
Tuesday, February 03, 2009




Time and again I have said, "Life is a game of connect the dots, if you don't connect all the dots, and don't connect them in the right order, you don't see the whole picture".

So it is when one wonders about Tom Daschle, or Timothy Geithner, or Larry Craig, Elliot Spitzer, Bill Bakker, Bill Clinton, Rudi Guillaini, Casey Anthony, Nadya Suleman, the Jonesboro Arkansas School shootings, Jonesboro, Georgia middle School 11 year old being tasered, or Jonesboro Georgia High school dance teams performance, one must realise these are not isolated incidents, this IS who we are, who we have become, this is US, the U.S.

These stories and the people in them may be unrelated, but over all they representative of the current state of our country, where anything goes is the rule of the day. Even as we face the greatest fiscal crisis of our times, if not of all times, the Washington is still refusing to reform its ways. People are still trying to get rich quick, connections and nepotism are still the rule.

What difference is there among these people, Nadya Suleman getting impregnated with eight kids, or the CitiBank giving its employees bonuses, or a father putting his daughter naked on the web, it is all the same, no morals, no boundaries, and pure unadulterated greed.

We are waiting for a bailout from a situation of our making. We believe it will be fixed, so no one is talking about the upcoming civil unrest, the world wide starvation, ( yes, including here), wars over resources, and cannibalism.

It is all a part of the new world order, if here in the United States you have not heard about the Chinese being worried about civil unrest, or Iran and Pakistan being unstable, have not heard of the French and the English workers striking for jobs and job security it does not mean it is not happening.

We live in the age of information, so it is said, then why are we dumber than ever?
There are a few reasons, in general we Americans, are too important to worry about the rest of the world, Vietnam and Iraq not withstanding , our interest in the foreign lands is minimal at best.

But then again, the media were not out here warning us of the impending doom, of banking collapse, or the unscrupulous loans, of the real estate mess, of the coming jobs crisis, not that we were interested any way , but someone should have been raising cane! Surely I was not the only one talking, warning, getting on talk shows, writing to the White House, to my senator about our ruinous fiscal policies.

The truth is that the news and information media, including the networks, the newspapers and magazines and even the "right wing" talk radio never wanted the people to know the truth, for their own reasons, actually their lively hood was dependent on your remaining ignorant and uninformed, even misinformed.
The question was asked on the Anderson 360 blog, that Is Media partly to blame

and here is what i had said

October 27th, 2008 350 GMT

It is just like the right wing conservatives, blame all their screw ups on the media so they can wash their hands from all blame. On the other hand the media have been a bunch of dopes not investigating diligently and reporting and being caught up in the “AMAZING BOOM”. For over ten years, I have , myself, blogged about the ridiculous appreciation of assets, of creating money from thin air, the dangers of very low interests rates that promote spending and reduce the incentive to save. Of inability to save for anything with a very low interest rate on savings thus the need for zero down loans. And have been called crazy for complaining about the building of a house of cards. I am afraid that we are in for a world wide depression, that will change the face of governments the world over.
But in the end we must look to see who really owns the media? Are they not going to benefit from even a depression once again?

Not all the blame can be laid at the feet of the media though, surely if someone wanted to eat just poop, there would be vendors galore to provide the substance, and so it has been. And what better proof of this can be found that we have MTV, Spike, Bravo, Nickelodeon and Disney, We have Leeza, Springer, Martha Stewart and the View.

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