
Saturday, May 28, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE GUNS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM c GUN COTROL IS NOT THE SOLUTION I always default to one thing, look at myself first, what is wrong with the world probably starts with me. Who am I? What is my role, what am I doing to make things better? What if you didn't know yourself, didn't know who you are, and you met yourself on the street, what would you like about you? Would you like you? It is complicated, isn't it? Ask yourself. Two things again, I am fond of saying, every coin has a flip side, every point has a counter point, but we are always right, doesn't matter, gay, straight, liberal, conservative, capitalist, socialist, whatever, doesn’t matter, we are perfect, we are right, in the absolute. No need for anyone to change their opinion, and the phenomenon is not just "American exceptionalism" the illness today is world wide, only difference here is that we more guns, and guns make you stong, and a gun gives you more rights, whether it is Mexico, Swetto or Karachi or Manilla. Of course I own guns, rifles, pistols and shotguns, I own ammo for each, I know that most all of my friends own. I am retired military, but I owned guns even before, I started carrying when I was just 13 and lived in a remote part of a "3rd country", so I am used to having weapons and know how and especially when to use them. But again, does everyone? Of course guns are not a problem, guns do not kill. But if we are to be honest why do we own guns, yes we buy them to defend our homes against invasion and to protect our loved ones, and to overthrow our government when that time comes, in the meantime we can walk around looking like a man and impress others. We look for simple answers to real world complex problems, we must be simple minded also, and the politicians that offer simple answers are actually conmen trying to win you over, they are grooming us, and we are willing. We have been convinced that everyone has the right to own a gun, and as a result we don't allow our children to ride bicycles, play in the park unsupervised, we have made our houses into prisons, our communities are gated, our schools are virtual prisons still people are killed sitting in there own homes, oh yes, but those are the problems of those "others", well come to my small community and there are no "other people" here but still, a lot of drugs, meth, oxycontin, and petty thieves, the problem is the same, regardless. I am not for banning guns, not for licensing, not for confiscation, no one really is, in America it is , it will be impossible, but there are politicians that jump up and say that someone is talking about confiscation, that is not a fact, don't let them make a fool of you. I WILL WRITE MORE 28 MAY 2022 Link to the previous in this series is in the comments, thank you

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