
Thursday, December 06, 2007



I like to see relationships, I have said before that,” life is a game of connect the dots, and if you don’t connect all the dots, and in proper order you fail to see the whole picture“.

So it was a week ago that three cheerleaders, on the way back from practice, were killed in a car wreck and four others were injured, (the girl driving the car lived). Then we have this guy go to a mall and kill eight people before taking his own life. Is there a connection? Sure there is, we live in a society where you are supposed to be able to do what you want, right. So the driver of the car was doing what she wanted, driving and fooling around, it was here right to have fun, it was her right not to be responsible for the three lives she took, she was just doing it. And the shooter too, he failed at life, the life let him down, may be he a had miserable upbringing, a sorry mom, a worthless dad, may be.

May be he did not feel obligated to make a real effort because the world owed him everything and then did not deliver.

May be in both cases these young people were always told you can do what you want, this is the American way. And they did, so why the shock? Why this surprise?

From the day we become aware, we are told, “do it your way“, “just do it”, “have it your way”, and last but not least the one I yelled at a probation officer of a young person about, “when you are eighteen, you can do what you want”. Pardon the fuck out of me!

Are we ever told that with maturity comes responsibility? That the society wants you to behave within some guidelines? That there are limits to your freedoms, “severe limits“. That “what is fun at fourteen, may be a felony at eighteen“.

We expect our young to “have fun“, do whatever they want, the world will always go their way, if not they can always mold the world to their own liking, they have the RIGHT to own the world, ( isn’t it like the republicans and the democrats?), and if not then piss on it all. Life is always a “High School Musical“, only problems in life are the boyfriend, girl friend problems. And the “Little Mermaid” can always tell the daddy the “King Triton” to go pound dirt.

Isn’t it almost like what is going on in Iraq with the Jihadists? The suicide bombers? The world must go my way or may not go at all. The world owes me everything and must be subservient to me. And if I don’t like it then piss on it all.

There is little difference today in the mindset of a mall shooter, a suburban slut and a suicide bomber. Relationships!

And why should there be when we live in a time when a president of the Untied States does not feel guilty about having sex with a twenty year old, but wait, he does know that oral sex is sex after all, is it? And a president of the United States says the he does not have to follow the same constitution he is sworn to uphold. That the prisoners at Guantanamo have no rights, under the constitution or the Geneva Conventions or even human rights and the courts and the AG agree. Why not “have it your way”, “just do it”, Mr. President. Then what is wrong, why are we shocked that a boy of nineteen just wanted to go out in style.

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