
Wednesday, January 18, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT M2b It has been a long break for this, I started on January 9 2023, and have been distracted. Something new comes up every day that takes our attention away, maybe I have ADD, or maybe the events in our world move too fast. History is being written every second of our lives, and we miss out on so much. Also while we look at something of particular interest in the moment a thousand other things happen that we don't notice. Last time I was talking about the Congress and the war in Ukraine and such. What else has happened since, have you noticed? Last week our attention has been on a particular person, a particular meme, while there is a deadline looming. Whether the US will default on her obligations, there is a conference at Davos, 2500 people are there to dictate the future of humanity, (your input is neither heeded nor welcome, plebes!) While we are talking about demoncrats or rethuglicans and happy and proud of ourselves as to how smart and witty we are, the Congress is debating whether the elderly of this country deserve to eat, after having worked their whole lives. And while we are distracted by the price of eggs the cost of prescription drugs keeps sky rocketing, but who cares. We are a nation, a people, a country, a society, what are we ? Do we know? We don't care about our own relatives, our own neighbors, heck we don't even care about our own kids. All we know ( well most of us do anyway) that if we have more money and things than the next guy, the future is secure for our kids, damn the rest. What history are we making, what do we really know, or care about, nothing, not a damn thing. And we don't even know that. Life is not that simple anymore, we complain about the price of eggs, price of gas, price of prescription medicine, and then we sit back and watch Congress do nothing. We watch the city hall talk about zoning and bringing in more Tacobells, while the neighborhoods are derelict. We talk about having more people, but not about how they will make a living or pay their bills with the prevailing wages, or who will educate them, or will they be able to make rent. What do we care about our country, our society. The future is not about who will be able to eat, the future is foretold in the McDonald's ad on Facebook, " wanna go halfsise on a McNuggets, surely you don't wanna spend money on your date/spouse/friend/ grandma. History will record this also, I guess I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 18 JANUARY 2023

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