
Wednesday, May 31, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 11 c Have you ever followed a drop of water as it leaves the leaky faucet and falls into the sink. Seen the funeral touch a guitar string and watched the note fly in the air. Seen a note leave the speaker and bounce off the wall before it enters your ear. Time moves slowly, it is the days and the years that go by so fast. I told you I got up at 11:56 to use the bathroom and as I peed (pardon me), I turned 71, it was funny, when I thought about it, no bells, no sirens no alarms. It only solidified my observation about life, the absurdity of it all. Life is strange, strnger still for the "average", the "ordinary" folk, but we try, we try harder to seem "in control". We know everything. The problem with assuming to know everything is that there is a better chance of failure, if we over estimate ourselves. There is also a better chance of being wrong. Totally wrong. There is saying that "rising waters lift all boats". No wonder that most small business owners are always worried about a recession or a falling economy. They have no idea, no plan on how to manage when the "it" hits the fan. Even a small downturn puts thousands if not millions out of the game. We don't really understand anything, not as much as we claim to. Watching the water fall, watching the music fly in the air, it takes a long time for water drop to fall, 71 years is very long time, where will be in another 20 years, the same place I told you about 20 years ago. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 31 MAY 2023

Tuesday, May 30, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 11 b I thought there will be more excitement, nĂ², I really didn't. I came home early, ate dinner and rode my stationary bike for 35 minutes, layed down on the couch and fell asleep. It was 6 minutes to midnight when I woke up suddenly, I had to go pee, then stepped out and smoked a cigarette. Time is a funny concept. It exists and it doesn't, both simultaneously. Like Schrodinger's cat, dead and alive. And like a quantum particle, it only exists if and when you look for it. Whether the universe has existed forever, or for ONLY 13.8 billion years, or was created 7,000 years ago. It doesn't matter, we have only been here for a very short time, and will be. What does it matter. It is strange, we want to feel important, somehow, that is if we are smart enough to know, but what do we know? We only know what we are told that we know. And we only know of our own reality, the one that we create. Even the best doctor probably doesn't understand, say philosophy, or doesn't much know about history. One could learn a whole bunch of things, but not "everything". Life goes on. It is 1:30, time to sleep I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 30 MAY 2023

Sunday, May 28, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE CONTRADICTIONS e "Should I stay, or should I go" This is Memorial day weekend! I am glad you are here, glad still that I am here, it has taken a very long time to get this old, but I am blessed. As long as I can get out of bed on my own, dress myself on my own, and as I say, "I can wash my own face and my own (behind). I am okay. I am okay. If you are a frequent visitor, I appreciate having you, if you haven't liked the page yet, please do, thank you. I will not monetize this page, I just want to know that you are interested. I am not a political hack, I don't mind if you don't like what I say, I appreciate that you read something and if you wish, we can discuss something, or may be I can explain why I have a certain point of view. Also, I am always willing to learn more, and different things, you time is never wasted with me. What should we talk about? The war over "debt ceiling" continues, as I've said, when the Democrats and Republicans agree to something, it is always the poor and the middle class getting the shaft. It shouldn't come as a surprise if Biden agrees to to cut social security, medicaid, foodstamps and veterans benefits to get Republicans on board, it was always the plan, who told you to trust Biden, surely wasn't I. Yes we need to cut spending, but aren't the poor already hurting, and the elderly already have paid into social security. Part of fixing a budget, as in your business as well as your household is also looking into increasing income. If we don't want to raise taxes, then increasing the wages will also solve the problem in two ways, 1st the social security and the income taxes will increase, and 2d it will increase the consumer spending, which will not only create jobs and increase the tax base, it will also get people off the welfare rolls, and help people get the jobs that they will be required to have to qualify for assistance. Don't fall for the drama in DC, bothsides are on the take, and colluding to screw the public. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 28 MAY 2023

Friday, May 26, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE CONTRADICTIONS d I was to talk about something else, but this also fits here, so a few words, we can talk more later if you like. I call myself a liberal, even though many may find my ideas "conservative", especially since I often quote the #Scriptures, some may even think. I am religious, think what you want. Personally, I am a liberal because I make my own judgments, I don't have any preferences, I educate myself, I learn about a problem or a situation, I study the topic and then I apply "logic", what makes sense (if any) and how to look at the solution without prejudice, see how practical the solution is. I had shared a post about women in groups taking care of eachother, looking out for eachother when they are out drinking. I have no problem with ladies going out, for whatever reason. The post was about avoiding "unfortunate" consequences. It was sincere I believe. On my personal page someone someone commented that why we just don't teach men not to rape. I believe that the person is totally sincere also. Yes we should bring up boys in a manner where they will not become rapists, may be in a few decades or so. Until then. Yes we should teach boys and men not to rape, we should establish laws against rape, and so on. But, haven't we done that already, we don't teach boys to become rapists. As long as there are men and there are women. By the same logic, we shouldn't have to have locks on our doors, or cars, we should just tell people not to steal. We could just tell the bankers, the judges, the lawmakers to be honest. Tell the police not to abuse citizens. As a liberal and a father of two girls, I had to think long and hard. Can I just tell my girls to go out and get drunk and not worry, could just tell anyone not to lock there doors. Can we trust the lawmakers to make laws that treat every citizen equally, without preferences or prejudices. Yes, we shouldn't have to worry about rapists, or any other criminal minds. World is not there, yet. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 26 MAY 2023

Thursday, May 25, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE CONTRADICTIONS c Here we are, budget talks are failing, DeSantis made an ass of himself, again, but this time with some help from Elon, Ukraine is on life support, with US taxpayer paying the hospital bill, but the biggest story of the day? No not the hurricane in Guam, not the poor about to lose food assistance, not the elderly facing drastic cuts in social security, none of that. Tina Turner died today, bless her soul. What is important for the average American though. I posted a link earlier, someone commented that a certain rich and powerful person should be held accountable, but I argue that we, the American people are against the idea, "you are wrong" you say, prove it, I say. If I were taking care of my grandmother and refused to give her her medication, I would be guilty, tried, and convicted of elderly abuse, but if a corporation sets the price of the said medication so high that she couldn't afford to buy it, well tough luck, she should have been born rich, or worked for higher wages. But in our system, the Congress basically determines what you are paid, setting a minimum wage basically sets the average wage for all workers, as the minimum wage stagnates, so do all the wages above that. Then social security is going broke, but social security is funded through taxes on wages, as wages stay low, the funding pool of the social security also dries up, someone in congress should learn to do the math. Since average voter does not understand this, we are left to point fingers at those that are the victims themselves. WWJD? But we know, we know everything, we understand everything, yeah. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 25 MAY 2023

Tuesday, May 23, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 11a In about 7 days, if should live that long. I will wake up. Actually I'll get up, out of bed, at midnight and take a sip of coffee, go out and sit on the steps and smoke a cigarette. Average five nights a week, I am still awake at midnight and I go out and sit a few minutes, rain or clear, cold or hot and muggy, it is a routine. It is a pattern. Few days back I wrote ( posted a definition) of something called "apophenia", an unmotivated seeing of connections among unrelated phenomenon. Ofcourse I had a motivation, I have told you that I have a Master's in Psychology and I study the comments on this page, it gives me some insight as to how audience feels. Humans have always noticed patterns, the rising and setting of sun and the moon, changing of seasons, this how we invented the calendar. This is how we created traditions. How astrology became a thing. This is how psychology itself became a subject of study. Philosophy itself is a statement of patterns. But in our "individual" lives, searching for, or following patterns can become counterproductive and becomes misleading, leaving us vulnerable to manipulation and victims of abuse. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R 23 MAY 2023

Friday, May 19, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE CONTRADICTIONS b Where to even begin, life isn't fair, it never has been and never will be. There is a reason that we use words such as chance and luck. We also understand the reality of being born of a certain race or color, even place of birth and the family one is born in. We understand the influence of education and upbringing. We know about the influence of drugs and alcohol on a fetus. And so on. But we also deny all of these factors when it suits our purpose, and we are also told to deny all of these when it is convenient to make our point. Once again, it is not about the left or right, or liberal and conservative ideologies. If you pay attention, bothsides use these facts, or deny them, at there convenience. I will try to explain these further as I go along. The same is true about budgets, deficits, taxes, and justice. Everything is right, and everything is wrong with what we know, and what we think. I have said previously, there are no honest brokers, I have spent years pointing out the falsehoods in what we are told, no matter what you think, there is an argument against it it, whatever you believe there is an opposite and equally valid truth. Or as the ancient saying goes, "all truths are but half truths". BTW, this platform is truncating this page's distribution, please do like and share the post or the page, thank you. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 18 MAY 2023

Thursday, May 18, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE CONTRADICTIONS a I posted a story, A billionaire complaining about how people/kids today don't want to work, is anyone surprised? I haven't been writing for the past few weeks, one thing led to another to another, I got lazy, fell behind, got overwhelmed, I need to do better. Also the platform is shadow banning me, most of my posts don't even reach 15, 20 people even though the page has over 8100 followers, so you could blame some of my "laziness on shear disappointment, whatever. Going back to the billionaire complaining about people that don't want to work. I actually noted this phenomenon over twenty years ago. Our problem is that we create a situation and our expectations of the outcome are not in line with the realities of nature, of human nature in particular. From birth on, the modern "consumer society" promises and promotes falsehoods. Basically we are told, and then programmed to expect something for nothing. And it is NOT a liberal or Democrat fantasy, it is society wide, it is promted and pushed by conservative/Republicans as well as it is promoted by psychology and the church. Everyone gets a trophy is the biggest selling point of the church, and Operah too. I am not knocking anyone's faith. The Bible itself talks about acts, and a Christian life, but the church today promises forgiveness and salvation just for professing. Not acts required. Burger King says you can "have it your way", and Nike tells us to "just do it". No wonder Everyone expects to win, and if not the daddy will beat the umpire, or grandma will confront the teacher. Why even make an effort. Left and right, we have unrealistic expectations, the ads for "Doordash" show a kid with a fistful of cash, yeah, try raising a family, try just paying rent with a Doordash income. We are promised a life that is free, while half of us can't pay our expenses. And that is just for starters. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 17 MAY 2023