
Friday, August 08, 2008


I really do not wish to call anyone stupid, but then there are exceptions. Either Neal Boortz thinks all his listeners are really really stupid , or that dear ole Neal has finally lost his marbles. His brand of “Capitalism on Viagra” , steroids being an illegal drug, will not only destroy the poor, it will also destroy the country.
Back in two thousand four, I had proposed that since this country is not designed for a four dollars ( I actually did say four dollars), we need to start slowly increasing the tax on gasoline and use the money to support a public transportation system. I have detailed my plans elsewhere in this blog. Now that we have four dollar a gallon gas how and why are Neal, and that two legged dog of a talk show host, Dennis Miller, out supporting the big oil.
The Republicans have never had a shortage of small time crooks to be their mouth pieces. From a convicted perjurer in COL North, to the convicted burglar in G. Gordon Liddy, to drug abuser Rush Limbaugh, to the very true to his name the Dick Morris, who became famous for cavorting with prostitutes and now the new and improved coke head the Dennis Miller, it is hard to believe that someone would really take these clowns seriously, but here we are.
I hear these guys lamenting as to how the big oil is being portrayed as callous, as how to figure out the profit margins, and the how Democrats are out to kill their business. Let me assure you that I am not voting for Obama or for McCain, I will only tell you the truth and let you make up your own mind, about the presidential candidates and your talk show hosts.
The way that Neal and Dennis explain the oil company profits is this. Say you call someone and tell them that there will be a get together at the church Saturday at two and that they MUST show up, and tell them that there will be some singing and some prayers and a pause for everyone to hang out in the parking lot which will be followed by a reception in the fellowship hall, but leave out the fact that his mother was murdered last night and it will be all for her funeral.
Yes a lot of retirement plans contain shares of the big oil companies, and yes if you participate in a retirement plan you will get a few dollars of the increase in the share price and dividend increases. But what they leave out is this, that the higher oil prices are shutting down car factories and dealerships, thousands of independent truckers have been driven out of work.

That the increase in fuel costs is increasing the cost of everything else, that as you make more money in oil company shares, your GM and ford shares are sinking, your airlines stocks are going under, you are paying more for everything else, airline travel is going to be for the ultra rich only and as the air travel shrinks so will the employment in the TSA, the baggage handlers will be out of work and the ticket clerks and travel agents and the hotel industry will suffer. We as a nation are not doing better by paying more for our gas.

I do want higher gas taxes and prices, I do want subsidized public transportation for the poor and the elderly at least. I do not want to see people made poor by their car expenses, and I do not want to see poor having to choose between feeding their kids, buying school supplies or buying gas to get to work. I surely do not want to see the elderly die of heat or freeze to death because they could not afford to pay the electric bill.
A higher gasoline tax, that is used to subsidize the public transportation services will reduce the dependence on foreign oil immediately,  (people in the rural districts could get rebates) reduce our trade deficit, will give lesser amounts of our money to the terrorists and the un democratic regimes of Arabs and the Venezuelan Hugo Chavez, it will increase the value of the dollar. It will also take out the speculation from the markets, and actually lower the cost of oil as the use and the demand for it decreases. It will be a win win for every American, and even for many a poor overseas.

I am sworn to protect this country against the enemies, foreign and domestic. So who is paying you Mr. Neal.

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