
Monday, September 22, 2008

Who is responsible in america

For the past five years or more, I have been writing to my senator, Richard Shelby, and the president, and blogging about the financial mess we call markets. For the governement , for senator Shelby or Hank Pualson and other to claim they did not know what the mess they were creating is to say that the believe that the americans are totally stupid. But who in this country IS responsible? No one knew about nine-eleven either and no one got fired. Now the same, we have been screwed and no one is responsible? But as a nation what can you say when we can not now even say that a mother shjould have taken better care raising her daughter who got pregnant at a young age. Liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, we are only used to making excuses after each screw up. This mess will take years to fix, middle class and the poor will suffer, taxes will have to be raised or services reduced to reward the multi millionaires and billionaires for gaming the system and screwing over the public in general, O the times tha we live in. And one more thing, the conservative radio , lead by the Scum in cheif, Neal Boortz is still saying that the problem was caused only because the democrats in congress wanted banks to loan money to the poor to buy homes. America, how stupid can you get.

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