
Wednesday, September 27, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 10 D In 25 years I'll be 96 (more than likely, long since dead). My eldest child will 59, my eldest grand child 29, so it is. I've long wondered what will the future be like, no idea, actually no one knows, so it seems. Even 20 years ago I wrote a manifest as to what I saw happening in future, with no date certain, but as to what will/ could happen if humanity's direction were not changed, it hasn't. We are still on the same path, only moving faster, over the cliff. The elite may have a plan, but that plan is simply as unworkable as anything anyone else can produce ( or has). We are fast becoming a planet that is unable to support life as we know, and as many humans) as are alive today. It is not being alarmist, only being realistic and honest. It is easy, and simplistic, to hope that in the future everything will be fixed and all the problems will be solved, with more money. If the rich can keep getting richer the poor and the average person will have to suffer and pay the price. If we are to be honest, a million or ten of networth is no longer a whole lot in the US today when an average 3 bedroom house in a city is over a million. Whether "climate change", viral infections, hurricanes are natural or not their consequences are real. Whether one believes or not we are running out of clean water, arable land the fish stocks and basic minerals. Sooner or later we will be out of oil. Recycling and renewable energy are fools errands, not viable or sustainable and of not much practical use. Living in the US with plenty of open spaces and cheap lands many dream of living "off the grid", it is not realistic that our future generations can like the people did back two hundred years ago. Dream all you want. If one is a billionaire and has a private island or a thousand acres of land, Sooner or later they too will have to face the reality of a world without people, or harsh weather of growing crops and all else. Colonizing an other planet will not save the human race, even we could do such, that is hundreds of years away. This just the start. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 27 SEPTEMBER 2023

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