
Friday, July 29, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS G 1a Back in February of 2020 I wrote about the upcoming epidemic and its economic and financial consequences, I was mostly right, about 95 percent in what I had predicted. The US government had not yet declared the disease a major event yet, nothing to worry about it was said even a week later. But it was it did affect the economy in every way I predicted. I had repsoted that article a couple of months ago, again. I was against arming Ukraine and enticing the Russians, inviting and prodding them to invade, in mid January I posted a meme I made, "Don't Poke The Bear" I said. We did, and we see the consequences, whether Ukraine is winning or not, Putin is not done, and we are not going to shame him into quitting. It could get a lot worse, let's hope it doesn't, for the children and grand children's sake, yours and mine. So anyway, the life goes on. Are we in a recession or not? The news says that the GDP is down, for the second consecutive quarter, but no we are not in a recession. The stock market was up, yesterday and today as well, the interest rates went up and the stocks did also, that has happened before. Here it is from one horse's mouth "People also ask What happens to markets when interest rates Rise? Higher interest rates can also make investors more likely to sell their stocks, which affects the market overall. The more people sell, the lower stock prices dip. Falling stock prices often cause people to panic-sell, pushing prices down even further.4 days ago › blog" So what is happening? Who knows. There are many variables, but don't look, There is the higher interest rates, it makes it difficult to buy a home, to remodel, to buy a car and to pay off your credit card debt or a student loan. With higher interest rates you need more money to pay off the debt and you have less money for buying other things. That reduces consumption and thus retail sales. Add to that the inflation penalty, you need more money to buy fewer goods, the retailers raise the prices even more to keep their profit margins and also to pay more for the labor. Employment goes down as the sales do, fewer people working means that the working people don't have money to spend, (proves my point the rich don't really create jobs, the poor do). Then we have the Ukraine war and non availability of grains and fertilizers, not to mention higher cost of natural gas to run the European factories, prices of imports (when and if available) go up also. And the climate change, unpredictable crops, forest fires, lower river shipping capacity all create problems for the supply chain, from food, to lumber to raw materials. Power generation goes down as rivers dry, what else? How many can survive living off the grid, for how long? We are in a recession, and it could get worse, it could be deeper and long lasting. What politicians do you believe can fix it, don't fool yourself. How? Please! I WILL WRITE MORE M. N. R. 29 JULY 2022

Thursday, July 28, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 187 a Didn't write last couple of nights, not that I couldn't think of anything to say, but there is way too much. I started writing this series of articles under the title of "INTO the Abyss" 3 years ago, there are probably 300 different sections, I was talking about my life experiences, things that I did, where have been and what I became. Over time, the story changed and I started talking about the world around me, where we have been and how the world is changing. It is not simple, we do live in an interconnected world and there is no backing away, no backing out, not in the short order. We are too invested in world affairs to "just say no". Our whole future as a nation is on the table. How do we stop being involved in world affairs? Can we? Half our national budget is based upon a thriving "military-industrial complex". Half the jobs in the country are directly or indirectly based on the defense spending. Military contract jobs are everywhere, in every community, and those jobs create other jobs, from housing construction to restaurants and malls. I love near a military base, were it to close there would be nothing left, nothing. And that is true of every such community near a military base, near a arms manufacturer, near a military hospital. And so on. The war in Ukraine may be bad for the farmers or the hungry people in Africa or the factories in Germany, but military contractors and manufacturers are raking in dollars. It is not all bad news. At home the billionaires are sponsoring the politicians that will help reduce the population, divide the country and get rid of the middle class , on way or another, choose your poison. But who cares. Throughout history, every single experiment to create a homogeneous society, a superior class, a selected group has failed in a disaster. From the Bolshevik revolution, to Nazi Germany, the Taliban in the Middle East, the "colonization" and the Inquisition. I have said that when we take away freedoms of others we must also surrender a few of our own. It not just one group that is better than another. It happens every single time. No matter what anyone pretends, they all have the same aim, Where are the politicians that can simply and clearly articulate a problem and their proposed solution, it is easy to point fingers and make accusations without offering any evidence or offering a clear, just and workable solution. We blame those "thugs" for killing others willy-nilly, but what do our "leaders" propose? Are not just like those thugs also. Let's talk and be honest. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 28 JULY 2022

Sunday, July 24, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS F 2 I am, therefore I think, I am full of it. It's been a month since last "RANDOM THOUGHTS", I'll post a link if I can find. "Choice is an illusion", we don't make choices, we are predictable, and anyway, when you are driving , and paying attention, hopefully, do you always think about when to hit the brake or you just do it, automatically? No you don't make a choice. You don't, now if you wish to hit that car in front of you do have to choose, but that decision was already made, long ago, you made that choice for other reasons. Future is fluid, it is not set in stone, you and I decide on what it will look like. (Barring the unknown consequences, or sometimes ignoring the known outcomes). The universe knows, however, "it is written", it knows what you will choose. There is no free will. Everything happens "now", the universe does not recognize our concept of time. And if one believes in a Supreme being, then that Supreme being again is not restricted by time, Everything is happening right now, there is no past, there is no future. Quantum mechanics is not restricted by space, every thing is everywhere. What future have you choosen? What does it look like, what are you doing there, are you happy with what you have done? What does "your" world look like? Can you live with it? I don't have heros, idols, I am not a fan of anyone. Typically if you have a "hero", you try to emulate them, if you think you like "John Wick", pretty sure you fantasize about being "him". If it is Rambo, you want to be like Rambo. But what if you claim to have a Saint for a hero? A prophet maybe? What qualities of him/her do you like? How much you behave or act like them? Do you? By the time you realize that your foot is on the brake, the car is already braking, the car computer acts faster than your brain. Nothing is easier than feeling "morally superior" than by telling others to act morally. There are 613 commandments. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 24 JULY 2022

Friday, July 22, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 186 b It is not that we are brave, really, that we want a revolution, we are scared, scared of losing what we have. What we have is ours, because of the system we want to overthrow. We are against the FED and the banks, but we borrowed money from the banks who borrowed it from the FED so we could built a big house, borrow money to buy a farm, borrow money to expand our business. We are afraid of losing what "we have built" thanks to the FED. The government does not run the country, the big businesses do, the billionaires do, and there is already a "New World Order", you and I are not part of it, we are distracted. If anything. Those that run the world are not worried about any "civil war" or its consequences. If we kill eachother we only solve their problem, we help them reach the twin goals of population reduction and slowing consumption. Slowing consumption and reducing population conserve resources and reduce pollution. So much the better. You want to kill eachother no big deal, you want the children uneducated so much the better, we need slaves, we need hungry masses that will work for food. We know about the super rich, the Musk and the Bezos, they are not the ones, we don't see the people that actually run the world. Do your own research. Two years ago when the markets were tanking, the rich bought the stocks, earlier this year, when the markets were high the billionaires were selling, look at the FTC fillings, they are public records. Politicians don't care, they are being paid to divide us, and we turn on eachother, so much the better. Those politicians that are encouraging a civil uprising from the sidelines asj them what is their plan? What will the "government" look like after the event? How will life improve for the average person, what kind of jobs? What income? What housing and transportation provisions are there? There are no plans, there are no provisions. There is no certain future. Actually there is no leadership, no "shadow government ". And if the revolution happens, what you own will be taken (taxed) to pay for the future "expenses". This is how it works, everywhere. Sadly, some of the biggest fools are the veterans that have been in a country like Afghanistan and have seen a civil war and think that it will not be the same here. It will be, I know it will. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 22 JULY 2022

Thursday, July 21, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 186 a I know, I am changing the subject here, but I am really not, I write about America, we are a country, a society, everything is connected, everything affects everything else. Be it gas prices, the food prices, the minimum wage, the rental costs, the student loans, the deficit, the social security, healthcare, gun control, abortion. So you cannot just talk about one thing and every other problem gets solved. It doesn't work like that, it is the real life. If you are my (70) or close, it is better than 50/50 chance that you have driven drunk, you had an affair or two, you probably experimented with some drugs, "experimented in bedroom" and so on, I am not judging, and no one knows, we can be honest, even if it is to our own selves. I remember times before we had the internet and the cellphones, before we had air-conditioning, when most cars were stick shift, before we had transplants, when a kidney stone required major surgery and there were no stents. Yeah, I remember the good old days too. When if you rented a room as a man and wife, or had a chance of clothes at someone's house you could be considered married. And adultery was actually grounds for a divorce. One thing has not changed though, the desire of the average American for an armed revolution, it is in our blood, it has always been there, we have always been ready, and willing, that has never diminished. We always dream of that glory. We are just waiting, tomorrow will be a great day. We have plans, our friends are all ready, we have the guns and the ammo and the Ford F-150s ready. I know because I have been writing about the upcoming revolution and what life will be like when we finally take over, and run the country the way we want to. As a veteran myself. I know many of my friends that are ready and willing to take up arms and defend the #Constitution and defeat the #Communist, just hang in there. We want to eliminate corruption in the government. If we could just start small and clean up our cities and towns, our counties and the states, but the corruption closer to home serves our purpose, it helps our businesses, it helps us with our contracts, it gets jobs for our kin folk, and it helps us keep them "others" in line. Don't mention it! May be I will go item by item as to how our revolution is doomed, before we can get started. And we can change the country. Our friends overseas want nothing more than the United States to self destruct, if you think that any country in the world will miss the United States you are wrong, just study the geo politics , surprise yourself. I WILL WRITE MUCH MORE M. N. R. 21 JULY 2022

Monday, July 18, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOW AMERICANS ARE PLAYED I 2b To quote once again from "the Kybalion", "All truths are but half truths, all paradoxes may be reconciled". But we live in the age of lies, age of accusations, promised are made never to be kept. And sheep are being led to the slaughter house. Why can't we just live in peace and prosper. Why can't we live in harmony, we could you know. If only we didn't listen to the snake old salesmen. It is not just the politics, they are using the religion, to divide us, I will show you. We say that we believe, we say that we a moral and loving people, nothing could be further than the truth. Now you can believe any lie that you wish, left or right, I will try to show you how bothsides are lying, and I will show you lose what avenue you take. Give me time, and follow along. Most humans are emotional beings, unless one happens to be a sociopath. We have created generations of sociopaths and psychopaths, on both sides, people that are the most immoral are chosen, by us, as our leaders, because they exactly represent our values of which do not have any. We have been brainwashed. Left, right and center, we are a lost sheep, our "shepherds are wolves in sheep's clothing" . It doesn't matter who you are, where you are, what side you are on or against, there is phenomenon called "highway hypnosis", you are driving down a straight road, or you are driving on a familiar road, time passes, you have no idea how long, suddenly you are miles away and don't remember anything, you don't know how you made it, have no memory, something happens, you are focused on whatever you are involved with, you forget about the world around you, you don't what has happened around you, what you saw, what you passed by, what you have seen, you are "there". We get involved in our affairs, and the times change, we don't notice. We live in a neighborhood, everyone does the same thing, our group of friends has the same ideas, same ideologies, we don't notice if they are right or wrong, we follow along, we get used to it. It will be hard for me to tell a "liberal" friend how the welfare system, as we have today, is destroying families, leading to child abuse and neglect, leading to drug use, and worse, or that if a child chooses to play with a doll they should not be "encouraged" to follow other gender norms. Similarly if I were to tell a conservative friend that if you are living of grid and want to use solar energy, then it will be just fine to use solar energy in the city, at least as a backup plan, it will be okay even to drive a hybrid. We don't see simple solutions that can work. We must go all out, be at eachother's throat for every little thing because our politicians tell us to, because this is how they make money, secure their base, and keep the power. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 18 JULY 2022

Sunday, July 17, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOW AMERICANS ARE PLAYED I 2a Obviously, we are a very smart people, atleast we like to think so. There is in old Jackie Chan movie called "Rush hour" where Chris Tucker asks Jackie "do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth". Well do we? Do we even understand the words that come out of our own mouths? We have stories about America, or should I say "myths", we make statements that are totally opposite of eachother and we claim that bothsides are true. Actually, I don't think that we even realize that we are making contradictory claims. So we say we are a smart people, are we? Do we really believe it? How? I mean we go about all day complaining about how dumb every other person that we deal with is! From our bosses to our clerks, the people at any office, the people that answer at call centers, the fast food workers, the store help, the servers at the restaurants and so on. Our day passes dealing with "stupid" ( your definition) and yet we claim that we are a nation of smart people, I don't know, what do you think? Then there is the idea of the "hard working Americans" usually the term is used by the politicians at all levels, where are they though? Who are those hard working Americans? We lie to ourselves and we believe all the lies we are told, that is not smart, is it? Ask any boss, any manager at the local Dollar store, and construction supervisor, they will tell you how difficult it is to find good workers, but we like being lied to, politicians know we like to be told lies, we are a nation of heroes, unsung and otherwise, trust me no one in our country is "worthless", but! We call some of our workers "essential" meaning that without these workers the economy will stall, come to a halt, and then ask the politicians " should these workers get a rise in the minimum wage" and see what happens. Ask the Ron DeSantis, ask Abbott, no! What are we? Who are we? We don't even know ourselves, we don't even understand the words that are coming out of our mouths! It is late, I will continue with this part again soon. M. N. R. 17 JULY 2022

Friday, July 15, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOW AMERICANS ARE PLAYED I1 If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. Lewis Carroll If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. Yogi Berra if you don't where you are going how will you know when you are lost M. N. R. We have good intentions, we always have good intentions, no wonder we are upset about the corrupt government, corrupt officials, corrupt people. Oh no, it is not us, we are good people, it is those others, always those others, they have no character, no values, they are lazy, and they mooch off the people like us, they are the leeches. It is always those others, the people on welfare, the poor, the disabled, and those others. And look, the politicians are always pointing them out, there has to be a reason, the politicians are smarter than us, they can see. Really? Have you ever seen someone on welfare that became a millionaire by being on foodstamps? Or an elderly on social security that was buying carb legs with their Social security payments. Yes, I have seen people on foodstamps buying crab legs, buying chips and ice with stamps and buying beer with their cash. I have seen people living in subsidized housing with fancy cars and $3000 wheels. And I really don't care. I used to work with a retired Colonel, he was a GS-12 and was riffed to GS-7, with save pay, he was also a VA 100%percent disabled, he was making real money. Then there are developers, they own 100s of units of "subsidized housing" collecting millions in rent from the federal government, getting depreciation tax cuts, and the poor living in those apartments getting the blame for being moochers. How about your fake colleges and universities that collect millions for "education" while their students sometimes don't even exist. You see where I am going with this! I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 15 JULY 2022

Thursday, July 14, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 185 B So, some of my posts upset you. I like that. I post stuff that makes you think, maybe not, but the will show you that not everyone agrees with whatever viewpoints you hold dear. I posted a quote just yesterday, from Winston Churchill " if two people agree on everything, one of them is useless", one of them is not using their own brain. Don't worry, it is always useful to disagree with someone, we disagree with our spouses, our parents, our friends, bosses and colleagues all the time. Which brings me to the point I started with last night, "George Orwell was so wrong. He thought that somewhere in a dystopian future, a government will control the media and use the television to brainwash the public. That the government will burn the books to keep the people from learning. The government will try to scuttle the flow of information so as to subjugate the people. How wrong he was, the government mo longer has to do any such thing. We are doing it to ourselves, doing it proudly, We are staying ignorant willingly. We are obeying the government that we hate so much, we are so blind, so ill-informed that we don't even see that. There are serious issues with our education system, I noted that over twenty years ago, I wrote about the problems and about the possible improvements of the system. Neither side is interested, whether it is the liberals that want lower standards so that everyone can "pass", did I mention that the conservatives also want the same. Bothsides want to push their agendas that have nothing at all to do with "reading, writing and arithmetic" , it is about social engineering, whether it is the "drag shows or the Bible and the prayer". Whether it is the CRT ( which is not taught in schools ) or whether the school should be an extension of the Sunday school. (In as much as no sex Ed, no evolution) . We fail our kids. Time after time our kids show that they are not prepared for the future. The media is owned by the big corporations, they are not in it to inform, they are in it to produce the next generation of consumers. They are in it to mislead, misdirect and misinform, pick your poison, whatever channel you like. Poor Orwell didn't know about the 300 channels plus pay-per-view. You can pay to be brainwashed. In the Matrix you were plugged into a computer to download programs directly into your brain, in the real world you don't need to be wired to the computer, you can get anything from a sermon, to how to rob a bank, how to rape torture and kill, just use your remote. No wonder every citizen at every level is ready and willing to kill another, murder is our solution to every problem. Even the "good guys" in the police, FBI, SWAT and NCIS shows are good because they kill the other guy. We can no longer "just get along", even our presidents approve of murder. And our school boards like the book burnings. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 14 JULY 2022

Wednesday, July 13, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 185 A Poor George Orwell, he was so very wrong about so many things you know, but we will talk about him later. As I posted earlier, "In the age of information, ignorance is a choice, but sometimes we need our ignorance just to survive. Can you imagine what will happen if one suddenly realized that they have been wrong all along, and about everything. You know like when people find out that the person that raised them was not their actual parent, or that their partner of the last so many years was a cheat, a serial cheater. It is tough, it can destroy the person, so sometimes we just lie to ourselves, we keep the fantasy going. It is not that unusual really. A while back I had posted a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, “Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility". a lot of people liked it, but what, what does that "responsibility" even mean? Many people today talk about preserving the #Constitution, of course that is a responsibility of every single American, but there more that do not actually understand what the Constitution means, they just decide, without any knowledge as to what it means, and why not, even the Supreme Court justices and the people in the Congress always try to make it "mean" what it does not, of we could only go back to what it says and not what someone says. Then again, we have justices that have perjured themselves as declared in the #Constitution itself. But we will get to that point also, later. Winston Churchill said, if two people agree about everything then one of them is unnecessary. Good thing that we disagree. We are at a point we were warned about, the infighting, the "I want it all to myself" attitude, to win at all cost. It is not just the politics though, look at our crime rates, the robberies, the killings, the bribery, the greed, the embezzlement, the drug trafficking, the marketing, the CEO pay, the corporate greed, the destruction of small business, the monopolies, the environment, the high school games, the peewee leagues, it is all about winning at all cost. But we are all innocent. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 13 JULY 2022

Monday, July 11, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 184 B I was talking to Rick today, is younger than I, not much but. I finally figured out why I am always tired. I need 8 hours of sleep but I usually get up after 6 or 6 and half hours to go to bathroom and can't go back to sleep. So I need a nap or I am tired. I used to go days, weeks even in two to three hours of sleep, back then we didn't have energy drinks either. I have been married for 36 years, my eldest daughter has been married for five. I am a bit over 7 years older than my wife, John's parents are younger, his father is just under 65 and his mom much younger, both my wife and I and John's parents were married on the same day in 1986. (We didn't know eachother till the kids were married. Today, I seldom see a couple in their fifties, and sometimes in their forties that has not been married three times, has not had kids with more than one partner, I am not judging, it is just how it is, no one bats an eye. What effect it has on the kids, on the family family finances, who cares, go see a therapist. Half of the nation has a therapist the other half needs one still. We have learned to make excuses to justify our bad behavior, and no one is guilty. I am not saying that I hadn't been a bad boy, always single , GI, good career, young, whatever, I had a good time, I also learned a few things, from watching, experimenting. We could always talk about the costs of such "freedoms", I even wrote an essay about it years ago, how much such "freedom" costs in dollars and cents. You should read it, ask me for that link. But we are Americans, and we set the trends that the world follows. We establish the culture of the world. But since we are Americans, we know how to calculate the GDP. Everything we do adds to our GDP, someone gets killed, someone goes to jail, someone has an STD, doesn't matter, it counts, it adds to the gross domestic product of the country. Remember the cost of a funeral, cost of treating a bullet wound, help for the disabled, overtime for the police, the pay of a nurse, the cost of paying a judge, a coroner, the settlement of a lawsuit against police misconduct, the profits of drug company, they all count in the GDP, we have created an economic miracle, everyone can be a millionaire, or die trying. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 11 JULY 2022




LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 184 A It is almost midnight, again, I always (there is no such thing as always, or never, trust me), write close to midnight, so the date at the bottom is either the present date or the tomorrow's date. I write into the future, you see, even you the reader are in the future from where you started reading this post. We always live in the "future" the past over with each word that you read. Every word you read is in the past as you read it. I am seventy years in to future from my birth. We reminisce about the past, and we don't know anything about the future. What did you know about today thirty years ago, what you had predicted, you are living it now right? We don't know what the future will be, even when we think what it will be like is a mere wishful thinking. Then we talk about how great the things were in the days of yore. Really, what was so good about the days of yore that you want to go back to, how many days of the past were so great? Before you were married, before you had the kids, a bigger house, a boat may be, before you had a newer car, back when you had a time paying the bills, how many days were really great? I listen to the stories of the people of my age, it is always the same ten, fifteen or thirty stories, over fifty or even seventy years, rest of the days were either mundane or days of struggles. Are you an exception? Probably not, think! We have two lives, most of us do, one about a real day to day life, and the other that is a pure fantasy where all the bad is excluded and all the good is illuminated, extra bright. If only our lives were so perfect. So you want to change the world? So what is keeping you? Man has tried for eons, may be this is your turn, it is your time. Did you read the last post? I will put the link in the comments. Our problem is that we want to change the world in our own image, we want the things only the way that we like, no room for anyone else, no other ideas. That also is not new, over time all systems fail, over time, all ideas show their flaws, we search for perfection in an imperfect world, because we are imperfect ourselves. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 11 JUNE 2022

Thursday, July 07, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 183 B Jude 1:16 These are grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires; they are loud-mouthed boasters, showing favoritism to gain advantage. I make no apologies, on this, my blog, you will find many things, things that interest me, I like many things, from mundane, absurd and shallow, to deep, philosophical, scientific, psychological, even sometimes moral and religious. I am not a religious person, I am not a moral person, I find it absurd when people want to impress others by their religious creeds, if you are moral and religious you won't have to argue about it on a blog post. Trust me. Also, I find it absurd when people have one and the same argument about everything, one and the same solution to all problems. We get involved in world affairs knowingly, we decide to become a part of a corrupt system and then complain about its failings. We complain because and only when we believe we are failing, and then we say that the system is failing us. Philosophers, prophets and seers always told us to stay away, to stay apart. We fail, we are greedy, we are needy, we want, we want and we want. If only we could see our own part in its failings. The fact is that the biggest complainers don't actually want to fix the system, they just want it to work some more in their favor, corruptly or otherwise. Anyway, like that page and follow, there is always something to surprise you, or something for you to disagree with Thanks I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 07 JULY 2022

Wednesday, July 06, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 183 A Morality can only be taught by example! Or something like that. From the beginning of man's awareness, of "self" and his surroundings, we have searched for a reason, why we are here, who we are, not everyone though. Most of humanity, even today, spends the life in the mundane. Then we think, some of us do. Not all, we have had seers and philosophers, prophets, preachers, scholors and teachers of all stripe, telling us who we are, why we are here, the purpose of life. Most of are satisfied, not curious, but those that look for a meaning are still searching, still looking, still learning. If asked, most people today will readily say that they "think", that they "care", that they "know", but what? What do we think, what do we care about, what do we know, I mean beyond ourselves, in all regards. If we think about the economy, it only about how we will be affected personally, even then we know we have desires but really no control, if we care, we care only about ourselves and what is happening to us at a very narrow personal level, and what about "knowledge" beyond what "we" like or dislike. Really what? I write. I post, I read comments, and usually the comments are only about personal preferences, not about how even the simplest of things affect the whole country. The whole world. I am not "hopeless". I am aware that life will go on, whether I like the things or not, I know the future. I don't like what I see, but it will be, as we were warned. Not in religious terms. Let's not talk about that, it is too, personal, and I will argue about personal beliefs. Whether climate change is real, whether population control is a possibility. Will the earth will become inhabitable in short order, are we being controlled by the Lizard people, is there a baby eating cabal, are we living in a simulation, will AI take over? All is possible and impossible at the sametime. We are living in denial, our governments, the world over are lying, and those that say they will stand up against oppression are deluding themselves, I am not being pessimistic, I am realistic enough to see beyond the shadows. What I said in 2003 has not changed, everyday we are closer to the inevitable, like it or not, it cannot, will not be changed. Our economic model is a disaster, we all realize that, we complain about it, but we live with it, we talk about how it needs to be changed but we have no alternative, we are stuck. No wonder the politicians on the left or the right are not offering a fix, they are happy to have us fighting amongst ourselves, about abortion, about critical race theory, about school prayer, about whatever. We know and they know that consumption causes pollution, we are polluting the planet, and more consumers means even more pollution, then what? What is the solution? We all want more money so we can consume even more, more money means bigger deficits, bigger deficits cause inflation, inflation causes poverty, lower standards of living, and government borrows even more. But what do you want anyway? You and I want whatever we want and no one better ask us to change anything. What then? Jude 1:16 These are grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires; they are loud-mouthed boasters, showing favoritism to gain advantage. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 06 JULY 2022

Sunday, July 03, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 182 B "Remembering does make us who we are, also ignoring what we should remember does it too. " So what is remembering? Long ago, back in our school days, we were told to remember things, it was called learning, as we learned more, we were able to "connect" those lessons, new things learned added to our knowledge, (so we were told), it is the way things have been since we started "learning". We learn what a wrench is, what a socket is, before we can become a mechanic. We learn how things work together. What if we refuse to learn though, we can say, okay, I know what a screwdriver is and that is enough. But then are you a mechanic, can you say how an engine is put together let alone how it works? Still, in our day to day life we see people that are stuck in this mindset. In all walks of life, in all manners, we all have high hopes for ourselves, we know everything. Just because you can have sex doesn’t mean that you can afford a family, that you know how to be a parent, no more than you know how the national or the world economy works just because you own a lawn care or a construction company, really. Having an opinion is easy. Having the knowledge is different. Totally. One of the faults of the modern media saturated culture is that we seem to believe that we know much more than we actually do. Once again, I go back to Plato's Allegory of the Cave, we only know what we have learned, no more no less, or as I like to say, "we are limited in our knowledge by what we know". Morality can only be taught by example! I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 03 JULY 2022

Friday, July 01, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 182 A I didn't write last night, I wanted more people to read my last essay, "How Americans are Played", but I guess due to algorithms most of the people never saw it. I didn't get distruted as some other posts did. It was a serious topic, about how the Christian ethics got undermined, how we lost our focus on personal lives, and personal ethics and morals, how our characters were destroyed to achieve political goals. Maybe some of will still scroll down and read it, I will put the link in the comments. It is 4th of July weekend, the celebrations have already started, the military post next door already did the fireworks tonight so the soldiers and the civilians can start a 4 day weekend. It is more important, apparently, to get a vacation, go to the beach have picnics and whatever else. Do the American thing, go shop. For the past 43 years, I have never lived more than 10 miles away from the gates of Ft. Rucker, Alabama. In 1976, as luck would have it, on the "Bicentennial" I was stationed at Ft. Belvoir. Being stationed at Ft. Belvoir from June 1976 to September 1976 was a great opportunity to learn the history of the US, I visited DC every single weekend, visiting historical land marks, memorials, Smithsonian and so many other sites. The 4th of July 1976, It was a Sunday, busses were available for the troops that wished to come into DC for the celebrations. I visited the Arlington cemetery, the Tomb of Unknown, the JFK memorial. At night I saw the fireworks at the Washington Monument. I was lucky, right place at the right time. Patriotism felt different, the #Constitution meant different also. Life, history, reality, war, everything really, looks different depending upon your vantage point. 1976 everything felt different than it does today, and I am sure it looked different depending upon who you are, where you lived, what you were doing and what you did, depending also in your skin color and your background. Race riots, Vietnam, Kennedy, assassination, MLK and Malcom X assassinations, killing of Bobby Kennedy, Roe V Wade, Watergate, Nixon resignation, school desegregation, Tate Labianca murders, Texas University shootings, Mai Lai massacre, all from 1963 to 1976, what all do you remember, what do you care, do you? Remembering does make us who we are, also ignoring what we should remember does it too. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 01 JULY 2022