
Thursday, March 23, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4 D3 Let's not get lost in arguing the facts, facts don't require deliberations and exceptions, exemptions and caveats. I am not a liberal or a conservative, a Republican or a Democrat, we don't need labels, if we accept the facts as Americans we can make progress instead of spinning wheels we can move forward. Sadly, that is not what our politicians want, not what our leaders want, they want to be followed,, they want to be reelected, they want to be worshipped. Like in North Korea, like Mao in China, like Stalin in the Soviet Union. Everything has consequences, all policies have undesirable affects, all policies have unknown consequences. All coins have two sides, all the great policies also have bad results, But what is one to think. I had mentioned many years ago that we are being entertained to death, if not so physically, we are mostly brain dead, we have all the symptoms, most of us are nothing more than useful idiots. No one need do an experiment, MK Ultra is alive and kicking. We have become a living parody. Left, right and center. And why not. For the past 60 years or so we have been trained to think that being absurd is totally acceptable, especially if it makes you draw attention, even if is negative of sorts. Didn't P. T. Barnum say that "all publicity is good publicity". We took it to heart, from dressing and acting silly to be "Price is Right", to being humiliated on Springer, from being asked most personal questions on quiz shows to people releasing sex tapes to become millionaires the culture as well as society has descended in a bottomless cesspool with no end in sight. And as the "waste" floats to the top, some of worst characters have become our political leaders at all levels. Every four years we get to choose between the two worst humans that a nation of 330 million can produce. That is not even funny. And the only reason the schrade continues is that we ourselves are totally dishonest, or maybe we are just misinformed or blindly partisan. Anyhow I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 24 MARCH 2023

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4 d2 You know, I have often said that, "everything is an example, and everything is a test". Atleast this is true of what I post. You likes, dislikes and your comments say a lot. It is not just me, your likes and the rest also tell a lot about you to the platforms, the media companies and the intelligence agencies too. When I post a quote from the #scriptures, your comments say a lot about you, your faith, your commitments and your apprehensions. How you phrase your comments, the choice of words, I pay attention. But, I am getting off topic here, we will get back to it. I have also said that many (not all) of my posts and memes may be related, maybe on similar, if not the same, topic, sometimes they can trap/ confues, as to what you really feel, it may be a challenge or just make things interesting by keeping you focused. We tell too much about ourselves to total strangers, whether it is seeking approval, camaraderie or just to impress total strangers, and our choices can have negative consequences also. I will come back to this sometime. I posted a meme, a verse from Judges 2:13, as usual I see that the purpose and the meaning of the message was lost. I only have time to mention one thing, the verse here talks about idol worship, if anyone has studied history or the scriptures, we know that in ancient times people, warriors and kings were idealized, over time, these were given godly attributes and became "gods", with their temples and worship and were sacrificed to, God of the #scriptures forbade such idolatry, and commanded against such practices. Read the 1st and the 2d commandments, may be we should learn to think first. Anyways I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 22 MARCH 202

Monday, March 20, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4d 1 Why not, let's talk about it. Life today is not easy, it is not simple either. One of my favorite quotes is that, "all truths are but half trruths". If you are familiar with my posts, you notice that I ramble quite a bit, my posts are like a salad, or a goulash even, but if you suffer through the whole thing, you will see that I try to make sense, putting different things together. If all truths are but half truths, then it only makes sense that there are, in fact, other "truths" that are equally correct and should also be accepted as facts. It doesn't work that way in reality though. There are facts without any plausible alternatives. You can go all day, claiming that gravity is just a theory, but would you jump of a 40 story building? I thought so. I don't like Biden, I believe he is not only corrupt, he is also almost senile, he is owned by the military industrial complex and that he has been a closet racist all his life. Maybe most of you forgot what Biden said about Obama in 2007, "Biden called Obama first "clean" African-American candidate". Yes! So I don't like Biden, I don't like his policies (many, not all), I don't like the war in Ukraine, I didn't like the way the withdrawal from Afghanistan went, (not all his fault), I don't like what is going on in banking), but what does all of it mean? I have often asked of those that complain about the corruption in DC as to what are they doing to stop the corruption at the local level, cricket! No doubt, most of us that complain about the corruption in DC are quite pleased with the corruption at their local level as it can be of benefit to them personally. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 20 MARCH 2023

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4b "Curb your enthusiasm" I hope you'll stay. I've been slow in writing lately, but, a few posts I did make, controversial that they maybe, it is a matter of opinions, if we both agreed all the time, this page wouldn't exist. I hope you'll stay, and we will continue talking, politely, even when we disagree. It would be my hubris to think that I am always right, I am not that delusional. None of us should be. Do I have solutions to all the problems of the world, no, but neither does anyone else. Rich or poor. Yes we are a free country, that means "everyone" is free, and everyone has the same rights as another. Yet it seems that with money you can corrupt other people, and when you have a whole lot of money, you can certainly corrupt a whole lot more people. I hope you will stay and talk, comment, read the previous post also, the link is in the comments. Last time, I talked about certain problems that the humanity is facing, we are living in times where humanity is closer together than ever before, and the problems affect each and every one of us, it is hard to imagine a world with 10 or twenty billion people, it is even harder to imagine the world 20 years from now. If we truly focus, it seems that we are not solving the problems we are just ignoring them. Our leaders are bickering and fighting over things that will not matter when the storms get bigger, or when the humanity will run of food and water, and gas too. The alternate energy is a pipe dream, but it is useful only in as much as it is useful distraction. Billions around the world are already suffering adding a few billion more will not solve that problem. We are already, always fighting over resources, the wars will just move to newer/different locations. Let's talk about things that matter, that will matter another few short years down the road. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 15 MARCH 2

Monday, March 13, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4a "Curb your enthusiasm" I have said this before also, much of what I post is interconnected in some ways, my posts on a given day may be related somehow, and I post different opinions on the same topic. There is always more than one fact, some facts may be totally opposite but still may be equally important. We read the stories, watch the news, talk to people, but we seldom see that even as the news and events are different but if we look deeply they all point to something, and they all Ignore something that is basic but never discussed. If climate change is a fact, then why are people still moving to the beaches, why are we not moving people, cities and factories inland, why are we not preparing for the next 20, 50, 100 years. If we are going to colonize the moon, or Mars within decades, why is no one being trained, what equipment and material is ready? Or close to? If we are going there so that the humanity can survie, how many will be moved, and better yet, what are the threats that we know of, and what is being done to reduce that/those threats. If global warming or a nuclear war are possible, who will survive and how? The fact is that the humanity, as we know it, may not survive another 20 or 50 years, the population will be eliminated, reduced to a few million maybe, and the rest will continue with limited resources. Think about it, whenever you are not distracted distracted by the "major issue of the day" as told you by your favorite politician. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 13 MARCH 2

Thursday, March 09, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS S200e It is said of the people that have been in a relationship for very long time that can complete eachother's sentences. Apparently they think the same about many things, ofcourse for a relationship to last a long time they must agree on a lot of things, so it is not about reading eachother's mind, but thinking alike. When we go to school, we learn many things (or so one hopes anyway), but after school we study some more and may or may not agree with what we were taught, at the college/ university level though, we can study a subject independently and can actually argue with the lecturer, (supposedly), it is called education, meaning that we know things. I post stuff here, and I have said that sometimes I don't (totally) agree with the point being made. If I agreed with everyone and everything, I wouldn't learn anything new. I am always learning. From physics to medical research to history, economics and even politics. I want to keep the interesting. I don't automatically know things, I don't have a "certain" answer to anything. We live and we grow, even after 247 years, the US is still growing, our policies are evolving, we have gone through many many changes, the industry, the government, the number of states, the technology, the arms, what have you, nothing is like it was back in 1776, probably ( and hopefully) nothing will be. Just the medical advances, the advance in farming, travel, all have improved. Things could be different, things could be better, let's talk about it. It is simple and easy to sit back, when you have full stomach and money for gas to say everyone could be like you, but look around, most of us, that like myself have "arrived" didn't do it all on our own. I was healthy enough to join the military, I joined the Army and got the old GI bill, and was smart enough to go to college, to get a good job, to save money to start a business, not everyone is. Many became alcoholics, others were not "smart enough" to go to college, os started families early, got sick, got divorced, some had accidents others had disabilities, I literally won the lottery, many of did, others were not so lucky. At night when I look at where I am, I am thankful for all the blessings, and totally understand that it was sheer chance, not all of it has been my "hard work", whatever I say. If I give myself all the credit, then I deny my blessings. I can't claim credit for any of it. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 09 MARCH 2023

Tuesday, March 07, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS S200d It is today, again, past few days slipped by, being busy, and being lazy, probably both, I haven't made a post since the 1st, I mean didn't write one, for retired old man my days are busy, schedule full, enough for the excuses. When we go to school, or to a meeting, point a discussion is to share ideas, and to exchange opinions. It is not a gotcha, an interrogation and truly not a torture chamber where we torture someone into submission. It is not even a re-education camp. That is and has been the purpose of this page, to share ideas, we are not looking for converts. This is not a place akin to a church, even though and if I do share from the scriptures time to time. Part of our discontent today, and it is a major part, that we assume that when we say something the others are automatically obliged to pay heed and follow. Nothing could be further than the facts and or reality. No wonder we are unhappy, our lives are miserable, everyone is unhappy and unhappy about being unhappy too. Gone are the days when the kids listened to their parents, the people listened to their elders, wives obeyed their husbands and such. That all being gone by the wayside, we have issues, the world is full of "Karenses" and "Kens" , people have road rage, and we are oh so willing to kill anyone that doesn't see things our way. And some parts of the society that is happening everyday. The doctor made a bad diagnosis, the teacher talked loud to your kid, your partner cheated, your business is failing, someone on the road cut you off, no matter the problem (as perceived by us), there is our standby solution to all the problems of the world, murder, or so it seems. That is why I insist that we stay polite and reasonable, if you want to force your opinions on others, or believe that the others must be convinced, there are other blogs, I like to listen to all sides, I hope most of us do. Don't say why someone else is wrong, just say what you believe to be right, and let's talk, share views. A couple of people tonight seem to have taken it personal that I did not automatically follow their chain of thought, if I had there would be no discussion, I have stated before that I sometimes play the devils advocate, I may even say things that I don't agree with, no disrespect, just say (nicely) what you think and more importantly WHY? Let's talk (not screech) I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 07 MARCH 2023

Wednesday, March 01, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS S200c Couple of reminders here, anything said here is not about or pertaining to any religion or faith or belief system. There are plenty other venues and opportunities for that, my comments here purposefully in general, I am non partisan, don't take these comments personally or politically. These are my personal observations of life in general. I had mentioned previously, that all facts, and all proposition can and do have an opposite that may be equally valid, you are free to choose and to disregard, in that vein, please keep your comments "general" , your personal thoughts and insights are welcome, keep them apolitical. All politicians, and parties are equally corrupt and clueless, but yet they do play a role in deciding our future, they are paid to create divisions and to generate controversy. If you seem to like one, you have been hooked, (my opinion totally, see above). My personal posts and memes I share are usually related to what I said previously or will probably talk about, soon. I am old, and I also work, bear with me. I call myself a "liberal" but that is only because I don't follow a particular dogma, I do my study, and I do my own thinking, my TV is off, my wife watches whatever she likes, I seldom watch TV and I probably catch a show or a movie over a week's time, not news or commentary. I have enough stuff in my brain to keep me busy. So I come across a snipet on YouTube where a assemblyman in Alaska is talking about cost savings to the state if an abused child ends up dead, o how horrible . But it is not really, this is exactly how we think, while we are not thinking (maybe you don't, but this type of thinking is actually a fact of life). Will you be surprised if I told you that I have suggested that we stop paying people subsidies ( #foodstamps #WIC #section8 rental assistance) to people, just for making babies. I have also discussed how crime (murder, rape, drug abuse) as we have today , actually helps the economy and keeps the politicians in power, they blackmail us into supporting our own abuse. Maybe this is wild, you think, maybe I have lost my marbles, but it is the facts. Crime is a job creator. We will talk about this further. For tonight I will leave you with this, remember the train wreck in East Palestine, basically, the corporation decided it was cheaper to pay the cost of an occasional train wreck and cleanup, than to fix the problem with brakes, even the loss of a few lives wasn't worth the trouble. You don't believe me? I'll give you examples, but for right now, remember the movie "Fight Club", what was the job of Ed Norten? Did he say how the company decided if it was worth the recall of the product if only few lives were lost and the company just paid the relatives. In the real world, we are all just numbers. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 01 MARCH 2023