
Thursday, May 12, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 179 a We think we know, we know a lot, most of us do anyway, it is one of the benefits of being a human I believe, especially in the "modren" society. We are supposed to know and thus we are supposed to have opinions, whether we know anything or not. We have no idea, in reality we really do not. WHT is your name Bob or Bettey and not Jack or Jill, can you give me a good reason? May be you were named after one of your relatives, so what does that mean, do you become "them"? Why? Ask, what does Bob mean anyway, can you define a "Bob", if I "Just" happen to know that your name is Bob, what does that tell me? We are not who we "ARE", we are born and we get a random name, if you were called Jim instead of Bob, you would have never known, you would have accepted the "fact" that you are Jim, and would be, probably" upset if I kept calling you Bob. You did not choose to be white or black, rich or poor, nor did you choose to be born in America, or the 20th/21st century, so there is that. What are we so proud of? Our stories are just that, a series of random "coincidences" over which we had no control over, none, zero, zilch. Yes, so much for all your great accomplishments. Our opinions also greatly depend upon our upbringing and circumstances, not our choices, the fact that you can even read this, is because you happen to have money, for whatever reason, that you can read English, for whatever reason, that you have eyes for whatever reason, and also maybe you can read this because you didn't die in a airplane crash at the age of whatever, or that your great grandfather didn't die in the 2WW and was able to procreate. We like to say that life is choices, we are wrong, life is chances, all of it, the electron on the oxygen atom that you just breathed in was across the universe somewhere just the instant prior, deal with it. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 12 MAY 2022

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