
Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The first question we have to ask is, that where do the Chinese get the money that they are loaning us?
And here is the straight answer, from the American consumer buying Chinese products. And why do Americans buy Chinese products, because the labor is cheap in China, even though it reduces the need for the American labor pool and depresses wages in the States. As the wages are depressed the tax revenues are reduced and American government has to create deficts, as tthe government spends the consumers get the money to buy Chinese goods, which are also "more profitable" to sell for the corporations. The corporations with extra profits buy the politicians to get reductions in their tax rates and the capital gains taxes and reduce employee wages and benefits to "keep compatative". As the cycle goes on America becomes a third world country with a lot of debt and no way to pay for it. I wonder whether the Reaganomics has name for it.

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