
Wednesday, November 30, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT M1a THE CASE OF OUR SAVIOR "ELON MUSK" AND OUR MINDS We sometimes we do things without knowing, understanding or acknowledging that we did. We drive a car without thinking that we are driving, we snap at child or a food service worker, it is automatic. We learn things, we watch our family members, neighbors, friends and we learn things (habits) without realizing that we learned, and no one ever told us that they were teaching and we didn't realize that we were learning. Later on in life, we will even argue that what we "picked up" is is "the only" right way of doing/ saying/ meaning/ understanding a thing. Most of our learning also happens without saying that we want to learn, even when we are in school we do not sit our seats telling ourselves that we are "learning". There are two things to consider, what if we go to school and each day the lesson is the same, exactly the same, nothing new is taught. For 12 years, each day we go over our abcs and numbers, that is it, what did we learn? Exactly, are we now educated because we went to school for 12 years. What if I am a mechanic who is great at fixing washing machines, would you allow me to work on your cars? We need to learn new things, we need to know different things, we also need to know how to live in a society. And to live in a society we need to understand that that there are differences, just look around our country, there are different foods, different traditions and customs, there are different dialects and so on. We need to recognize the limits of our understanding and knowledge, we need to know we are not always right, if we were, we would not need a god or a message. If I am not always right, then I must also understand that no "ordinary human" is always right, none. Through out human history and in all nations, there have been some that have been thought of as being superior to the rest, but we also believe that humans are fallible, which is it? Lately there is a fad that the rich are smart, but what other qualities do we consider besides that they somehow have made a lot of money. No matter how they became rich, last night I talked about "Peaky Blinders" and how they earned political power though they were "corrupt". Sometimes we don't know what we want, from one day to the next. I'm the grand scheme of things, I am sure you or I have no chance of becoming a billionaire, atleast not in the next two years. And this much is also sure that when a billionaire says or does something they are not thinking of you and I, or how their decisions and moves will our lives. Just like a weapons manufacturer doesn't consider what country the weapons will be used in or whose parents or children will end up dead. Let's be serious, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Kevin McCarthy, or Zuck, or Theil or Bezos or Musk are not worried about improving your life or mine. Most of them (if not all) want to control us, use us, and make them rich. THIS IS GETTING TOO LONG THERE IS MUCH MORE I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 30 NOVEMBER 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM PSYCHOLOGY 82 A Before I get you and myself in deeper waters let me say this first, "anyone , male or female, that physically rapes (however, whatever the method, or purpose) a child under the age of eight should be given the death penalty, no if ands or buts, regardless of the reason, or personal status, wealth, history of abuse , except for a prior and well established history of mental defect or deficiency. When you start to believe a lie, it becomes difficult for you to believe the facts that contradict your beliefs, it is the old game, you buy into a lie and if I try to offer contradictory evidence, I become part of the conspiracy to fool you , and to cover up. So there is that, that is why the conspiracy theories don't die, Sandy Hook, 9/11, the Illuminati, the Deep State are all real, anyone saying different is part of the plot, ( I can see you are paying attention). We can't really blame the internet, even in the stone age people would gather around and someone will tell a tall tale and take would be repeated endlessly, each person adding some more details and there would be people believing the story and pretty soon the fiction would become the conventional wisdom, the fact and real. It is no different today, the idiots on the keyboard will see something that purports to support their idiocies and they will pass the story around as fact and the fiction becomes their truth, start the Salem witch trials, bring out the lynch mobs, whatever turns you on. Be it the illegal immigrants taking away jobs and simultaneously receiving welfare benefits, and committing all the crime, or the police committing murders willyBilly, or the violent crime being out of control all are acceptable facts, though they are not facts at all. Back in eighties, there was a sudden outbreak of stories about child molestations, "the daycares were involved nationwide", hundreds of investigations by all the law enforcement didn't produce anything but still lives got destroyed, businesses ruined, a few people even went to jails in trumped up charges. The fad also gave a rise to a phenomenon called "Repressed Memories", and a lot of men especially older one were tried, convicted and sent to prison where some psychologists "recovered" these from the female, generally middle aged, victims. Destroying lives, homes and relationships. Some people are willing to believe anything that is totally baseless or utterly stupid, just to be different. Or accepted in a group, and so as to feel smarter than they really are. In my "short lived" practice in psychology, I noticed that many psychologists had their own personal agendas and prejudices that they would implant in their clients, thereby increasing the problems of the client, transposing their pathologies and creating issues that did not previously exist. With freedom comes responsibility, without responsibility we lose our freedoms. Understanding freedom requires education, and thinking, a less than well "educated" person will not understand the limits and transgress. In my twenty plus years of writing and blogging I have constantly emphasized the "boundaries of character" , some people call it morals, but I am not religious, or moral, I am just barely smart enough to understand what is wrong and what is right, I define it as what if someone else did this to me? Would I like it to be known by all, and most importantly, am I stepping on somebody else's toes or territory. We live in a "society", a society is defined by its rules and boundaries, if we live in a subdivision we have to follow the rules of the HOA, right? So is the case for the society at large, with a few exceptions to be made so we can have everyone included, and no one is excluded. We are of course "one nation" right. Yet we are in trouble on two counts, one, there are some that want to make all the rules for the rest to follow, ( even under the threat of violence) and two, there are some that say I can do whatever I want, and no rule should apply to me. Neither situation is workable. Everything in your life is a lesson, right or wrong, good or bad, we learn something, hopefully, what we do with that lesson depends totally on our intelligence and our intentions. I have written about sex and sexuality before, good and bad , ask for a link if you like, even if out of curiosity as to how I think. I grew up a hippie, experimented and learned a few lessons. What works, what does not work, how it effects our lives , the lives of others, lives of our kids, our partners, you may be surprised. All this to make this point, what is pedophilia and what to do about it and the pedophiles. What is a "child"? What is consent,? What about physiology? What is good? What is bad? What is right? What is wrong? What is trafficking? How big is the problem? Where is the real problem? We really don't know, don't want to know, we make laws to cover it all and destroy good with the bad. There is no good child molestation, rest. Earlier today, I posted Leviticus 18, I am not religious, this is not a religious debate, I posted it to point out that many of its prohibitions are a joke today, it is not uncommon for a man to have sex with a mother and her daughter, or a woman to have sex with a man and his son, step brothers and sisters to have sex. Aunt and nephew, uncle and niece, not as rare as we think. We laugh about a woman having sex with a thirteen year old boy, and it is only a crime if an older man gets caught or is reported for having sex with a girl over 14. I could give you examples, but you watch the news, or know the people in your community, even your relatives. But if you take a picture of your naked 2 year old child you can be busted for producing and possessing child pornography. I shouldn't have to parse my words, and stratify and classify different forms of pedophilia and child abuse, but we do not have a universal definition, nor do we have a standard meaning of the phrase, different people do have different definitions and opinions about what is or is not pedophilia, what is child sex, what is child abuse, and what role anyone or any phenomenon plays. If two 11 year olds of any gender are engaged in any sexual behavior, what would you call it? What about a 12 and a 14 year old? How about a sex partner of a parent holding a nine year old on their lap while the two are minimally dressed? What about an 8 and a 12 year old siblings changing in presence of eachother. Or an 8 and a 10 year old bathing together. It is not my intention to make light of the child molestation or pedophilia, it is worthy of all the panic and attention it has and deserves, but some are spreading and falling for sensationalism, pedophilia is a fact, I am writing about it, but stay with the real. Some are trying to make it a much bigger issue only to make the democrats look bad and promote the pizzagate conspiracy theory. When your attention is diverted, you miss the mark, keep your focus on the problem. If we are taking a worldwide number then say that, not many will look up the facts and will just assume the number relates to the US. There are many kids in the third world, and even in America that are abandoned, that are run aways, that are kidnapped by non custodial parent, In America the teen runaways are generally found within few days, sometimes they refuse to go back to their families, there is sex trafficking in the far east, in south America, our "tourists" go there to buy young children, the problem thus is much more involved and complicated. Even though the allegations against Epstien may be truly factual, and a lot of powerful people maybe involved, making it a partisan issue is not productive. That is my basic contention, look at all those involved and let the chips fall where they may. One thing we need to make clear, even the DSM was called out on defining "pedophilia" as one term without regard to sexual development and age differences, many recently (since pizzagate and subsequently the Epstein saga) have misused the term pedophilia to define sex with even 14, 15 and 16 year olds. That is a misuse of term, pedophilia is sex with prepubescent and the infantophillia for sex with children under five, I stated earlier that we should separate the two with the age of eight as the line of separation. I am in no way encouraging or promoting sex with minors, but lumping it all together is a stretch and we open a can of worm that we all could fall into, as in the examples I gave above. I started writing on this last night, will add more as I find time M. N. R. 10 AUGUST 2020 If you noticed where I had said that it should not be made a partisan issue. Today there were headline that Qanon is trying to hijack the issue. This is not news, what issue has not been hijacked and destroyed after being made a partisan issue. I have written about this phenomenon before. The deficits and the Tea party, the ERA and the feminists, the abortion and the religious right, the war on drugs, the BLM , the list is long, and we keep going in circles and we keep getting lost. #SAVETHE CHILDREN sounds like a great idea until we realize we have no idea what we are talking about. The numbers are huge, but we don't know what these numbers refer to. We really don't. Are we talking about the #American kids only? The kids that are kidnapped and sold only, the kids that are victims of wars and famine? The kids that are kept in cages what kids? How old are they? Sixteen is the normal age of consent in the United States, so if a sixteen year old has consensual relation with a sixty year old there is nothing you can do about it. Is it about sexism? There are girls that work at Hooters, at strip clubs, get in wet T shit contests, to make living are we policing these? If a sixty year old man goes to a house of prostitution in Thailand, in India, in South America or in the US he is not looking for a 70 year old great grandma, are we going to police that also? Many runaways turn to trading sex for food, shelter and spending money what are we doing. We support wars, we support and create poverty, misery, pain and suffering, child trafficking is a part of the bargain, where do we stand. In Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Syria, Somalia, Yemen, central American countries, in the far east, sex trafficking of children has been a direct result of our foreign policy, what do we do? I am not complaining about our roles, I am not suggesting changes ,I am not blaming, I am only pointing out the hypocrisy. We have kids in state custody, we have kids in ICE custody, we have kids in court system all being sexually abused and exploited, what are we doing? Our leaders have offered no solutions, not even plans, not taken any steps and here we are talking about "save the children" and we don't know what the devil are we talking about. M. N. R. 13 AUGUST 2020


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT L3d We don't go off on tangents, really, that will give us too much credit. So many like to sidestep the subject not to change the conversation but because that is all they know, or that is all they want "you" to know. When someone is caught cheating in a relationship, a child that didn't do their homework, or a politician that has no plan other than to hold on to their seat and power, we end up in the same situation. No clear answer is available, pointing fingers, transferring blame, making excuses, always the same story, unless one is aware of what is not being addressed one is lost indeed. So many times, no matter the subject, some people have the same answer to all the problems. I stated before, so many have learned a few words of psychology and they try to play the analyst on line. Not to say that everyone can be expert on everything, I admitted that last night, that no matter what we believe, half of us are still below average, if we would only admit that to ourselves and actually do some learning instead of playing geniuses. The world is changing, if you are 40 or 50 or older, just look back at how the world has changed, (if you can actually see that), how we, ourselves have changed, then think about how can we go back, what all are willing to give up, and more importantly how we will replace what we lose. I can shoot, I can hunt, I can live in a tent, but for how long? And what will my children and grandchildren do without their TV and internet and without their friends, their jobs, you know, going back to the nature stuff. Really? What about the advances we have made in taking care of the average people alone, worker's right, healthcare, child labor, 40 hour work week, sick leave etc. What we get back in return? We need to make a lot of things a lot better, and yet no one has offered a plan. We are constantly sidetracked with things that neither help us nor hurt us, we just stay spinning wheels. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 30 NOVEMBER 2022 and do let us talk about "Peaky Blinders"

Monday, November 28, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT L3c It's almost a week since I sat here to write myself, what with Thanksgiving ( it was a great one, so much to be thankful for), family and the grand babies. My time here is short, I have lived a good life, the times are changing, as they always have, what will the future look like for my children and grandchildren ( 3 years, and a 7 month old), and the ones that are not yet born. But life still goes on, as a side bar, ( but we still don't understand) world keeps moving forward, no time to go back, we have never tried going back in time, to the past, without destroying the future, that needs to be understood. Any real student of history will tell you the same. Are we so selfish that we are willing to destroy all that we have had for the past so many years and leave the world barren, and society heartless for the future generations? What are the plans? Who is doing the planning? Does anyone have a better plan? Where is it and how does it work? Are we just deluding ourselves? Maybe it is true, we will have a barren landscape and a heartless society in the near future, there are signs already, on either side of our philosophical divide. I am for freedom of speech, I like to hear "any" new ideas. But I am also cognizant of the fact that by definition half the people in a society, and the world have a below average intelligence. It doesn’t matter one's race, gender or place of origin. Whatever "population" you choose half the people are still below the average for that group. Certainly it is a cliche that level of education doesn't matter, but we are not talking here about castration pigs, we are talking about the future of the country, and the future of the world. If education and training didn't matter you and I could've been brain surgeons, atleast part time. Most us talk about things we don't understand and yet wish to be taken seriously and considered equally. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 29 NOVEMBER 2022

Wednesday, November 23, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 198a Here it is, almost 1 A.M., as I sit down to write a few lines. It is a habit, it is like keeping a journal, but I actually do not keep a journal, never did. We have too many secrets nowadays, it is called "modern living", and what good is keeping a journal if one is just going to fill it up with lies, or only write down things to make one's self look good. The thought of telling the truth will horrify so many. We lie, we cheat, we steal, we fornication, how can you say all that, how would you like your own children to find our that you were not the nice person that you led them to believe all their lives. Reminds me of the play "The Glass Menagerie", everyone has secrets and a secret agenda. We all dream of a life other than the one we are forced to live. It is also good to a point, if one wishes to improve their condition. But what if one wants do better by "whatever means neccessary". I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 23 NOVEMBER 2022

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 197c How ironic, we don't know who we are, what we want and where we stand, our feelings, our morals, our preferences, our relationships are all transitory. We can say one thing and act completely opposite and vice versa. But we pretend to be solid. Really. How many of us support the schools, but not education, we are avid fans of college football here, in Alabama, but like everywhere else, majority of the fans have never been to college, not that it matters. It is the 59th anniversary of the JFK (death), I am not using the proper word because of the "community standards", . Ironic! Of course we support the blue, we support everyone , without exception. Back in the days after 9/11 when W. Called people "first responders" I cringed, I wrote about it then. "Culturally, we are "elevating" everyone so everyone is "special", all have a title. There are no regular ordinary Americans, don't believe me, look at the "essential" worker. Damn, we have people pulling rank everywhere being called "Karens" and "Kens", I would like to the manager myself. I had mentioned propaganda in my comments yesterday, if we look at the programming on the TV , all the police shows , even the murder ones, law and order, the Blue bloods show the police as uncorrupt, efficient and ethical, "I guess they are". I have been talking about the corruption of the same for the last 20 years, I was against the Patriot Act, against the NDAA of Obama, against the TSA, against the arrest of Snowden and more, so you can say I don't back the blue as it currently operates. But many here do, I'll say probably a majority. There also movies about the corruption in the system, we could take a hint, bit we choose to ignore. Which side? The same people that whole heartedly support the blue are also now saying that the FBI is corrupt, that Wry can't be trusted, so who do we trust? How and where do we find justice. Once again it goes back to the local judges, the local cops, the local DAs, that we choose to corrupt and like them to be corrupt. Back in 2006 I had observed, when you corrupt one person you corrupt the whole system. RIP JFK I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 22 NOVEMBER 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 197b You know, one of my favorite quotes is "all truths are but half truths" , bit what if we only know half the truth without kn6the the other half, what we ourselves ignore the other half. We cannot make a magnet with only one pole, nor can we make a coin with just one side. So we might as well pay attention to the otherside also, it is in fact neccessary. I posted the article from "the Daily Beast" talking about Tucker and his rant on diesel shortage, obviously Tucker failed to consider that the number was about the reserves being low, obviously the refineries were still producing and we are able to produce more than what we use, if everything is normal. Also he didn't consider and the article failed to note that we have also been sending heating oil to Europe for the winter which reduces the production of diesel. What with the Russian oil being embargoed and the gas line explosion. Another thing that the article misses is that right now, China is under partial lockdown due to the ongoing health problem, so demand for oil is reduced, also that Europe is entering a recession if they are not already in one and that we ourselves may follow. Therefore price oil is dropping, and the price of diesel also. It is that simple. I once said, after Katrina I think it was, if the price of gas drops to a dollar a gallon, not many will have the money to buy it. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 22 NOVEMBER 2022

Monday, November 21, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 197a Why so I use different titles when the subject is always the same. No matter where I start, no matter where I go, it always goes to the same place. Everything is interconnected, everything depends upon everything else, all is related. I am not lonely, never, I am probably not very friendly, or atleast I am standoffish, don't talk to many. I never call, my relatives complain, and the few friends I have, I do not wish to impose. I grew up alone, mostly, from the age of ten till I was married at 34, most of my time was spent alone, good thing I didn't need company. Now I relish the few hours a month whenever I have a chance to see my three kids and two grandkids. I love them and miss them, but they are fine wherever they are. One of the advantages of being alone is that you have time to study, time to read and time to contemplate, to see the logic or the lack thereof, to evaluate. And the more you read and the more you study more you learn and have original thoughts that are not polluted by the opinions of others. I can't say I never watched TV, but I didn't watch talk shows, what we watch is what we learn, what we learn is what we become, wasn't there a meme ( a quote) I posted a couple of days ago. There is a verse in the scriptures 1Corinthians 3:2 “I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.” King James Version (KJV) When do we grow up and try the "solid foods", and why the media and the politicians believe that we are still babies? When do we mature? Ask yourself. Someone mentioned "propaganda" in the media today, everything we hear from the media and the politicians is just that, propaganda, and that is a fact! Left, right or center, it is all propaganda until you decide that you are grown up and ask them (demand) that you want the solid food. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 21 NOVEMBER 2022

Sunday, November 20, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT L 3b We always seem to end up in the same place, I have used a hundred cliches to explain this conundrum. Once again, we are really not looking for a solution to our problems, we are looking for us to be proven right, and we end following the same snake oil sellers, and the same Pied Pipers. History doesn't change because we don't change, we are humans. I asked someone to name some honest politicians , I was given two names of people from fifty years ago ( Both Democrats), no MTG, No Jim Jordan, No Paul Gosar, Not even Ted Cruz or Kari Lake or Matt Gaetz, what world we are living in? How about Rep. Katie Porter D-Calif, she has been exposing the big banks, the big Pharma, and the oil Industry among others. We just can't afford to be honest. I've repeatedly asked if anyone has questioned their own corrupt politicians or police or judges at local level, no noe dares, because these are the people that we deal with and make our deals with. The democracy and freedom are under attack the world over, it not the WEF, the IMF or the NWO, it starts with us in our towns and cities and states. Our problem as a people, as a nation, and as the people of the world is the same, no matter what we think of ourselves. The average person is not free, the average person is just a cog in the wheel, the average person is the one in the bottom 90% of his or her nation's wealth level. So if you are in the US and have a net worth of under 3 million you are "average" person. Now at your local level (in your town or county) you maybe a big shot, but even at the state level you are not important. And that sucks for you. We refuse to look at the big picture, I had explained before, if you are looking the Picaso's Guernica and focus on one scene you don't see the whole story. We don't see the connection between a poor neighborhood, with lack of jobs and opportunities, and crime and police abuse, and drug abuse and prostitution and child and family abuse, and mental illness and more, but they are all interconnected. We don't see the connection between sexual freedoms and use of social media and the teen pregnancy and drop out rates and lack of motivation but they are also interrelated. We don't see the church's involvement in politics and its dropping of moral standards, and church's acceptance of out of wedlock sex, for a ban on abortion, but it is a natural consequence. We don't want or can't see how the things are interrelated. In 2006, I wrote a series on how our economics and politics mirrored what was happening in the 3rd world countries, but it is a fact, our politics is no different, no less corrupt. It is a fact, just start to learn about any 3rd country and see for yourself. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 20 NOVEMBER 2022

Thursday, November 17, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT L 2 It is hard to convince someone that they may have been or are wrong, we tend to consider our convictions as facts, alternate facts are as real as the facts themselves could ever be, we have seen that. How many in the working class and even the poor classes are sure they couldn't be worse off, or that their employers ( we no longer use the term masters) are fair and treat them well. But compared to what though? In the not so distant past the employers were called and considered masters. I discussed this phenomenon before. What are the "associates" at a Walmart or a Dollar store? Associates of what? What is one's association with their employer? Privately ask a local contractor about his workers. Anyway, what is new in the world, do we care, there is a major war going on between Russia and whoever wants to fight Russia without fighting Russia, and this a war where neither side is allowed to win or lose, must be the "new world order" , atleast the IMF is making money, and the defense contractors, the oil companies and other major corporations, every body wins. The world population has grown past 8 billion, and hundreds of millions are facing starvation, there are floods, droughts and hurricanes, rivers are going dry and and crops are being destroyed. But, who cares, the GOP has won the house, the Dems have the Senate and the 2024 campaign has started in ernest. We are too busy to worry about anything else, while we are busy complaining about everything else. Life is good. So what about the next two years, we will complain, we will gripe and we will undermine eachother and nothing will be done, nothing will get done, and we don't even know what we want done, so far so good. Life is good. We don't want our government to do anything, yet it is the same people that don't want the government to do anything that blame the government for everything. What if instead of asking the government to get involved in social issues, like banning this, that and the other , or not, we ask our representatives about the budget deficits, about the cost of healthcare, about actually fixing the price gouging by mega corporations, about the housing costs for the poor and such, aren't these the issues that the government should be fixing, from our cities and towns to the state and federal level. Doing something about the poverty and homelessness. But we believe what we believe and you don't question anyone's beliefs. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 17 NOVEMBER 2022

Wednesday, November 16, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS L5c I should write, I know, I want to write, but my mind is scattered, it has been a tough few days. I went and saw the grand babies last Sunday, it was great, my daughter was home, her husband was at work, we talked, we reminisced, the babies are only 3 and 7 months, the older was running a fever and standoffish. I like to write, this is my blog, I tell stories , what I see, what I like, what I learn, this a part if my journal that is open for you to read. We should all write, a little, everyday, something we will look back at and remember, something we want someone to know when we leave here, or burn it after we read it over again. One thing about writing down our thoughts is, if we are courageous enough, that we can face our prejudices, our short comings, our feelings, and if we are honest, we can evaluate ourselves also. If we so desire. In Psychology, in Counseling, in rehab, we are asked to write, for the same reasons, to be honest and to evaluate ourselves and judge our actions. Many today are not the same person. We say we are authentic while we try hard to hide ourselves. Honest writing should/ could make us better people. Most of us today have a dual personality, what we think and how we act are two different things, and we also judge/ expect others to be the same way. No wonder so many end up in therapy, have messed up personalities, causing us to have broken homes and broken lives, we end up drugs or alcohol, sometimes on illegal stuff. Not good. We have anxiety and depression, because we try being what we are not, never being able to be true to anyone, because we are not true even to ourselves. And that has seeped into our society at large and we complain . We project, we deflect, we become dishonest and untrustworthy, and that all is par for the course anyway, welcome to world of the 21st century. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 16 NOVEMBER 2022

Sunday, November 13, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS L 5b I pretend to be busy, well I do work, (as defined by our modern American standards of what we call work), I a busy person, sometimes, and I "work" seven days a week. It's a habit, and I make money so. I have too much time on my hand, since I multi-task, as in I drive, I walk, I eat, and I think constantly. In the olden days, people used to go to schools, or monasteries, or nut houses for or to think, lucky for me, I don't need to be, (or haven't yet been) institutionalized. (See all three places are the same, just differently organized). I am not a smart person, all I know is what I have learned, taught myself. I was slow learner, not in school, I did fine in school, it was in life in general, I wasn't good at making friends, developing relationships. Never felt a need for it, it loved my parents, my siblings, I guess, but wasn't around them much in my early years, and then ended up leaving home early in my life. There are other stories though. I like being by myself. In my military career, and later in my civil service, I was mostly always alone , doing my "thing". My relationships with my family have been same, love them with all my heart, and still always far afar. And I bug my children if they don't call me. What is the point here? The infinity is defined, if you start from say a point A, and travel for a very long time (say a few billion years or more) at a very fast speed you are still farther from infinity than from the point of start. So I imagine I am camped at a point so far away that I can no longer see any galaxies, it is dark, and cold, and I am alone, not lonely, just alone, it is not a rocketship, just a wooden box, with some good insulation and a small stove for me to warm my food and make my coffee. It reminds me of my days alone. I am still searching for how the story ends. We all want to know how the story ends, and we also want to know what happens after the story ends. But we are not allowed to think, we don't want to think, we don't like to think, and we don't like to think beyond what we know. We don't like others to think also, we don't like those that think differently. What if there is another universe, beyond infinity, what there are other universes within our own infinity, Reality only lives in our own imaginations, we can always imagine a new reality, it would change our world. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 13 NOVEMBER 2022

Friday, November 11, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS L5 Here it is, Veterans day 2022, I didn't write last night. Late last evening got the news that my father had passed away. What a great man, a great loss, 21 years since my mom had passed. Five kids, in five different countries. His funeral is Sunday, thank you for your kind thoughts. He was 90. What we hope for? What are we looking for? While back I wrote about how more that we have today we are less satisfied than ever, we only want more, and our wants are not only destroying us, they are ruining our families, our lives, our relationships, the earth, the environment and our humanity. We could be happier if we didn't want so much more. And the irony, we call ourselves moral, except that we can't control our greed, as we were "commanded". And how our own greed is affecting the inflation and pollution and more. But I spent the day thinking about parallel universes, and space and time and jumping time horizons, and here I am trying to focus on greed and higher prices. Maybe the prices are lower in some parallel universe. Even before we got involved in Ukraine trying to end the world, we already had the healtcare problem, lockdowns and supply chain issues. We are looking at shortages and deaths, drug use and deaths, we were short of all that we wanted, always, already. Those in power, and those that make policy do not want us focused on the real problems that the humanity is facing, we are fighting over personalities not issues. We are the sheep, on bothsides honestly, we follow, wherever our particular leaders want us to go. We never question why, and for what benefit? We don't bother learning let alone asking tough (real) questions. We don't understand that the reason diesel costs $2 more than gasoline is because the Russian supply of "gas" to Europe has been cut, or that chicken and beef cost more because we use corn to make ethanol. We don't want to hear that "sexual freedom" increases the murder rate ( somewhat). That driving with a gun increases the instances of roadrage. Life is complicated like that, and how big is the universe really, we will only find out when we are dead. Rest in peace daddy, love you always. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 11 NOVEMBER 2022

Wednesday, November 09, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOUSE OF HADES F So it is over, but not by all means. We are not fighting here for ideas, we are fighting for ideologies, not for fairness, but for a win at all costs. Not for morals, not for justice, not for equality or reason. That has never been the point, it may have been somewhere in an era long ago. We are taking America back. There are reasons, because there is a reason. We came through the past that so many still relish, we want to go back to a history that we uses to be ashamed of, at least for while. We were behind time from the rest of the world. So our leaders almost forced us into giving up what we didn't want to, and then someone figured out a trade, we could go back in time if we were willing to give back more than we had earned, we agreed. Over the next few days I will posit some questions, I want us all to think on our own, not to be taken in by some people that may not have our best interests at heart. This much should be obvious to any reasonable person. I am well off but not a billionaire, I assume most of you are not also. So what is happening to our country, I think about it a lot. What will happen to my grandchildren in the next 30, 40 and more years. We have the best military in the world, who should pay for it? How we should pay for it when we are already trillions in debt. What should we do to take care of the againg population (I am the aging population myself), should they be fed, who should provide for their Healthcare? And other such questions come to mind, think about it. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 09 NOVEMBER 2022 BTW Veterans day is coming.

Tuesday, November 08, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOUSE OF HADES E How did we get here, I could talk about the past, we could talk about the future, but for what? We forgot, dreams are just dreams, that is why they are called dreams. Something I had talked about a while back also. Dreams are different kind of reality, are they not? We can fly in our dreams, we can travel, we can make love, we can even see ourselves die, and still wake up the next morning. What is possible in a dream is not always possible in our reality. Veteran's day is coming, I've been watching some war movie, reminiscing, quietly, my wife doesn't want to hear it. Luckily I haven't suffered, no damages. I went out on the back porch for a smoke and looked up at the moon, it is overhead, no eclipse yet, another hour maybe. I should quit smoking, 57 years of smoking is a longtime. I should quit sneaking whiskey, I only do it occasionally. Habits are hard to break, we convince ourselves of many things. Somethings are harmful yet we do these anyway. Sometimes we don't know the consequences, sometimes we just ignore what we know, and we do things. Still. I was watching the movie, it couldn't be made today, language is foul, words used are no longer used. So many things we did in the past that we couldn't do now. For better or for worse. I have changed, my ways, my thinking, still some habits are harder to break, we try. It is our "human folly", we always seem to forget what makes us who we are, we forget "how we got here", we forget that how what we do today will affect those around us, our kids, our parents, our relatives, our relationships. We are always willing to sacrifice others for our purposes. Like Cain did. What do we look for, we take advantage of others, each of us to the extent that we can, to the extent that we believe we can get away with, and blame the system, or blame someone else for our own miserable choices. We blame bad parents, we blame the society, we blame our partners, our business relations our help, whoever, we are never at fault ourselves. Changing our mind is not such a bad thing Romans 12:2 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Time to reevaluate our thinking, I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 08 NOVEMBER 2022

Sunday, November 06, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOUSE OF HADES D If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it’s that you can kill anyone. Michael Corleone (The Godfather) It is 11PM as I start to write, I should be in bed sleeping, but I am lying on the bed as I type this on my phone. I actually do have two laptops, and a desktop, but this phone is just too convenient, and it is almost always at hand, wherever I happen to be. I hate these phones, they are spies of the Google, Facebook and the government itself, but that is not what is on my mind. It is an ironic coincidence, on January 6, 1994, Nancy Kerrigan was attacked, in a conspiracy to keep her from competing in the Olympics, you can Google the story if you are not familiar. Please do meditate on the story, long and hard, and what the incident foretold, was it an omen? (Just kidding.) We are not losing as a nation, the economic turmoil is a result of many many years of financial mismanagement, and what with the current medical emergency, the war in Ukraine, the resulting "energy shortage" and the supply chain issues, everything you see was predictable. I called it on this page in February of 2020, and then again right after the Ukraine situation started. You should have known, you know everything, don't you? There is a story in the #Scriptures about seven fat cows, and seven skinny cows, if you are familiar with the scriptures, or again you can Google it also. Many many people are angry at the government, but actually it the same people that are not "dependent" on the government, that are totally independent and make their own money, I have no idea how they are upset with the government. Should we ask for a government take over of the oil industry, sue for price controls, inflation is eating up the pay raises faster than you can say WTH. But that is again for some other time. We are proud, self-sufficient Americans. We won the West with our guns and we settled our disputes with our guns, and we enforced our laws with the guns, actually so much so that we see our gun ownership as a metaphor for our willingness to kill anyone we don't like and to settle any disagreement. We are not shy, we know how our government has controlled the world from the barrel of a gun, we are willing to kill anyone that stands in our way. We have internalized the same attitude of our government. Just or not. Killing is not a new past time of humans, the Inquisition, the Roman empire, the Reformation, the two World wars, the African adventures, the Central America, Haiti and much more have been our playground for over a century. So it is not a surprise that we should reach for our guns to settle our political disagreements today. And we know , like John Wick, like the Terminator and many many others, we are bullet proof, (we) will always not only survive against all odds, we will always win, we have seen the movies. Which brings me back to Genesis 4, again, when Cain was angry at Abel, and killed him, and the Lord sanctioned Cain as He disapproved of the murder. We will talk more about that too I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 07 NOVEMBER 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOUSE OF HADES C IT IS SO HARD FOR PEOPLE TO CHANGE, AND TO CHANGE PEOPLE, TRY TO CHANGE YOURSELF AND YOU'LL SEE M. N.R. We have serious problems, we can blame many on our upbringing, many on the culture, the media, the internet and the social media, the ruling elite, the conspiracies, we can, but how about us taking time to become grownups one day, and seeing the world as it is and taking some responsibility. Many of us do, however, probably, probably not enough of us, not enough. We are spoiled, I have mentioned earlier that we are so used to being entertained, so used to being amused that so many of us fail to learn any moral or philosophical lesson, from books, stories, shows, even church. There is a draw back, the corporations have created a "consumer culture", we have not only become "dependent", we have also become greedy and "self centered". Being a "Ken" or a "Karen", has spread across all levels of society, no exceptions, everyone wants to be "worshipped" and "obeyed", everywhere it is "my way or the highway". We see it in politics, in business, in personal relationships, and out in the streets. There is a reason, once our faith in society is destroyed, once our faith in government is destroyed, once our faith in our ability to control ourselves and our future is destroyed, we will look for the safety of stronger government and stronger "leadership", we will vote for someone to "oppress" the masses, and we are the "masses". Let me assure you that is phenomenon is not in anyway particular to the Untied States, or to and race or any certain group of people, it is worldwide, everywhere people have lost any sense of self-respect, and sense of honor, any sense of morality. It is all a joke, it is all just funny, those that feign at being angry have just not looked at themselves in the mirror. At the same time, who doesn't consider themself privileged, and right, in the absolute. We are all special, Barney said so! We need to be honest, but we need to be honest with ourselves first. We have all taken part in "commercialism", we have all been played. It is not just that the corporations and billionaires think that we are ignorant, they have proven it, look at the level of "service", the quality of merchandise, the price of drugs, the price of gas, it not the government, and we all want the said government to do something. And our politicians too, we complain about higher taxes or higher prices, but what politicians do we hold accountable? We always seem to protest about what the other side is doing but never ask our own representatives as to what are they doing to solve the problem, and what problems are we focused on anyway? A few days ago, I quoted Genesis 4, I'll get back to that soon. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 06 NOVEMBER 2022

Friday, November 04, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOUSE OF HADES B Even if you believe in luck, or the divine intervention, we create our own individual reality. If it the hand of divine that guides to your doom, or to your prosperity, you do play a part, as with a "freewill" you make choices. It may be complicated to understand, but think about it, if everything is preordained, then your choices were already known, you just didn't know. No two people ever live in the same universe, no two people ever have the same luck, no two people are handed the same future, no two people will ever have the same outcomes. WE CREATE THE UNIVERSE THAT WE LIVE IN WITH DEALS THAT WE MAKE, EVERYTHING IS FOR SALE, EVERYTHING HAS A PRICE M. N. R. I try to write about things as they are, " thing in itself", I try not to go off on tangents, I don't talk about conspiracies, there are facts that are " self-evident", even if they prove your or mine favorite "conspiracy". Calling everything a conspiracy turns many away. Whether it is the economy, the politics, the corruption, population control, environment, we can look at the evidence and prove the facts. Whether it is the IMF, NEW WORLD ORDER, THE DEEP STATE doesn't matter how you explain it the reality remains. Also it is not enough to recognize "the conspiracy" or to know that there is one, what matters us what we are doing to counter its effects. How we distance ourselves from the"cabal". No matter the proclamations, we are part of the system. So many that complain about the "plan" are fully involved in the plan, we support the plan as long as we personally benefit from it. We complain about corruption, until it works in our favor. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 04 NOVEMBER 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE 6 We cannot study history of person, a nation or the world as a collection of separate stories, each chapter is connected to every line, every page, every chapter before it. (M. N. R.) There is a harsh lesson of life that can be applied to our politics and even our military adventures, that is ," a marriage of convenience does not command mutual respect, affection or loyalty". (M. N. R.) For the past few days I have been posting about our involvement in foreign conflicts, our involvement in places most #Americans have never heard of, and we don't know and don't care who we are fighting for and for what. We have been led to believe that it is to protect our freedoms or to spread democracy, both statements being bold face lies. Then came the news of the arrest of #Assange and the incarceration of #ChelseaManning . What of it all. Maybe #EdwardSnowdon will be next. Look around the world, look around you, the #Democracy is under assault, freedoms are diminishing, we are living in surveillance states. But at least we are free, free to do what? Get screwed? Literally send figuratively. We no longer expect privacy, our worst secrets are on the net and we put them there. Many years back, I wrote, "slaves were not allowed and shame, privacy, respect, education, honor, decency, all of which we gavw up, voluntarily in the name of so called freedom, we became slaves. We no longer strive to attain knowledge, whether political, economic, clutural or plain education even, we get our opinions from people that are paid by the billionaires and the corporations to tell us what to think, we get our salvation on the cheap from the preacher who take our money to tell us we are forgiven, we get our sex from the pornsites, and relationship advice from people that can't keep a relationship. We are doomed every whichway. Literally if any of us survive or succeed anymore, it is not because we were trying to. M. N. R. 16 APRIL 2019


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOUSE OF HADES A I am strange at times, this page is probably not like any others, but there are tens of millions of bloggers, so surely you may come across another like it, let me know. I don't try to entertain you, amuse you, I want to keep you interested, or maybe you have found a reason to leave, I am sorry. I don't belong to a political dogma, a religious dogma, though I do talk about God, scriptures, constitution and stuff. I have asked the platform to present this page to people over 30, I hope you are, some of the stuff you'd find offensive, bear with me, I am not here to attack anyone's faith, person of beliefs, nothing is personal here, I write, I speak my mind and I sleep peacefully. Commonly, we think of Hades as "hell" it is not, it is the afterlife and whatever there is , it includes the paradise, the purgatory and also hell. Here it has no religious context, keep an open mind, as it is just a name used, no more no less. In my case here, it is the present, very much so. Time changes, we can not go back in time. That theory is accepted by the present science. I don't expect everyone to be a 70 year old cynic, and Ret. MSG to boot, I just want you to read and then look around at the world just a little bit differently. May be can talk about something, maybe you can teach me something, I am still learning, always. We forget the "one nation" part of our pledge, the part that requires us (and we "promise" to) to listen to eachother, to stand up one for the other, to love one another, to take care of eachother, and to protect the rights of eachother. Read Genesis 4:9-14, then think, especially if you happen to be a person of faith. A depression or even a severe recession will cut consumption, reduce pollution, cut population, and increase poverty and hunger. We don't need to help the billionaires, the corporations and their hand picked and owned politicians to use us as their pawns and do their dirty work for them. I have faith in "us". I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 04 NOVEMBER 2022

Wednesday, November 02, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 10 it is really not worth it, not anymore, I tell myself, let them believe they have found the holy grail. Whenever I say that we are a democracy, it never fails, someone has to mention that we are a "Republic", ah so!, yes we are, and that makes us "unique", it makes us "special" and different, maybe even superior somehow. Then. There are 206 countries un the world, ( there used to be 144 when I was in the middle school, back a very long time ago, the world has expanded? Who cares. 159 countries are called "Republic" , and one that no longer exists, the "Soviet Union ", it was a Republic also, just saying. Maybe we are better off calling ourselves a democracy after all. I am not gonna argue about it anymore. Read below at HISTORY IN CONTEXT I The corruption in government starts with us, in our townhalls and police departments and probate courts and the local DAs, we are okay with our local corrupt politicians but we complain about corruption in DC. We are distrustful of politicians but we keep reelecting our own corruption representatives. We are corrupt! We want a small government until we need the big government. As happened after "IAN", or when we want a corporation to set up shop in our area. We are against big business, but we love our Dollar General and Walmart, we hate Chinese stuff but we buy the Chinese stuff, we are against the "new world order" but don't realize that we depend on it every day of our lives. We are against the ecofascists but we are with Elon as he destroys the conventional auto industry. I want to say a whole lot more, but I will again be banned, I will post more on my other pages. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 03 NOVEMBER 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT L 1 MONEY, MOLOCH, ELON MUSK AND THE GOLDEN CALF Times have changed, we don't live in hovels, we don't farm by hand, or with domesticated animals. We don't worship other humans as gods, we dont worship a golden calf, Moloch, or kings, or so we say. Anyway. Have we really changed? Let's think this one over for a minute. Whether you are a liberal or a conservative, most people, around the world, idolize "celebrities, the beautiful, the famous and the rich, ofcourse the rich. The rich are always special to us, for no other reason than that they have more money. We believe they earned it, no matter how, we believe they deserve it, I don't know why, but we do. We believe they are better than us, smarter than us, better looking than us, they are our betters, and I better not argue. Japanese and the Egyptians both thought their kings were divine. We are not that far off, honestly. Imagine when Musk talked about, and has since taken over Twitter, we all collectively thought of it as divine intervention, nay we saw "salvation" of our nation, Moses had shown up to part the Red Sea and slay the Communist "serpent" in one fell swoop. We were going to be a free nation. Lord forgive us for we know not what we do. Are we so desperate, so lacking of self respect that we are always looking for a savior, no matter who? Are we so lacking in faith that we don't think that we are capable to help ourselves. Why do we worship money and the people that have money. Yes Elon is still the richest person in the world, if every penny that I am worth ( and I am not poor by any means) was worth a million he will still have more money than I, yet his net worth was down by 62 Billion as of July, as of October Tesla was down 50 percent from its top, so much for smart business man, reminds me of that other guy. Not to forget , Tesla has had an almost 10 billion subsidy from the federal and 3 billion subsidy from California, And in most states there is also a state incentive to buy an electric vehicle, so much for your "tax dollars" going in the right pocket. There are also subsides for Elon's space X. Combine that with the government contracts for Starling and other services. Elon Musk is getting rich off of your tax dollars. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 02 NOVEMBER 2022

Tuesday, November 01, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 9 I has been a good day, my days are always good, yes I hurt in places, yes I have "illnesses", I have heart problems, blood pressure problems, I am diabetic, I have bad knees and back problems, still I am blessed, much more so than many. I am thankful, my stomach is full, my bills are paid, my kids are doing well, on their own. I am thankful. I get up, I get out of bed on my own, I wash my own face, I wash my own behind, I dress myself, ( simple, t-shirt and jeans), I don't need a diaper, I don't need a catheter), I am a lucky one. My car and truck both have enough gas, they crank up every time and take me where I need to go, life is good, life is great. I don't need much, I have enough of everything, land, money, businesses, good credit, what more can one ask for? I am honored by "Gods" and I honor them back. (I use the plural on purpose) people have different gods or none at all, we are a free country, don't take it personal, it is in the #Constitution). I am very content, to the great dismay of my wife who considers me a total failure. I think, after 37 years of marriage she knows something. I talk a lot on here, a whole lot more than I should, probably, I hope to get your attention, not to see things "my way", but see things as they "are", going back for second to "the thing in itself" idea. We don't learn much of anything if we just listen to someone else, we internalize ideas when we have no defense against the untruths. The more you know, the more you can "see". It is never to anyone's advantage if their lies are not sold. A pimp, a politician or a snake oil salesman ( a used car salesman), will not tell you the truth, neither will your stock broker, your lawyer, a cop, or your financial advisor. But we adjust, if we don't know much we don't have many questions, if we do have "questions" we don't know enough to argue the answers. Earlier I posted a quote from Will Rogers. The more you know, the more questions you have, the more you know, the more you can protest the answers, if you are asleep, you have no questions, nothing to protest. Also the more you know, the more you can see problems, the more you can see the connections, remember ( maybe you are too young) when there were belts to drive the alternator, the water pump, the air conditioning compressor, and the fan on the radiator was on the main drive, one loose belt caused problems with the whole system. It is similarly difficult when you focus on just a part of the system and do not understand how the whole thing is put together and works together. Of course a 5 year old child doesn't understand that their parent was laid off because the company needed to downsize to save the shareholders value, nor an 85 year old grandmother understands that the representative she voted for their support for the corporate tax cuts is going to cut her social security to balance the budget, we hope to die in peace, while asleep at the wheel. We all have our moral values to preserve. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 01 NOVEMBER 2022