietnam and then we went to Iraq and nobody said a word. Obama won a Nobel peace prize and he authorized killing of Americans in America without a trial. Newt impeached Clinton while he himself was screwing his secretary, We never learn anything There is nothing new under the sun I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 05 APRIL 2023 BTW no one protested for Trump tonight,

Tuesday, April 04, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS "7777"! a "Curb your enthusiasm " April 4 2023, Have you been watching the news? I have, I am disgusted. There is not much in a manner of great historical events for this date, today is, however, National Carrot Day, if you care. Today, is an historic day, they keep saying, but don't agree. Whether you like Trump, or you don't, it doesn't really matter, he will be indicted today, 34 counts, Whether you are sad, angry, excited or happy, it is not good. Set your feet back on the ground. It is not Trump that is being indicted, today Anerica herself, will be indicted, charged, and found guilty, all of us , everyone of us should hang our heads in shame, left, right and center, we have all been found guilty, we have been found lacking. Earlier, I posted a link to the "sermon on the mount", listen to it. You don't have to be Christian or a person of faith, you don't have to kneel, I also posted a link link link to a 1985 song by Pete Townsend. You don't have to believe in philosophy or prophecy, just listen to the words, if not the message. It is not about Trump, or his guilt, or crime, it is about us, it is about America, who we are, what we proclaim ourselves to be and how we have gone against everything we claim to be. It is not about your favorite politician, or against, it is about us. If the charges stick, or not, it doesn't matter, in this week of Easter, Why are we all guilty? Pay attention, think, I WILL WRITE MORE MORE SOON M. N. R. 04 APRIL 2023

Sunday, April 02, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 5a "Curb your enthusiasm " I didn't write the past few nights. It is always, already, late when I get time to write, and it takes a while to write a page or two, so I will start writing a note or two everyday instead. They may or may not be related , but I will expand on the topics topics as I go along. This page page is not to make money, as in it is not monetized, it won't be, I am only here to share some thoughts and ideas and always look forward to your comments. There is a theory that , as civilizations "advance", they self destruct, and as humanity is advancing, we may meet the same fate. Our problem is that we are writing our own death warrant. Even if one doesn't believe in "climate change" , there are other facts that we ignore. There is pollution, there is over population and there is the threat of nuclear war. And they are all interrelated. As in each factor is the cause of the other. Pollution is a result of consumption, population is the reason for consumption, consumption means need for resources, need for resources causes war. Where to? What will become of humanity, how do we survive, since the population "causes" consumption, and consumption cause both the war and the pollution. Let's talk. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 02 APRIL 2023

Thursday, March 23, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4 D3 Let's not get lost in arguing the facts, facts don't require deliberations and exceptions, exemptions and caveats. I am not a liberal or a conservative, a Republican or a Democrat, we don't need labels, if we accept the facts as Americans we can make progress instead of spinning wheels we can move forward. Sadly, that is not what our politicians want, not what our leaders want, they want to be followed,, they want to be reelected, they want to be worshipped. Like in North Korea, like Mao in China, like Stalin in the Soviet Union. Everything has consequences, all policies have undesirable affects, all policies have unknown consequences. All coins have two sides, all the great policies also have bad results, But what is one to think. I had mentioned many years ago that we are being entertained to death, if not so physically, we are mostly brain dead, we have all the symptoms, most of us are nothing more than useful idiots. No one need do an experiment, MK Ultra is alive and kicking. We have become a living parody. Left, right and center. And why not. For the past 60 years or so we have been trained to think that being absurd is totally acceptable, especially if it makes you draw attention, even if is negative of sorts. Didn't P. T. Barnum say that "all publicity is good publicity". We took it to heart, from dressing and acting silly to be "Price is Right", to being humiliated on Springer, from being asked most personal questions on quiz shows to people releasing sex tapes to become millionaires the culture as well as society has descended in a bottomless cesspool with no end in sight. And as the "waste" floats to the top, some of worst characters have become our political leaders at all levels. Every four years we get to choose between the two worst humans that a nation of 330 million can produce. That is not even funny. And the only reason the schrade continues is that we ourselves are totally dishonest, or maybe we are just misinformed or blindly partisan. Anyhow I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 24 MARCH 2023

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4 d2 You know, I have often said that, "everything is an example, and everything is a test". Atleast this is true of what I post. You likes, dislikes and your comments say a lot. It is not just me, your likes and the rest also tell a lot about you to the platforms, the media companies and the intelligence agencies too. When I post a quote from the #scriptures, your comments say a lot about you, your faith, your commitments and your apprehensions. How you phrase your comments, the choice of words, I pay attention. But, I am getting off topic here, we will get back to it. I have also said that many (not all) of my posts and memes may be related, maybe on similar, if not the same, topic, sometimes they can trap/ confues, as to what you really feel, it may be a challenge or just make things interesting by keeping you focused. We tell too much about ourselves to total strangers, whether it is seeking approval, camaraderie or just to impress total strangers, and our choices can have negative consequences also. I will come back to this sometime. I posted a meme, a verse from Judges 2:13, as usual I see that the purpose and the meaning of the message was lost. I only have time to mention one thing, the verse here talks about idol worship, if anyone has studied history or the scriptures, we know that in ancient times people, warriors and kings were idealized, over time, these were given godly attributes and became "gods", with their temples and worship and were sacrificed to, God of the #scriptures forbade such idolatry, and commanded against such practices. Read the 1st and the 2d commandments, may be we should learn to think first. Anyways I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 22 MARCH 202

Monday, March 20, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4d 1 Why not, let's talk about it. Life today is not easy, it is not simple either. One of my favorite quotes is that, "all truths are but half trruths". If you are familiar with my posts, you notice that I ramble quite a bit, my posts are like a salad, or a goulash even, but if you suffer through the whole thing, you will see that I try to make sense, putting different things together. If all truths are but half truths, then it only makes sense that there are, in fact, other "truths" that are equally correct and should also be accepted as facts. It doesn't work that way in reality though. There are facts without any plausible alternatives. You can go all day, claiming that gravity is just a theory, but would you jump of a 40 story building? I thought so. I don't like Biden, I believe he is not only corrupt, he is also almost senile, he is owned by the military industrial complex and that he has been a closet racist all his life. Maybe most of you forgot what Biden said about Obama in 2007, "Biden called Obama first "clean" African-American candidate". Yes! So I don't like Biden, I don't like his policies (many, not all), I don't like the war in Ukraine, I didn't like the way the withdrawal from Afghanistan went, (not all his fault), I don't like what is going on in banking), but what does all of it mean? I have often asked of those that complain about the corruption in DC as to what are they doing to stop the corruption at the local level, cricket! No doubt, most of us that complain about the corruption in DC are quite pleased with the corruption at their local level as it can be of benefit to them personally. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 20 MARCH 2023

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4b "Curb your enthusiasm" I hope you'll stay. I've been slow in writing lately, but, a few posts I did make, controversial that they maybe, it is a matter of opinions, if we both agreed all the time, this page wouldn't exist. I hope you'll stay, and we will continue talking, politely, even when we disagree. It would be my hubris to think that I am always right, I am not that delusional. None of us should be. Do I have solutions to all the problems of the world, no, but neither does anyone else. Rich or poor. Yes we are a free country, that means "everyone" is free, and everyone has the same rights as another. Yet it seems that with money you can corrupt other people, and when you have a whole lot of money, you can certainly corrupt a whole lot more people. I hope you will stay and talk, comment, read the previous post also, the link is in the comments. Last time, I talked about certain problems that the humanity is facing, we are living in times where humanity is closer together than ever before, and the problems affect each and every one of us, it is hard to imagine a world with 10 or twenty billion people, it is even harder to imagine the world 20 years from now. If we truly focus, it seems that we are not solving the problems we are just ignoring them. Our leaders are bickering and fighting over things that will not matter when the storms get bigger, or when the humanity will run of food and water, and gas too. The alternate energy is a pipe dream, but it is useful only in as much as it is useful distraction. Billions around the world are already suffering adding a few billion more will not solve that problem. We are already, always fighting over resources, the wars will just move to newer/different locations. Let's talk about things that matter, that will matter another few short years down the road. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 15 MARCH 2

Monday, March 13, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4a "Curb your enthusiasm" I have said this before also, much of what I post is interconnected in some ways, my posts on a given day may be related somehow, and I post different opinions on the same topic. There is always more than one fact, some facts may be totally opposite but still may be equally important. We read the stories, watch the news, talk to people, but we seldom see that even as the news and events are different but if we look deeply they all point to something, and they all Ignore something that is basic but never discussed. If climate change is a fact, then why are people still moving to the beaches, why are we not moving people, cities and factories inland, why are we not preparing for the next 20, 50, 100 years. If we are going to colonize the moon, or Mars within decades, why is no one being trained, what equipment and material is ready? Or close to? If we are going there so that the humanity can survie, how many will be moved, and better yet, what are the threats that we know of, and what is being done to reduce that/those threats. If global warming or a nuclear war are possible, who will survive and how? The fact is that the humanity, as we know it, may not survive another 20 or 50 years, the population will be eliminated, reduced to a few million maybe, and the rest will continue with limited resources. Think about it, whenever you are not distracted distracted by the "major issue of the day" as told you by your favorite politician. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 13 MARCH 2

Thursday, March 09, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS S200e It is said of the people that have been in a relationship for very long time that can complete eachother's sentences. Apparently they think the same about many things, ofcourse for a relationship to last a long time they must agree on a lot of things, so it is not about reading eachother's mind, but thinking alike. When we go to school, we learn many things (or so one hopes anyway), but after school we study some more and may or may not agree with what we were taught, at the college/ university level though, we can study a subject independently and can actually argue with the lecturer, (supposedly), it is called education, meaning that we know things. I post stuff here, and I have said that sometimes I don't (totally) agree with the point being made. If I agreed with everyone and everything, I wouldn't learn anything new. I am always learning. From physics to medical research to history, economics and even politics. I want to keep the interesting. I don't automatically know things, I don't have a "certain" answer to anything. We live and we grow, even after 247 years, the US is still growing, our policies are evolving, we have gone through many many changes, the industry, the government, the number of states, the technology, the arms, what have you, nothing is like it was back in 1776, probably ( and hopefully) nothing will be. Just the medical advances, the advance in farming, travel, all have improved. Things could be different, things could be better, let's talk about it. It is simple and easy to sit back, when you have full stomach and money for gas to say everyone could be like you, but look around, most of us, that like myself have "arrived" didn't do it all on our own. I was healthy enough to join the military, I joined the Army and got the old GI bill, and was smart enough to go to college, to get a good job, to save money to start a business, not everyone is. Many became alcoholics, others were not "smart enough" to go to college, os started families early, got sick, got divorced, some had accidents others had disabilities, I literally won the lottery, many of did, others were not so lucky. At night when I look at where I am, I am thankful for all the blessings, and totally understand that it was sheer chance, not all of it has been my "hard work", whatever I say. If I give myself all the credit, then I deny my blessings. I can't claim credit for any of it. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 09 MARCH 2023

Tuesday, March 07, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS S200d It is today, again, past few days slipped by, being busy, and being lazy, probably both, I haven't made a post since the 1st, I mean didn't write one, for retired old man my days are busy, schedule full, enough for the excuses. When we go to school, or to a meeting, point a discussion is to share ideas, and to exchange opinions. It is not a gotcha, an interrogation and truly not a torture chamber where we torture someone into submission. It is not even a re-education camp. That is and has been the purpose of this page, to share ideas, we are not looking for converts. This is not a place akin to a church, even though and if I do share from the scriptures time to time. Part of our discontent today, and it is a major part, that we assume that when we say something the others are automatically obliged to pay heed and follow. Nothing could be further than the facts and or reality. No wonder we are unhappy, our lives are miserable, everyone is unhappy and unhappy about being unhappy too. Gone are the days when the kids listened to their parents, the people listened to their elders, wives obeyed their husbands and such. That all being gone by the wayside, we have issues, the world is full of "Karenses" and "Kens" , people have road rage, and we are oh so willing to kill anyone that doesn't see things our way. And some parts of the society that is happening everyday. The doctor made a bad diagnosis, the teacher talked loud to your kid, your partner cheated, your business is failing, someone on the road cut you off, no matter the problem (as perceived by us), there is our standby solution to all the problems of the world, murder, or so it seems. That is why I insist that we stay polite and reasonable, if you want to force your opinions on others, or believe that the others must be convinced, there are other blogs, I like to listen to all sides, I hope most of us do. Don't say why someone else is wrong, just say what you believe to be right, and let's talk, share views. A couple of people tonight seem to have taken it personal that I did not automatically follow their chain of thought, if I had there would be no discussion, I have stated before that I sometimes play the devils advocate, I may even say things that I don't agree with, no disrespect, just say (nicely) what you think and more importantly WHY? Let's talk (not screech) I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 07 MARCH 2023

Wednesday, March 01, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS S200c Couple of reminders here, anything said here is not about or pertaining to any religion or faith or belief system. There are plenty other venues and opportunities for that, my comments here purposefully in general, I am non partisan, don't take these comments personally or politically. These are my personal observations of life in general. I had mentioned previously, that all facts, and all proposition can and do have an opposite that may be equally valid, you are free to choose and to disregard, in that vein, please keep your comments "general" , your personal thoughts and insights are welcome, keep them apolitical. All politicians, and parties are equally corrupt and clueless, but yet they do play a role in deciding our future, they are paid to create divisions and to generate controversy. If you seem to like one, you have been hooked, (my opinion totally, see above). My personal posts and memes I share are usually related to what I said previously or will probably talk about, soon. I am old, and I also work, bear with me. I call myself a "liberal" but that is only because I don't follow a particular dogma, I do my study, and I do my own thinking, my TV is off, my wife watches whatever she likes, I seldom watch TV and I probably catch a show or a movie over a week's time, not news or commentary. I have enough stuff in my brain to keep me busy. So I come across a snipet on YouTube where a assemblyman in Alaska is talking about cost savings to the state if an abused child ends up dead, o how horrible . But it is not really, this is exactly how we think, while we are not thinking (maybe you don't, but this type of thinking is actually a fact of life). Will you be surprised if I told you that I have suggested that we stop paying people subsidies ( #foodstamps #WIC #section8 rental assistance) to people, just for making babies. I have also discussed how crime (murder, rape, drug abuse) as we have today , actually helps the economy and keeps the politicians in power, they blackmail us into supporting our own abuse. Maybe this is wild, you think, maybe I have lost my marbles, but it is the facts. Crime is a job creator. We will talk about this further. For tonight I will leave you with this, remember the train wreck in East Palestine, basically, the corporation decided it was cheaper to pay the cost of an occasional train wreck and cleanup, than to fix the problem with brakes, even the loss of a few lives wasn't worth the trouble. You don't believe me? I'll give you examples, but for right now, remember the movie "Fight Club", what was the job of Ed Norten? Did he say how the company decided if it was worth the recall of the product if only few lives were lost and the company just paid the relatives. In the real world, we are all just numbers. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 01 MARCH 2023

Tuesday, February 28, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS S200b Like it ot not, we must admit that all that we know, everything that we know, we learned from someone else. If you are a writer, you went to school, if an engineer the math and sciences have been around for thousands of years, yes there are innovators, designers, developers, all working of the base that someone else established. "All truths are but half truths", whatever you believe to be true (like I said before, I am not talking about any faith or religion, I am talking about life in general), there is an opposite view that is just as true and valid, you can no more have a one sided coin, or a magnet. Most of us get our information from someone else, school, TV, internet, whatever it is, it is secondhand information, ironically, even if you are present at an event you may not see the something that others see, and sometimes we get caught up in a crowd and we start to react same as others, nothing is real. It is difficult to be "yourself", atleast most of the time, we all play a role that we assume, to fit in, to be accepted, you come home tired but a friend shows up and wants to visit, few will tell that person to leave, fifty years ago, tattoos were rare, now everybody wants a bunch, we used to dress up to get on a plane, now an airplane looks like a proverbial "Walmart". It is difficult to tell who is original and who is freak, and calling someone a freak is frowned upon. How do you figure out where we will be in rwenty years? Not technology wise, but as people, as humans? The family is going aways, marriage is disappearing. There is no job security, no retirement, healthcare, but only if you can afford it, housing, too expensive, and the list goes on. And these are not the only poems we face, or our grandchildren will for sure, that is if humanity is still around in the next 20-50 years. But we worry about people that don't know what gender they are, or what books someone reads, while we poison the earth and the oceans, and deny people their basic rights, and others don't care if we live like the livestock. I have only touched on a few points yet, keeping it short I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 28 FEBRUARY 2023

Monday, February 27, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS S200a I had a good intention to write tonight, but some matters needed to be dealt with first, I actually may be slow in posting this week, but one must start somewhere, so I will start and hope to keep you interested. If you don't know, or you are new here, I almost 71, nit yet fully retired. I am interested in knowing, whatever I can, doesn’t matter. I make posts about religion sometimes, I keep these positive, I won't discuss religion. I will also not discuss the occult, tarot, I ching, the Kabbalah, the Book of Enoch, the Nephlim, the Watchers or the Lizard people, UFOs or the Aliens, just saying, and a few other things if they come up. I like to study, I like to read, and I like to comment when I can, not interested in starting a religion, a cult or a convent, you are on your own. Before Facebook, I had a life, I actually still do, I used to comment on various websites, then I started my own blog at in 2006, one of my earliest posts was "New World Order, 2003, it was actually a collection of different comments I had made earlier at different sites, it is still up We should talk about the future also. Not just what is happening in the world today, but how will affect the future generations, the humanity, our kids and grand kids. We are easily manipulated, like it or not, I wonder if there are many that think about life 20 years from now, let alone 200 years from now, we shall talk about that, in this series of posts. Earlier someone commented on a post about the electrical vehicles, much as I like the new technology, I also know it is a waste, and it is worse than using fossil fuels, but we will talk about that also. Once again, if you are new here, or have been around here a while, please like the page, leave a comment, we will talk. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 27 FEBRUARY 2023

Saturday, February 25, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4b Let's consider. I was talking about us *US) planning to colonize Mars, great idea, as long as there are 50 people willing to die for the cause. I also talked about the Ohio train derailment. Consider this, we have the technology, we refuel planes all day, every single day, the robotic hose extends from one plane to the other and the fuel is delivered, hundreds of gallons a minute, we have drines that fly all day and fire missiles, we have robots ( that have been used already) that walk up and kill, fire weapons at individuals. Why do we not have robots. Equipped with hoses and pumps that can go upto a derailed train car and pump out the hazardous chemicals safely? Why? The railroad companies are making billions in profits, is this technology will cost even a couple of billions it is worth investing in. It will save lives and it will save the environment. Right now, by all means, the government, the tax payers, that is us that will be stuck with the majority of the cost of clean up, the recovery, and the Healthcare of those suffering and the town itself. We have the technology that can be easily adapted for this, letting the chemicals spill in to the ground, to contaminate the water and kill fish and animals is unacceptable, and worse to burn tem in place, in open air is murder by design and a slow death sentence imposed on the general population, it is unacceptable, the suffering can not be considered a cost of doing business. Write your representatives, your local paper, write in comments of the blogs. Let's do this. The lives we save may be those of our own children. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 25 FEBRUARY 2023.

Friday, February 24, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4a I haven't been writing as usual, some health issues, some work issues, and also some world issues. I love the questions too, even if don't always get to answer quickly, I do read all the comments, sometimes I don't like to hit like or comment if the comment is clearly partisan and not directly related to the issue or the news item, this not the purpose of this page to cheap shots, if you have a clear answer to a problem, please share, we all know what the left and the right do, what I, and an I am sure others, would like know how a problem can be handled. Some on my personal page made a post about Rand Paul questioning a 3 million dollar budget item, so I mentioned that 3 million dollars in a 6 trillion dollar budget is nothing, why not take on the cost of drugs, the defense spending or even corporate subsidies, where even a 1% change could save 10s of millions. Politicians do a lot of grandstanding, don't be easily taken, just because it sounds good to you, always evaluate how it helps or hurts those "others" whoever those "others" may be, always remember "one nation", emphasis on one. We are distracted by the balloons? Oh, we already forgot about the balloons, even though it hasn't even been a month that our whole lives and the future depended upon those. No nukes, no gay genes, no biochemical weapons, not that we know anymore than we did last month. The train derailed in Ohio, and we all worried about the train and blamed everybody we could think of, no one was more vocal than the ones that are most vehemently against any regulation of the business, well? "Them apples"! Happy Anniversary of the war in Ukraine, and looks like there will be more happy returns, if we keep going down the same road, we could, accidentally, have a nuclear war, but don't blame US, we just like wars, there are no plans for peace, not that we are in a rush, we want to show the world we are the only super power, even if we destroy the humanity in the process, and no Putin didn't start the war, we started the war ten years ago, when we started arming the neo Nazis and the white nationalists in Ukraine, yes back when Biden was the vice president. And we want to move to Mars too, in case we blow up the earth, we will have 50 to 100 people to come back and start over, LETS TALK I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 24 FEBRUARY 2023

Monday, February 20, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT M6d It is not to go around in circles, and it is tome for us to think outside the box. Both the left and the right are stuck in mud, neither wants to face the reality. Yes, people can differ, can have different ideologies but to make progress we need to face the basic facts. We are not all experts on everything, most of the time when I notice the same answer to all the news, to all the problems I am sure the person is actually not paying attention to the content, but only spreading whatever they consider to be their faith. There is and should always be some space between the "faith" and the problem at hand, I am not talking here about "religion" per se, one's religion is between them and their deity, but social institutions/ governments are neither grounded in religion nor they follow it in particular, even our religious leaders don't always follow the scriptures. A blind trust in a party, its agenda or its policies is the quickest way to misdirected away from religious dogma. As corrupt as our institutions are they wouldn't accept a religion based rule. We hate the government, we don't want to pay for the government, yet we also blame the government for not doing enough ( of everything). We want the crime reduced without paying for better education and better job opportunities. We want the veterans taken care of but we don't demand a cut in "profits" for the defense contractors that are looting the government. We are also for cutting the regulation to increase corporate profits but we also blame the government for not increasing safety. We forget that there were regulations in place to increase the railroad safety that we dropped by our corrupt congress and President. We also consider our rich and corporations to be job creators, it couldn't be further than the truth, the job creators would mean that when the economy is in a slump the "job creators" will create new jobs, or will keep people working so thay can support their families, (the paychecks would be spent to get the economy moving along), but the rich actually cut jobs and force the government to spend more, to help the unemployed so the corporations can keep making money regardless, while the government takes on more debt. It is time for us to update our thinking, what worked 50, a 100 or two hundred years ago doesn't work today. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 20 FEBRUARY 2023

Saturday, February 18, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT M6c I didn't write last night, usually I don't the Friday nights, and if you haven't read the M6b yet, please do also, the link is in the first comment, as is the link to part M6a is in the 1st Comment of M6b. There were a lot of questions, thank you, and I will try to answer as many as I can get to, most of the time I do reply to comments as soon as I see them, some I address later. This is my "one man show", I am a 70 year old retired/semi retied, I don't do this to make money, I have no help, I do my own writing and share the items that interest me. There is always an angle to things we do, I sure I have an angle too, if you figure it out let me know. Last week, when the balloon saga started, I told you it was nothing, and not to worry about it, some talked about it carrying nukes, others said biochemical weapons, or some exotic intelligence gathering equipment, I said. No, none of it. We did shoot it down, and we will forget about it. Stop wasting time and energy, and more specifically 400k missiles shot from a stealth fighter, who are we trying to impress. It wasn't long after the balloon debacle that we had the "real" train disaster in Ohio, I wrote about it and many did comment, I appreciate everyone that took the time to read it. Yes there are questions and there will be many excuses, in comment chided me for "blaming the ordinary citizens of the US". Yes we all bear some (and certain" responsibility. It is said that the ignorance of law is no excuse. When we claim to be "knowledgeable" and take action accordingly, then we also share responsibility for the consequences. We forget that each and every person on the face of the earth has some hand in where we end up at. Yes even the poorest. One problem most of us have is that we in America believe that we are the only people in the world. Even though as Herschel Walker said that the Chinese take our good air and send us their bad air (it is not just the balloons I guess). But I am getting off the subject. If we want the corporations to be responsible then we cannot allow them to buy our representatives, buy our Supreme Court or buy our ministers. But we support the representatives that have already been bought and paid for, heck they are literally on the payroll of corporations, the corporations are allowed to write off lobbying expenses and campaign contributions, and we elect the Congress, we are responsible, are we not, when we support and elect the corrupt representatives. The cycle of corruption has somehow evolved into its own "circle of life". Don't say we are not responsible. And if the corporation can make 20 billion but refuse to pay for the upgrade of equipment while we sit on the sidelines, we deserve this. Will FEMA pay for the clean up? What do you think? In a month Americans would have forgotten all about this, except for those that will be getting sick and those that will do the dying. It is not just Biden, or Pete, this accident is not an accident, this is a result of decades of neglect and profiteering, but we the people have sat on our buttons, while shaking our collective fists that we are or need to do something. How do you fix something you have never shown any interest in learning about. But life is short, tomorrow it will be something else, or something new and we will move on. We support the corruption of our leaders, at all levels, and qclaim that we want to "change". Sit down. I have told you before, many of my unrelated posts are actually related, but you have to be informed enough to see the relationship. Thus my post about "No man is ever wise by chance", or how about "the price good men pay for indifference.......", yes both of them relate to what I am saying here. We can not afford to be indifferent, what happened in Ohio can happen in Texas ( it almost did), also read this I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 19 FEBRUARY 2023

Thursday, February 16, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT M6b Last night I talked about us, it is all about us, what we are and who we are, we live in an interconnected world, if it were not for the internet l wouldn't be writing this here, you wouldn't be reading it, we would both be happier. The internet has not made us happier people, we are actually more miserable than before because of it. No, we don't feel eachother's pain more, we are just more miserable because ..., the life's shortcomings have become more obvious. I was talking about "thinking". We are certain that we think, we just don't know why we think the way that we do, we don't ever think about that. Earlier I posted a quote from the #scriptures, Proverb 17: 15 15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord. But why? Most nights, I write something about current events, this evening I said I will discuss the Ohio train disaster, and asked you for your thoughts. We don't live in a vacuum, and things are related, the same is true for this mishap. It is not an accident, it was not unavoidable, and as I also said, we all had a hand in it, yes we did, let's talk. There are so many things that came to together that "directly" caused the disaster. From tax cuts, to lobbying, to congressional misconduct, to Biden's capitulation, to lack regulation, the profit motive, lack of support for workers, (union or not), corporations are people of the SCOTUS, and more. All had a role to play. And depending upon what legislation we support, what we think of worker's rights, all played a part. Here for us in the USA, things always happen in a vacuum, no one is ever responsible, no one resigns, no one goes to jail. After 9/11 we were told to go shopping. Rumsfled stayed in place, George Tenet also kept his job, no one got fired for the fake WMDs report. Recently, Turkey has arrested the contractor that built the high rises that collapsed in the earthquake area, no one has been held to account for the train a wreck, yet. It is said that the brake system was antiquated, but the railroad made billions in profits and gave out bonuses (not pay raises to workers). Where do you stand on this, do you feel guilty, should we have paid more attention? Are we not responsible also? I also posted an article from back on 1 December when Biden and the Republicans cut a deal to force the railroad worker back on the job, ignoring all their complaints about the safety and the working conditions. Way too many of us have a knee jerk reaction whenever their is a labor dispute. Even in cases where the workers are being hurt and worse, do we have role? Our hands are not clean, not by a longshot, we say that we think, but we don't, we say that we care, but we do not. We say that we know, when we do not. If we start arresting some of the board members, if we start making the company pay for clean up and to relocate and compensate the residents it will be a start. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON (a lot) M. N. R. 16 FEBRUARY 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT M6a Last time, I had asked a few questions of you, No one commented. What do you think are the most urgent problems, what do you see as the solutions? For many, if not most, and doesn't matter what side of the bed one gets up on, the solutions are simple, actually there is one and the same solution to each and every problem. Mankind has tried that approach for millenia, it hasn't worked, it won't work, it doesn't work today, look around the world, there are wars, civil wars, revolutions and counter revolutions, none work. They won't. If (a+b)=4, (a) and (b) can have any number of values, the right value for either is still undetermined until one or the other is defined. We can't always know for certain. Have you ever thought how the other party gets to one solution that is always the opposite of what you believe. Have you ever really considered how? Our leaders don't seem to have ever given it a thought, they are not paid to, they are only allowed to say what they are paid to say, and it is by design, they are told to say what you have been conditioned to believe. It is hard for us to believe that there is an underlying problem that we miss. No matter whom we elect, no matter the party, the district, the state, all politicians end up being the same. There are endless discussions, but the results are always predictable, actually media will always tell you which side of the argument will win out, follow the money. We fail to understand the basic concept which I stated many years ago, "we are limited in our knowledge by what we know" M. N. R. If I were to ask you to picture a truck, you will think of the truck that you own, if you do not, however, own a truck, it is more than likely that you will visualize a freight truck. ( a semi), but if I were to ask you to picture a "red truck" more than likely you will see a fire truck unless you own a red truck or someone you know does. It is that easy. We can only think of things that we know. A picture of a drill is different in the mind of a dentist as opposed to the picture of a drill in the mind of a carpenter or a mechanic. We look at things differently, even a same word means different to different people, so how do we learn to think? Simply we must learn more, about more things, just because you can build a house doesn't mean can fix a washing machine. We have to learn something more. Besides. But today, we all have opinions, people always did, for some people, all they have is opinions, honestly. So what do YOU think, this page is here to discuss ideas, to share thoughts, please comment, please also be respectful, make a counterpoint, respectfully, maybe even provide a reference, it is more convincing than a snarky comment. Let's talk. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 16 FEBRUARY 2023

Friday, February 10, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM PSYCHOLOGY 164b If you are seeing this just in passing, please leave a comment. You don't have to agree with me on anything I say here, but please take time to study the "argument" I am making, I am not here to change minds, to convince anyone, I am here to share ideas. Left, right, liberal or conservative, we don't want to be labeled, yet we label ourselves, we become so deeply invested in our own "theology" (not meaning religious) that it is difficult for us even to consider anything else rational. But what is rational or irrational is after all subjective, what is "rational" in one situation or one instance can be totally the opposite in another. Long ago, we believe that the earth was the center of the universe, and so it went, until some person "Copernicus in 1543" proposed that it wasn't, and his most "irrational" theory was the truth. Of course there is nothing truly "solid" in the universe. Literally. What is one to do? So we go on, day by day, thinking everyone else is "crazy", or just plain stupid, it sounds like fun. Actually, we the humans have become so used to idea that nothing is "crazy" or stupid any longer. No matter how far you want to go out on the limb, there is room still. We are so sure of our "own" opinions that we tend to consider ourselves infallible, we "quote" reputable people, and there are "reputable" people on all sides of the argument, and we swallow opinions of others like they are divine commands, and we ignore the "divine commands" the best we can, think on it. Yes there are billionaires, and there are poor living an abject poverty, suffering hunger , violence and disease, what are we to do. But we in the middle are ones that create them both. Only if we think "objectively", do we though? What do you think? Are you creating poverty? Are you creating billionaires? How do you escape "the Matrix", I know you have a plan, share it Let's talk I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 10 FEBRUARY 2023

Thursday, February 09, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS M4 So the quote went something like this, "The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master." Robin Sharma Now I admit, words can have different meanings, one can take a phrase to mean anything they like, and actually that is exactly what the quote implies. What "does" a phrase mean, a story, an adage, it means whatever you like it to mean. I have previously said something similar also, that " we are limited in our knowledge by what we know". When we look at a salt shaker and the ocean, we have to know that salt comes from (sometimes) the ocean itself. We have to have that previous knowledge. Someone illiterate is not psychologically "analyzing" another's behavior, even if they maybe. Someone looking at the sun doesn't think about the huge ball of hydrogen in the sky and fission, unless they study physics. We can only think in ways that we know, when you study a subject, you tell/train your brain to think in a certain way, and the brain becomes your servant. In the opposite, if we limit the knowledge (by design) of what can know the brain becomes the master, we become limited in the ways that it will allow us to think, the brain thus sets the boundaries within which can think, and no more. Let's talk I WILL WRITE MORE SOON 09 FEBRUARY 2023