
Friday, September 19, 2008




So you rejoice, the Dow went up another three hundred sixty points, for the week it is about even so what IS my problem? My problem is the I am an American, my future depends on the future of the United States, I love my freedoms, and I do not want to be a slave.

What has happened in the market this week is not a bail out of the banking system, it is pure and simple sale of the United States to the international banker and the IMF (INTERNATIONALIST MOTHA FUCKAS).

It is not that the problem was unknown, I have been blogging about it (right here), writing about it to the local paper, the president and the Senator Richard Shelby of the Senate banking committee, so if I knew what was about to happen how could all these people not know, could not have known.

The bottom line is that the United States government took over two trillion dollars worth of horse manure in return for the promise of selling out her citizens and their kids, (slavery as I told you ), and the stock market rallied, the so called investors had two trillion dollars worth of free money to go shopping with.

"NONE DARE CALL IT A CONSPIRACY", like I said before, it is not a conspiracy if something is done in front of the people, but it is scam, it IS a Sham, it is a con game, the America was swindled in broad day light, and people were being told that it is for you own good. Is n't democracy wonderful, if the people are this stupid!!

But why now? Why today? Because the stupid Americans are busy wondering if the kids should be taught about sex in class rooms or if Sarah Palin is or is not a pig in lipstick, i don't know but she is a "pig in a poke", but that is neither here and not there, now is it?

If it is a scam on the public, the timing could not have been more convenient, we are weeks away from the election, totally distracted by the events of the campaign, and this also gives the opportunity to both sides for grand standing and saying and speaking as if they are going to or that they can do anything to help keep America afloat, and your social security check will be in the mail.


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