
Wednesday, March 26, 2008



From East to West and from the North to the South there is a continuous and unholy cycle of murder and carnage around the world. There are the daily reports of bombings and killings, suicides and torture, child rapes and stonings hangings and assassinations form all corners of the world with one common thread, Islam.

It begs to question what is the purpose behind all of it, and what are the Muslims going to do. No, not just the average Muslim but the Islamic governments, and the leaders of theses so called Islamic movements, from the Muslim Brotherhood to the Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

First of all the average Muslim must confront his or her own beliefs such as, is slavery good or moral since Islam though against slavery it does allow it. Is it ok to stone to death, a woman or a man for adultery and if so should we stone to death every man and woman that is positive for any STD, sine the existence of a sexually transmitted disease itself is a prima fascia evidence that the adultery had occurred. Will you be willing to surrender your own sister or mother or daughter for the punishment. Does Islam forbid the education of the women? Will you marry off your twelve year old daughter to a fifty year old man? Is it ok for a twelve year old girl to get pregnant and become a mother? If the answer to any of it is no then the Muslims must step up and pronounce these, must speak out and say that something is wrong with system, write books and educate their public.

The Islamic governments also must say it , loud and clear, that their belief system is out of date in the twenty first century. It is not to say that everything is wrong with the whole of Islam. How can we in the West be against child rape and befriend the countries that allow it. How can we support any country where girls as young as nine and ten are being “married”, as in Pakistan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia for instance.

It should start at the top, currently there are two important Islamic regimes in the world that are using the sharia law as the basis of their rule, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Why is not a boycott of these regimes being instituted by the international community? It is the oil, right?

While we pretend to complain about the human rights abuses in Darfur and in Tibet by the Sudanese and the Chinese governments respectively, the protest against the Saudis is much muted, if it exists at all, and the sanctions against the Iranians are in regards to their nuclear programs not their record on human rights. Trade with China and Sudan goes on unabated, while we claim a higher moral ground. It is a shame, and we really don’t have much to say while we have the Guantanamo that is still open, with the prisoners there having no human rights, and we have declared water boarding not a form of torture and we have otherwise out sourced/ contracted out torture.

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