
Wednesday, May 23, 2007



Life is a game of connect-a-dot, if you don’t connect all the dots, then you are missing the point.

We, the humans, have developed societies over the thousands of years of evolution. As we have evolved, the societies have become more and more complex. But the fact remains that all the aspects of our societies remain inter related.

Laws, norms, boundaries, religion even God himself were created to set the limits of acceptable human behavior. So what happens when we want the world wide society to become a consumer society and to set aside the limits that we have created over the millennia to keep the mankind going and to flourish.

Why is it then that even with all the technological and scientific advances the future of mankind seems more bleak than ever, why we are still waiting for a knight in shining armor, a messiah if you will, to show up and save us from our own selves. Why is it that more and more people are waiting for, and look forward to, the end of times? Haven’t we learnt anything?

A God, A Messiah or even a knight on white steed is not coming, nope, it is up to us, the humans, to look out for our own selves and our future. And what our future will be can be easily discerned from our actions today. Prophets and visionaries were no more than people who thought long and hard about the future and “saw” what the end of the world would be like if the people did not change their ways. The end of times has been predicted for thousands of years and the only reason we have avoided this end is that for while we DID change our manner of doing things. Today as people of religion predict the end of times, and others that espouse the conspiracy theories are united in only this cone conclusion that things can not go on the way they are going without massive consequences for us that are living now and for the future.

Some thing is wrong, many things are wrong in the ways that we do things today, but the people do not want to know, and the leaders are happy not to tell.
A thousand years ago God would have sent prophets to warn us, to day we may just get another Stalin, or Mao or even a new Saddam to tell us what to do when to do it, how to sit up and how to get down since mankind with all the new freedoms, all the new prosperities and education and sciences want to act stupid and irresponsible.

It hard for people to see, for instance that

The Iraq war is boosting the American economy, it may have even been started to keep the United States out of a severe recession
That buying stuff made in China increases the price of gas

That increased trade with India is also the cause of increase in the numbers of teen age prostitutes there

That more we pay per barrel of oil the more the Islamic terrorism is increased

That in a society, the more the standard of living for some increases, the more the poor are made poorer (we live in a global society today so you may not see the poverty increase in your own neighborhood, but is coming)

And now for some real good ones

When the mother/father of a young daughter is dating, the daughter will soon lose her virginity

If a man is making out with you in front of your daughter, he will also make out with your daughter

If your relationship is solely based on sex, you are fucked

If you married a slut, he /she is still a slut after marriage

Consumerism and morality can not co exist

More than anything else, Disney/ ABC and Universal / Nickelodeon promote ignorance, dislike of education, abuse and disrespect for parents and teachers, early sexuality and child pornography

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