
Tuesday, December 16, 2008





So then in what else is new, "news". The name of a Bernie Madoff is grabbing the headlines. But look deeper and you find that the whole Wall Street, wealth creation, get rich at all cost, get richer than everybody else, screw the worker culture of greed is the same., and has been on going since Mr. Reagan corrupted the investment system, OK, he allowed it to be corrupted because he did not understand what his handlers sold him on.

If we are now naming names of the crooks, then why not list the boards of directors of the NYSE, the top twenty employees of the treasury department, the Board of AIG, Lehman Brothers, and a hundred top corporations, all the day traders, the options traders, and the international bankers, who created wealth.

If you are old enough and remember it started out with hostile takeovers of companies and laying off workers, you could borrow money on the cheap and buy a company , fire the workers and call it increasing productivity, and then sell the company back to the public.

Then came the globalization, the NAFTA, and the workers lost their jobs and in manufacturing. But we had a new class of the "rich" that could could hire the laid off workers to cut grass, and make five dollar cups of coffee. And of course you could go to build houses for the people who had no money.

The whole system is, and has been nothing but a fraud, from an average worker who believes that after eight hours of showing up at a job, any job, he deserves the ultimate in rest, big screen TV, cable, airconditioning and a twelve pack of beer and kids who feed and clothe and educate themsleves, to the B school graduate who thinks that he is the GOD's gift to mankind in more ways than he can count, to a whole society that believes that they deserve more than they have because they are born in AMERICA and hardships ar for the other people who happen to be not so lucky.

I have argued for years that we are on the wrong path, our expectations are way out of touch with reality. We consume more than our fair share.

As millions more lose their jobs, and join the ranks of the home less, the poor and hungry we need to name names, name the process by which we got here, I have a suggestion. Since we are so anamored of calling old things by new names like "barristas", and "human resouces", and "facilities engineers", I ahve a new name for the situation we are in , it should be called a
"Paradigm Shit", yeah that s right.

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