
Monday, July 30, 2007



Recently, I was listening to the talk radio show of Jim Bohanen.

The guest , an executive of the great, Waste Management was talking about using the waste to produce energy. The problem with this theory is that his assumption, and the assumption of the powers that be, Presidential, the congressional and the corporate is that we are and we must and that we can afford to be a wasteful society. Talk to us about anything, but please don’t talk to us about saving energy, conversation that is.

Must I respect and listen to the great idiots of Washington and the Washington state? And the Hollywood crowd? No wonder the morons on the conservative talk shows have a field day laughing at and making fun of the idiotic exercises such as the “Live Earth” concert.

Even George Bush once, for once, spoke the truth, “our nation is addicted to oil” but that too is only half true. Our economy is designed for a $2.00 gasoline, not a $7.00 gas. We have a whole country designed for cheap gas and not the expensive gas.

Like I have said before, raising the taxes on gasoline (oil) would be the only way for us to succeed against terrorism, to free us from the trade deficits with China, and help get us out of Iraq even, but we have no intention to, because that will defeat the “one world order“.

Once again, you must be able to see these connections. Of all the excuses given for the Iraq war, one thing is certain, mainly because this the only thing the administration has denied vehemently and repeatedly, it WAS the oil. Our economy would come to a stand still in a day if we did not have access to cheap and plentiful supply of oil. After that fact is known, every other point is moot. Yet we deny, and we keep saying that we did not go to war for oil. We wanted Iraqi oil, and we wanted a place near Iran to keep an eye on it, we wanted to be able to protect Israel and to keep an eye on the rest of the Muslim world and their oil inventories.

And why not, we do not have any known viable alternative to the oil, not wind power, not solar power, may be nuclear and damn sure not the so called “alternative” or “bio” fuels. What we are not being told is the real cost of these alternative fuels, what with the energy consumed, water shed destruction, cost to replace the food crops it would be insane even to consider these as alternatives. Neither is the Hydrogen with its inherent dangers (explosiveness) and need to use up the water, the energy required purify then to break the water down into Hydrogen and Oxygen, does not makes it a great alternative.

So what are the real choices we are left with? We could be honest and say we could start by conservation, but there are no honest brokers here. Not the President, or the oil companies. Here is the sick part for the fans of the “Live Earth” by conservation it does not mean that we change the type of light bulbs we use in our homes, by conservation it means a total and complete change of our life style is required here, anything less is just lip service.

By change in lifestyle I mean to do without things like air conditioning or at least to set the thermostat above eighty, to take your kids out of the soccer league and to stop going to the football games, to use only one TV in the house, and to do away with drive thru’s and that is just for starters.

Next we would need to consider not just giving up of the SUV, we would have to talk about smaller houses, not the subdivisions and suburbs, but apartment buildings and town houses and the subways, and not the lawns and back yards and front yards, but rock gardens and bike paths. Now how many of you would join the band wagon of the global warming.

Of course we went to war for the ultra rich, the oil companies and the other corporations. What I don’t understand is the reasoning and the logic of these rich parasites. To save the earth we not only need to save on fuel, we need to reduce consumption of all the other materials also, since energy is required to produce and to ship goods. Is there anyone out their talking about any such sacrifice? The answer is a big fat NO.

We live in a so called consumer society, hell we have degrees in “Marketing” meaning we have people that specialize in “creating” needs, that are then filled with goods and services.

We no longer eat at home, we buy canned vegetables, we ice everything we drink (which by the way requires huge amounts of energy to make). We take trips to go on vacations, and take trips to get away from our families. We need the latest gadgets, and more of them each day, bigger houses and bigger cars, newest fashions, and more exotic foods, and each of these uses energy so how much are we willing to “sacrifice“. Mind you I am only talking about the twenty to thirty percent of the world population that can afford these things, we already don’t give a damn about the rest of the humanity.

But first, we might as well admit that we are not going to change and no matter, all this bullshit about global warming, we could care less if the mankind became extinct by its own devices.

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