
Wednesday, May 14, 2008




As the campaign for the White House continues, and the Americans from all walks of life, from the left and the right, conservatives and liberals show up in droves to fawn over their prospective candidate, the Untied States continues her march towards the financial and social abyss.

Though they want cheap gas, and some even want to “reduce the deficits“, “notice that no one is asking for or talking about a balanced budget, let alone about paying off the debt. Notice that no one is talking about reducing the trade deficit, or we are giving away the wealth of the future generations. The bumper sticker on some vehicles “ I am spending my children’s inheritance” should be declared our generations , our nation’s motto.

Let me get this out of the way already, some so called liberals are stupid, lacking in common sense and believing that “free and open” sex is the cure all for all that ails this nation, no matter the diseases, the teen age child births, lowering the girl’s self esteem and their progress through schooling and then in later life. ( you can read all about it on my blog, “” under various titles, such as “Death of America, the female“, and “Death of America, the education”.

For many years I have been writing to the president, the senator Shelby, the Dothan Eagle, and others, about the economy, the banking, the problems in the middle East etc, so far I have never been wrong in my “guesses”. you would think the some one would listen, or at least the Air University would have given me the honorary doctorate instead of Ms. Rice, or that the president or senator Shelby would have called me at three a.m., I even offered the president to work for him for the same money the government is paying me now. You remember when I asked the senator “ when the government of the United States spends all this money in deficit, where does all that money end up at”, It was on WTVY news, and the Dothan Eagle two years ago and counting, I am still waiting for his reply, BTW he is on the senate banking committee.

Solutions to our problems are not easy or they are simple, but here is one fact of life. Conspiracy or not, so long as the United States has budget deficits and a trade deficits, the standard of living of the people of the United states will be getting lower. We can not maintain the current life style on borrowed money. And more importantly we are helping to establish one world government, “ A New World Order”. A financially broke country does not have leg to stand on.

We need to learn that the mantra of low taxes is designed to keep the country broke and borrowing, not to make the working people rich. The working people become richer by increase in wages, even if the taxes were at ninety percent, every dollar increase in wages puts another dime in your pocket. Lower taxes only help the ultra rich who get to keep more and more of their wealth thus making the working people poorer in relative terms.

You pay more for fuel first because when we buy things from overseas the people overseas take our money and buy fuel that we need, two the rich people buy up the fuel contracts betting they can squeeze more money out from your pocket. It will also help to remember here that even if we started drilling for oil in this country today, the net effect on the fuel prices will not show up in the market for five to ten years down the road, by then you will be riding a bike already. Four years ago I suggested a three dollars a gallon fuel tax to support public transportation, today you are paying a dollar fifty a gallon tax to the rich, now who is laughing?

It is asinine to say that a hundred million Americans own stocks, ninety nine million Americans own sixty percent of the stocks( not exact numbers) the top one percent own the other forty, top one hundredth of one percent own twenty percent. You may own a few shares of the Hilton chain but you are not “Paris Hilton”, take that Mr. Boortz.

You have heard about the ethanol fiasco? I wrote to the president and the senator Shelby and also sent a copy of the letter to the Dothan Eagle about the problems with ethanol on twenty first of February of two thousand seven, I said we will cause the people around the world to starve, I guess it was not worth publishing by the Liberal media.

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