
Wednesday, November 05, 2008


So you did not vote for Obama, and I kept my word too, i did not vote for him either. But he will be the next president, mine and yours, and that means a lot.

We elect presidents to represent us, and in that we tell the world who we are through that person, his face becomes the face of the United States, his persona becomes the persona of United States. We also see ourselves through that person and his persona, we feel bad when presidents get sick, or die, even years after leaving the office, we celebrate their triumphs and their failures too become our own personal loss.

Of course, the next president will hear from me, that goes without saying. I am anti authority, and suspicious of any and all claims made by such persons. You can look in this blog about Obama's message of change and read my entry, "We are all Shrecks now", and you can also read my article on too many promises from both camps,titled, "It Can't Happen Here".

MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE, just as in using her adaptation of the lipstick on a pig adage, Sarah Palin did not see the irony that she was herself being used as a lipstick on the pig of John McCain campaign, the pig of a GOP, we forget that Obama is not a black American, not an African American as we call them these days, Obama is a son of a foreign student who happened to be black and from the continent of Africa, yes Palin, Africa is not a country. Still his election speaks volumes about the United States, yet we must get past the appearances and look deeper.

What Is is IS, Clinton asked famously, so what does it mean to say i never heard, as in Obama's claim that he never heard Reverend Wright make anti American pronouncements? Did he mean that those sermons never meant anything to him or that he did not pay any attention to them, did not take them to heart? I never heard can mean many things.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." The words or MLK were never so true, if Obama was elected on the basis of his character and not on the basis of his color. But what does it say for the average person in the Untied States today where character is rendered meaningless, where Princess Di and Paris Hilton are idolized by millions, where "Sex in the City" and the "Desperate Housewives" define the moral standards. Where greed is not only good but it is God. Where black children and white children are raised up to be thugs and sluts and lazy.

Some may celebrate that we have the first black American as president, another question should be that, WHY? Why did the White Establishment let Obama be elected?
Not only Obama beat Hillary Clinton, she with her resume and credentials and sixteen plus years of experience and organization, why did Hillary lose. And as Cliff May redcorded in his editorial, "John McCain did not win the Republican primary- he did not defeat Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson et al. Rather each of those campaigns imploded or eroded- and McCain was the last man left standing."

So what did happen? Could it possibly be related to the economic mess the country is in. Could it be that the people like Giuliani and Romney and Thompson et al realize that the country was headed for the economic abyss and thought that they did not want to do anything with it? Could it be that the establishment saw that with the coming total collapse of the economy we will have chaos unrest and increase in crime and saw best to let Obama handle it? Could it be that they saw that best way to handle the upcoming problems will be totalitarian and socialist type government?
Is there a message?

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