
Saturday, May 10, 2014

United We Stand? 3

United We Stand? 3

IF. When small children don't get their way, or are otherwise disappointed, they throw a tamper tantrum, grown ups are expected not to!
If true, then we must be a nation of little children. From the left and the right, the tantrums ever grow louder and no one wants to hear the other side, no one wants to budge an inch, no where is it more evident then in our own esteemed Washington, DC.
Hey, why not? We are a nation if whiners and complainers, left and right everyone wants everything and wants it right now, without having to sacrifice anything, obviously.
We want tax cuts for the rich, or unlimited welfare, we want clean environment and drinking water just don't ask us to stop using fertilizers, growth hormones, or to stop driving our cars, big homes and whatever. We want to ban abortion and birth control, but do not dare ask us to stop screwing around or having babies we can not afford. We want school prayer, but don't ask us how some many that HAD school prayer became hippies, druggies and had babies out of wedlock. And that is just for starters.

Sent from my iPod

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